
The Soul King of Infinity

When Ragnar, a man with a life filled with misfortune, solves a mysterious puzzle rumored to be magical, he is suddenly thrust into a world unlike any he's ever known. Stripped of his old life and with no memory of how he got here, he must navigate a perilous world filled with lurking dangers. The only guide he has is a system granted to him by a divine being known as "The Banished One." A/N: Hello, everyone! This is my first novel, and I'm excited to share it with you. I hope you enjoy the story and support my work. I'm doing this for fun, so the release schedule might be a bit irregular. Also, the beginning might seem a little slow, but I promise it will pick up in later chapters. I appreciate your understanding and thank you.

MrRyzen · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

No Escape

Ragnar stared at the floating text in front of him, struggling to make sense of the system prompt. This had to be a bad dream, or a hallucination caused by hitting his head. But the more he blinked, the clearer the text became. His heart raced, and the chill from the forest seeped deeper into his bones.


"Is that... a fucking system?" he asked, incredulous. He was having a hard time keeping his thoughts together. This kind of thing only happened in games or novels—not real life. And yet, here he was, stuck in a forest with a system interface.


"This can't be happening. No way," he muttered. He shook his head, trying to will the system prompt away, but it persisted. "I'm not on Earth anymore. I've been transmigrated to a new world? What the hell!"


He remembered the ancient puzzle he'd solved before waking up in this place. The puzzle had seemed harmless enough—just a challenge to pass the time. But after he assembled it, everything went white. Now he was in a forest with no clothes and an alligator chasing him.


"Why me?" he lamented. His voice was small, barely louder than the rustling leaves. "Damn it, I shouldn't have messed with that mysterious puzzle. I should've known better."


Ragnar wasn't one to give up easily, but this situation was on a whole new level. He needed answers, and he needed them fast. The forest could be crawling with dangers, and he had no way of knowing how to get back home. The worst part was the uncertainty—he had no idea who to trust or where to go.


"System, are you there?" he asked, hoping for some kind of guidance.


[Yes, Host. The system is at your disposal for any assistance you might need.] The voice was calm and robotic, but at least it was an answer.


'Holy shit, it actually replied! Ragnar inwardly thought.


"Can you send me back to my world? I don't want to be here," he pleaded. He didn't care if it sounded desperate. He just wanted to go home.


[The system can only assist the Host in his journey for power and reaching the top. The authority for world transfer is accessible only to a divine being or constellation. If the Host wishes to transfer worlds, he must become a divine being.]


Ragnar sighed heavily. "Figures," he muttered. Of course, it wouldn't be that simple. He'd just have to deal with whatever this world threw at him.


"Why did I get chosen, of all people? Is the puzzle related to my situation?" he asked. He needed some kind of explanation, some clue as to what was happening.


[The relic of #%&$* is designed to choose its maker's successor. It was intended to attract specific individuals who met the requirements of the maker. The final step was to assemble the puzzle correctly, which the current Host achieved. Note that, there was thousands of wrong combination for that same relic but host chose the right one.]


Ragnar scratched his head. "When I found that puzzle, I had this weird feeling I had to buy it. And even while assembling it, it felt like I was following instinct rather than logic," he said, recalling the strange compulsion that had driven him.


"What does this maker want from me?" he asked, hoping for more information.


[The system cannot answer queries regarding the maker's intentions. The only information available is for host to become stronger and breakthrough the Earth realm.]


"So, I'm stuck here, following this maker's plan, just to get some answers? No wonder he's called the Banished One," Ragnar grumbled. He wasn't happy about any of this, but he knew he had to play along for now. At least until he figured out a way to survive in this world.


Keeping the fractured bone from his earlier encounter, Ragnar moved through the forest, searching for any signs of civilization. The carnivorous plant he'd encountered seemed to be common, and he took care to avoid them. He'd been lucky to survive once, but he wasn't about to push his luck again.


One thing was still bothering him. After killing that first plant, he'd felt a surge of energy, like he'd absorbed some kind of life force. He wasn't one to imagine things, but the sensation was undeniable. He decided to ask the system.


"System, after I killed that plant, I felt revitalized. Was it just my imagination or did something happen to my body?" he asked.


[Host is correct. The change was due to the absorption of the soul from the kill. The system has a unique feature of collecting souls to strengthen the Host. The more kills the Host makes, the stronger he becomes.]


"So, I can get stronger with each kill? Does this apply only to monsters, or can I harvest souls from people too?" he asked, not liking where this was heading.


[Any living being on this plane possesses a soul. If the Host kills it, the soul can be harvested for power.]


Ragnar frowned. Harvesting souls sounded brutal, but this was a new world with new rules. It seemed like anything could be a threat, and he'd need all the strength he could muster. He'd have to be careful about who he trusted—and whether killing would become a necessity.


Despite his anxiety about this world, Ragnar began to wonder if returning to Earth was really what he wanted. His life had been filled with hardship and loneliness, and this new world offered a chance at something different. Moreover, this world offered him the chance to start anew and with the system assisting him to greater strength, there is few that will be within his reach. It was risky, but it was also a chance to be someone important, to make a difference.


He clenched his fists, feeling a surge of determination. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he was ready to face them. He wasn't planning to let this world get the best of him.


"Bring it on," he said, his eyes narrowing. "I'll turn this world upside down if that's what it takes before being taken down by anyone."


Ragnar braced himself and set off through the forest, ready to take on whatever came his way. The system's presence was unnerving, but it also promised power—and that was exactly what he needed if he was going to survive and find his place in this new world.

Add it to your library. The story will picks up soon.

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