
The Soul Eater Lich

His soul was touched by the dark... He were told that he only has two choices... Choosing the reencarnation, he became a Lich in a undiscovery world. With some gifts from a strange being, he now has to deal to his Lich personality... "I'm starting to like it..." He tought. Disclaimer: I don't own some of the powers used and the novel picture, if you're the own of the picture, please say it to me and i'll remove.

Kitsoune · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs


'First of all... I need to find out where I am...' Theo thought with his hand on his chin as he looked at the three zombies staring at him at the entrance.

'How do I get away with them?' He thought in disgust, seeing parts of the putrid skin from the zombies. Walking forward, he began to walk towards the confused zombies, as he got closer, he looked at the three zombies, who were staring at him.

Getting closer and closer, the zombies positioned themselves to make their way as they looked at each other and looked back at Theo.

They were not intelligent beings, but they were confused because Theo's way of acting was completely different from theirs master... They looked at Theo from top to bottom, as if they were analyzing him, when Theo's eyes and the zombies' eyes met.

The confused zombies looked at the black flames of Theo's eyes, when they suddenly raised their heads and opened their mouths, roaring loudly with anger, with their voices snare and worn vocal cords. They advanced up to Theo with a high speed for zombies when they arrived at him in less than the time of a breath, due to the short distance between them.

The zombies used their putrid claws to cut the bones of Theo, who did not know how to react and stayed in his place, looking at them with surprise. Theo wasn't worried, because he was immortal... At least as far as he knew.

The zombies quickly approached as their claws acted quickly and crashed into Theo's bones... But something impressive happened at that moment, something that even Theo was surprised... His bones in the attacked parts took the form of lightning, when the attack of the zombies passed through him without resistance. On the contrary, the zombies were the ones who suffered the damage, when a smell of burnt rotten flesh permeated the air.

Theo could feel it somehow... He didn't quite understand it because he was a skeleton, but probably being a Lich had something to do with it. The zombies failing in their attack, went straight through Theo, when they turned their angry gaze to Theo as they prepared for another attack.

'What I did?...' Theo wondered, while looking at the hostile zombies... The zombies once again advanced with all the speed up Theo, who once again did not move, he enjoyed seeing his body turning into lightning and wanted to see again.

Said and done, the zombie attacks went straight through once again, when their arms went black from the burnt rotten flesh. The skin seemed to tear with the itenity of the rays, due to the skin already being in a state of decomposition.

Theo finally decided to act, and ignoring his disgust of touching a corpse, he held out his skeletic hand to a zombie's neck and lifted him into the air. The zombie resisted as he continued to strike Theo's wrist, but all its blows turned that part of his wrist into a current of rays.

After a few blows, the flesh in the zombie's hands had already given way, when only the bones remained, but the zombie did not seem to care, while continuing to strike continuously. Theo looked at it as he wore his other esqueletica hand free and put it on the zombie's chest. He closed his hand hard and pulled, tearing off what looked like a completely white fabric of the zombie.

[Mana: 190 / 350]

As soon as Theo pulled that completely white tissue out of the zombie, the zombie lost its strength when it stopped striking and his body became completely limp. Theo dropped him to the ground, causing the corpse already softy to crash into the ground. The smell of rotten was even more prominent, and mixed with the smell of burnt rotten flesh that permeated the air.

Theo looked at the fabric in his hand as he felt he had to... Eat?

'I can extract souls even without people being afraid to die?...' He thought, his target was a zombie, and it stands to be logical that zombies wouldn't be afraid of death, because they were already dead.

Theo didn't want to put that white tissue in his mouth, but something said it would be a good experience... Shrugging, he wrapped the fabric in a ball. It was something very malleable and was easily molded into a white ball.

'As my grandmother used to say... What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' He thought, as he threw the little white ball into his mouth and swallowed it, even though he didn't know how he was doing it, because he was a skeleton. It tasted good, it was sweet, but not a sweet nausea... It was a new flavor, and something he wanted again...

[Souls: 1/30

Mana: 250 / 350]

He felt refreshed as he looked at the other two zombies, who watched all this happen quickly and with curiousity again... They were dumb after all. After seeing one of his companions being 'killed', they once again advanced.

Theo reached out again to what was coming in front of him when he made the same process... The other zombie was attacking him quickly from behind, but he didn't turn on, while his bones turned into an electric current and the smell of burnt rotten flesh was growing.

He took another white tissue from the zombie's body that was in front of him, while casting it into a ball and sending it into his mouth too, as if he were eating popcorn...

[Souls: 2 / 30

Mana: 310 / 350]

Looking at the zombie that was punching him from behind, he did the same, catching the zombie that was already with his hands and legs with only the bones appearing due to all the flesh having given in from so many attacks against lightning, he did the same, when the three zombies were 'killed'.

[Souls: 3 / 30

Mana: 350 / 350]

Theo 'smiled'. "This place stinks..." He said cheerful, but was already adapting, somehow he felt comfortable being a skeleton, even more so than when he was human. He turned to the door, while looking one last time at the room, that there were no more resquicios than had happened, beyond the three rotten cadavers on the floor and the tunic of the scattered old.

He turned to the door and started walking... Only then did he look at himself... 'Shit... I need at least a thing to cover me.' He thought, not that he was cold or ashamed, he was a skeleton after all. But it was just because it was a skeleton that it was strange to walk around with nothing to cover the bones... He felt kind of... Strange, he felt that at any moment someone would emerge from one side wanting to kill him to earn exp.

He turned around and took the tunic, which was black with dark purple adornments and a symbol on its chest, which was a small red crow.

"Now Yes, I can walk around without worrying..." He thought, as he left the dark room. What he saw when he left was an extensive hallway, made of the same stones as the room. Walking down the hall, he noticed another entrance to another room, and entering it, a small library was there.

'How convenient...' He thought, as he entered the room and sat at the table at the center of the room, while looking at the map that was stretched across the table. He put his finger on a red dot on the map.

"Probably... I'm right here. Nala Mountain?" He read the name of the place while looking at the other places marked with names... The letters were strange, but he somehow understood, he can only thank Kala, thinking it was his work.

"Kingdom of Eonijure..." He spoke, while looking at an extension of the map with a large drawn castle, it was the place nearthe most close to where it was. 'Maybe I should go there? What am I thinking?! I'm a skeleton now! And a weak one, on top of that. I know they're going to kill me if they see me. I need another way.' He thought, as he looked at a place with drawn trees.

"Void Forest... What a generic name." He did. "But this forest is very close to where I am now... Maybe I should go there?... No. Judging by its name, I need to be at least stronger if I want to go there." Looking elsewhere on the map, he saw a few more kingdoms. There were small markings too.

"Xoin Sect... Xyan Sect... Xuyan Sect... Chinese sects? In a world of magic?" He was really surprised by this news, but for him it would be even worse. If these sects were as powerful as the novels he had ever read, he could die the second he looked snare at anyone. He'd better keep his distance until he had enough power...

He turned around and saw a bookcase with a few books. Taking one, he passed his hand on the dusty cover, when the dust gave way to the title... 'Introduction to necromancy.' The title of the book. There was only the title, no drawings and no engravings.

Theo wanted to raise an eyebrow for it, but he was a skeleton.

Looking at the cover, he felt he should take a look.

- Use this symbol that will take the surrounding mana, inside this one that will use yours as an inscription and this to form a core. The first invocation is basic and has no power but to do useful tasks, use these symbols to define what specie the undead will be, and more this symbols for...-

"Argghhhh I'm not understanding anything! What are these symbols?!" He asked, seeing numerous strange symbols and at the end of the page, a demonstration of how it would look, a perfect magic circle, with some of the symbols shown above.

"Is that bad? Is the magic here based on knowledge?" He thought out loud as he closed the book and put it aside, while he held out his esqueletic hand for another book. Again passing your hand on the cover to remove dust. 'Necromancy, basic to the advanced.'.

"What's with these titles? Were they made by someone without creativity?!" He asked, while putting the book aside. Picking up another, he once again repeated the process. 'Necromancy, be a master.'

Theo could have sworn that if he had a vein on his forehead, it would be leaped by now. Putting the book on top of the other two on the table, he took the next one and dusted off again. 'Simple magic theory that even babies can understand! If you don't understand, blame yourself for being an idiot!'

With even more anger at being mocked by the title, he opened hard as he began to flip through the book from the beginning.

- Magic is based on arrays, where each symbol has an important defined function... The symbols are fixed, but depending on the shape used, their function could change...

One example would be the magic of mana drainage, which is often used by wizards to disable other ones. They are a mix of a mana junction symbol, mana extraction and analysis.

Mana junction is the resposavel for making the way to the mana extracted from the target, extraction is responsible for sucking, and analize is responsible for scanning the body internally in order to detect the mana of the body. This is the raw method, so methods have already been created to prevent, but with different symbols, it is possible to create the same result, or even a higher result.-

Theo closed the book.

"It seems that the magic here is based on how many symbols you know and how many you can use simultaneously in building an array... Well, let's go back to the necromancy book..." Theo thought, as he reopened the necromancy book for beginners, reading thoroughly about the symbols that were there.

- The first symbol used is the mana extraction, it serves to pull the surrounding mana. After that, mana modeling, which will shape the extracted mana in the desired format, after that, the crystallization symbol together with the solidifcation symbol, to form the core, and the another, insert, to insert the entire mana into the format, in the desired location. The core must be made of something alive, but if core life is a life without intelligence, creation would only respond to basic requests. This is the method widely used in the creation of golems and is the first step in the introduction to necromancy. –

And so Theo continued reading the book, while absorbing each information with efficiency. Despite having the memories of the old necromancer, he couldn't use magic because he didn't know how each of the symbols worked, and that's why space magic didn't work out, he did something wrong and it broke.


A/N: Just a aleatory note, thank you for reading! I'll do some more chapters when i wake up.

Love y'all!

Thank you for reading!!!

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