
The Soul of the Universe

A world without a true divine. A game unknowingly commences and effects slowly seep into this world ravaged by magic. Somehow, one player stands out more than the rest. Luck Elano. She has no magic element to speak of, yet was blessed with more magic reserves than entire cities. Yet, the other players all have the same chance. Who shall win this strange game and become a god to the world.

OdaSouji_7097 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

"Attention, quiet down and listen to our light affinity expert." Admiral turns to me, beckoning to the stage.

Looking over all of the guild members , this really is a gathering of some of the greats of our time. Though despite that, only two really standout. Tornado and Survivor let off such an aura that three seats are empty in all directions from the two. I guess everyone is just as star struck by S ranks as I once was.

Clearing my throat, "Hello everyone. I am Luck and I know a fair bit about light affinity monsters and the like. As you are to fight against a light dragon, I will tell you what to possibly watch for."

My hastily made presentation flashes on the screen behind me. The first slide reads attacks.

"Now light affinity monsters can have a variety of attacks. Fast attacks, enhancement, long range, short range, blinding, the list can go on and on. But what you want to watch for is how many different moves it may have." 

The slide switches to a table. "A high danger enemy such as a dragon should have anywhere from 7 to 12 total attacks. Why am I talking about this you may ask? Well, light affinity monsters go through their attacks in order. So upon learning the attacks the first time, you can reliably know what the next major attack will be."

The slide switches again to some pictures of light based attacks. "Now how to avoid attacks. There is one way to know. Attacks will have at least some amount of startup and if you see the light head on, it is coming for you. You have to be fast of have a good defense to survive such attacks."

The slide show ends and I pull out a bow. Tearing the scroll I had made earlier and directing towards the bow I say, "To demonstrate such a tell for the attack, I have this bow enchanted with a fast light attack. Forgive me, but I will be aiming it out to you all in the audience. First, I will aim at our S ranks in attendance. Could you 2 describe what you are seeing?"

Survivor answers, "Well, it looks as though I have developed astigmatism. The light from that bow is forming that star light formation."

Taking off the arrow, I say, "Good description. From that tell, you should be able to know if you are in the path of an attack. Now," I re-knock an arrow and point it to another part of the audience. "Now what do you see Survivor?"

He looks at it for a second, seemingly debating on what to say. "It now looks like a line. A vertical line of light with no changes in width."

"Now that we know what to look for, I shall aim all around so everyone can see for themselves." Slowly, I aim all around the auditorium. Some guild members flinching slightly while others look attentively. All seem to see at least some sort of difference.

Before I get a chance to get to the next part of the presentation, Tornado speaks up. "Isn't this demonstration useless since the monsters brand of light magic is incompatible with our magic? At the very least, shouldn't the tell be different compared to your scroll?"

"A valid question. Though unwarranted as this scroll is simulating an attack from a lesser light dragon. But do be on the look out for potential different tells as an overlord could be different. It should be in the same pattern where parts of the excess light disappear as it did for this enchantment. Now," I pull out a dagger and another scroll. "I will demonstrate a lesser version of the speed the monster should have."

All I hope with this is not to accidentally go through the wall. A small hole opens in the ground with a target rising out. Tearing this scroll, it's power settles onto the dagger in a dust like style, ready to be used. Let's see if I can throw a dagger properly. Before I even fully feel the knife leave my hand, it appears fully in the target, off center by a fair margin. I wonder if a day will come that I can actually see the knife for just a moment in flight. I know that would go truly beyond what is possible, but I'd like to think nothing is truly impossible.

"Now this is why you want to know what the tell looks like. These attacks are too fast to see normally, though that also means that there is no directing after the attack is sent. Attacks that can direct the light will have less than a quarter of these instant attacks power."

I take out my final scroll. "This is the last attack I would be worried about. Now this is an illusory attack, but the randomness should be similar to the dragons attack if it has it." 

This one being just a spell, a simple tear sets it off. A ball of light shooting small lasers all around careens around the room. It seems to pass over the entire audience before fizzling out. A few A ranks look around nervously.

"This attack may be a full wipe for the attack team if you aren't expecting it. Though each laser should have low power, the injuries will stack up quickly. That should be everything. If anyone has questions, find me out in the main floor in a hour."

With that, I walk back to my small corner room. As I leave, the entire room bursts into conversation, seemingly making plans and strategies to dodge and fight back against a light dragon.