
The Sorcerer King

A Harry tired of fighting two different wars decides to take a walk through the veil to get away from the magical society, and in doing so, ends up in a world far different than the one he was born in. 5,000 words chapters.

TheUnseenScribe · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

(Obligatory no ownership disclaimer)

AN: Hey Guys.

I wanted to do an ASOIAF/Harry Potter fic for a long time, and now I finally had the inspiration to start one.

This first chapter is mostly explaining the Harry Potter AU that caused Harry to end up in Westeros.

Hope you guys enjoy this one.

Chapter 1

Harry grunted, his knees hurting from the painful landing.

At least he actually landed somewhere, instead of just dying. It seems Hermione's theories were right.

His little trip through the veil wasn't exactly planed, even if he walked into it on his own. It was the only choice that he had, the magical society wouldn't allow him to do anything else. But at least, he could hold his head high, and maybe even find Sirius in this new land.

He still couldn't believe how spineless some of the people he used to call friends were. Kingsley even had the audacity to tell him that the countless deaths in the second war were his fault. As if he wasn't there when the death eaters were once again allowed to walk free, he even voted to free some of them, like that cunt Draco.

So what if Harry and his wives refused to fight in the second war. All three of them warned when the Wizengamot were pardoning death eaters by the dozen that they were only inviting another war in the future. And just like he, Hermione and Daphne said, another war started less than a decade after he defeated Voldemort.

The war against Voldemort was already brutal enough, and they only won it because of luck and Hermione's brilliance. After all, she was the one to discover the horcruxes, she was the one to find out that Harry had a horcrux on his scar, and she was the one that found all but two of the horcruxes. All because Dumbledore, the old fool, made them all the 'favor' of dying in the ministry atrium in the first battle of the ministry, taking a lot of important information with him, because the old fool was incapable of sharing secrets with anyone.

At least Harry managed to kill Bellatrix and blast Voldemort's arm into pieces in that fight, which was still considered one of the greatest duels ever fought.

Harry and Dumbledore against Voldemort and Bellatrix, some say it was even greater than the duel fought between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Harry remember how difficult that fight was, he was always a talented duelist, a greater natural talent than either Voldemort or Bellatrix, but at that time he was only a fifth year, his lack of experience made that fight even more difficult than it needed to be. But it also gave him his finest moment, defeating Bellatrix, which for Harry was a better duelist than Voldemort. Sure, the noseless bastard had a lot more power and knew a lot more magic than anyone but Dumbledore, but Bellatrix was almost superhumanly fast, both on her feet and with her wand.

At the end of that fight, Dumbledore was dead, impaled by a sharp piece of metal from the exploded statue he used to block a killing curse earlier in the fight. Voldemort's wandless summoning charm taking him by surprise. And Harry managed to both kill Bellatrix, taking her head off with an overpowered cutting curse, and blast Voldemort's arm off with a reducto.

After that battle, the war only went from bad to worse.

The ministry had no choice but acknowledge that Voldemort was back, but at that time it was already too late, he had already gathered his death eaters and had a lot of time to recruit new ones. The ones that were arrested that day, were free less than a week later, Voldemort staging another Azkaban breakout. Add that to his new recruits, and he had a lot more manpower than the aurors.

If that wasn't enough, the death of Dumbledore was a major blow to the moral of the general population. A few focused on the fact that Bellatrix was dead, and Harry managed to cripple the noseless bastard, but most only cared about the fact that Dumbledore died.

Harry can still remember Moony telling them how Voldemort would be afraid of showing himself after that battle. That losing Bellatrix and his arm to Harry, added to all the other times that he had lost to Harry, could make him afraid to act. He was quickly proven wrong when Voldemort staged, and participated, in a raid on diagon alley less than a week later. With a new, silver arm and an even more vicious attitude, he killed 50 people and set fire to 12 buildings all on his own that day.

So that summer was spent learning to fight under the instructions of Moody. Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna and Nev, with Hermione joining in once she recovered from her injures from the battle of the ministry all learned a lot from the old, retired auror. And when the new school year started, they were a well oiled machine, with teamwork that rivaled auror squads that had been fighting together for decades.

That new school year brought a lot of changes. McGonagall, as the new headmistress, tried to crack down on the bullying that had been happening in the school for a long time. But, with the war in full swing, her measures were useless since the students were now fighting with wands, instead of just words. The duels between slytherin and gryffindor almost ended in death a few times. Even the hufflepuffs were throwing lethal spells around, trying to avenge Cedric now that they knew Harry was telling the true.

A few days after McGonagall fired Snape, something that made three of the Hogwarts houses declare a school wide holiday, Harry ended up in a fight against 6 seventh year slytherins, the older students finally managing to ambush him alone. He put up a good fight, putting down 4 of them, but the numbers ended up overwhelming him and he ended up in the hospital wing that night.

While there, he was visited by Daphne Greengrass. Her father had joined the death eaters and she was scared that she would need to 'entertain' the death eaters. So she wanted protection for herself, her sister and mother, and in return, offered to tell him all she knew about the death eaters.

Harry agreed to the deal after talking with Hermione about it, and his friend convincing him that it was a good way to see if Snape was telling the true about what he heard. And Hermione once again proved her brilliance when Daphne told them a lot of things she heard from her father that contradicted the things Snape had said to the order.

After learning from Daphne that Voldemort had told his death eaters that he had 'achieved immortality trough the pinnacle of the dark arts', they decided to try and research ways something like that could be done. The three of them worked together in the RoR, and the stress of the constant fights in the hallways and their research into things that almost made them feel sick due to how dark they were, ended up bringing the three of them closer together. And one day, Daphne just grabbed Hermione by the neck and gave her a kiss, doing the same to Harry just a few seconds later. What started as a way to relieve stress, ended up becoming a proper relationship, with the three of them becoming even closer in the following weeks.

That was when the first battle of Hogwarts started.

The death eaters attacked during the night, Draco Malfoy opening a way for them through the RoR. With the death eaters already inside the castle, many of its defenses couldn't be used, the wards useless and the suits of armor wouldn't know who to attack since they were connected to the wards, so the fighting was left for the students and professors, with many of the slytherins and a few others from the other houses joining the enemy's side.

The fighting in the halls of Hogwarts that night was probably the most brutal in the entire war. With family going against family, as they were forced to pick a side. The defenders were reinforced a few minutes after the fight started because Harry was able to send a message to Moony through the mirror Sirius gave him, but by that time the fight was already spread out all over the castle. Daphne gave away her bottle of luck potion she earned from professor Slughorn class, but it was only enough for twelve people, so they ended up prioritizing.

In the end, the battle left the school devastated. The astronomy and gryffindor towers were burned, the great hall was completely trashed, and a good portion of the greenhouses were also burned. The loss of life was even greater, with twenty three students, professor Sinistra and two of the reinforcements dying, many of which were known to Harry. Hestia Jones, from the order, as well as Oliver Wood, who joined the fight because the twins told him about it. From the students, Harry's dorm mate Dean Thomas, Ron's girlfriend Lavender, Megan Jones, Hestia's sister. They all died that night, and those were just the ones that Harry knew before.

Even with all that death and destruction, the battle was still considered a win. The death eaters were driven away, and they lost more experienced fighters than the defenders. The star of that night was professor Flitwick, who was granted a dose of Daphne's luck potion and managed to kill Dolohov, Rockwood, Lucius Malfoy and the two Lestrange brothers. Harry killed Crabbe senior and junior that night, and Hermione ended up killing Macnair.

But the worst thing that night was for Daphne, when she killed a death eater with a blood boiling curse. Only to see it was her father, when she took of his mask.

Killing her own father broke something in Daphne. Even after he joined the death eaters she still loved him and didn't want him dead, being the one that killed him made her almost catatonic, even her mother and sister saying they didn't blame her couldn't shake her out of that state. She would only start healing and becoming herself again during the summer, when Hermione finally learned how Voldemort cheated death. Horcruxes.

Daphne jumped into the work of finding the horcruxes with an almost unhealthy focus. Her first discovery was the locket horcrux in Grimmauld place. She then discovered the other horcrux in Harry's gringotts vault. It was only there because he inherited the Lestrange vault due to being Lord Black, and the marriage contract that said that the Lestrange fortune would pass to the black family if Bellatrix had no children.

Hermione then made the connection, the possibility of Harry's scar holding a piece of Voldemort's soul. It could be the reason he had that connection with the snaky bastard, and in the end, she was proven right once again.

It took the rest of the summer for Daphne and Hermione to develop a ritual that could kill the piece of soul, while still leaving Harry alive. During that time, the second battle of the ministry happened, and that one was a win for Voldemort.

Harry was celebrating his birthday with his two girlfriends and his friends when the news arrived that Voldemort had attacked the ministry. They were celebrating at Grimmauld place, which was under a new fidelius since Snape was expelled from the order once they learned that he was providing incomplete and sometimes even false information. They left the party that day with almost fifty people to reinforce the ministry, and even that wasn't enough.

At the end of that battle, Voldemort had managed to kill the new minister, Amelia Bones, almost half of the aurors, and a quarter of the department heads. Harry ended up having to lead a fighting retreat for the few that managed to survive that bloodbath. Thankfully, most of the order and the DE managed to leave the battle without major injures, with only Diggle, Mundungus and Harry's ex girlfriend Cho Chang, dying on the fight. And Bill Weasley joined Moody in the peg leg crew, but he only complained about how it made dancing at his wedding difficult.

The school year was almost peaceful. All of the death eater kids had died, been arrested, or expelled, after the first battle of Hogwarts. So the school was free of any fighting, a major difference, when compared to the many small battles happening outside of the castle. The only sign that they were living in a war was the amount of refugees the castle was receiving almost daily.

They ended up performing the ritual to exorcise the piece of Voldemort's soul during the Halloween. They needed a magically strong day, and that was the best one they could get. The ritual was successful, but with one unintended consequence. Harry ended up absorbing all the memories that piece of Voldemort soul had.

It was his turn to become almost catatonic. Having Voldemort's memories inside his head almost shattered Harry's mind. The terrifying lengths that Voldemort went for the sake of power, the abominable way that horcruxes were created, and the worse of all, having the memory of the death of his parents, almost as if he was the one killing them.

It took two months for Daphne and Hermione to be able to bring him back into a functioning human being again, helped by a brief time Harry was allowed to leave the castle to see his new godson, Teddy Lupin.

After that, Harry told the girls all that he now knew about Voldemort's horcruxes, and they were able to destroy them all. And then, the second battle of Hogwarts happened.

Harry was pretty sure he lost count of how many death eaters he killed in that battle. His natural talent in dueling, combined with the knowledge and experience he gained from Voldemort's memories, made him a demon of the field. He was a little surprised to see a piece of soul leave Nagini when Neville killed her during the battle, and it made him a little scared, thinking that Voldemort might have made other horcruxes. But he still decided to fight the noseless one that day.

In the end, it was almost too easy. Voldemort always used his raw power to win duels, and when faced with someone that could match him in that department, he didn't have any other strategies. Not that they would help much, since Harry knew every single move he would make due to observing the memories of the horcrux and knowing every single one of Voldemort's strategies.

So, when faced with someone with the same level of power, knowledge and experience as him, but with a natural talent for dueling almost never seen before. Voldemort ended up dying in less than two minutes. This time a true and final death, since his spirit didn't leave his body the same way it did when he was possessing Quirrell.

Even with Harry carving his way through the death eaters, many still died in that battle. The Creevey brothers, Fred, Remus and Dora, Ted Tonks, Headmistress McGonagall, the deaths were too many to count.

But after that came the rebuilding.

A new government was elected, and Harry was awarded an Order of Merlin first class, Daphne and Hermione were awarded second class, and many of the others were awarded second and third class. Harry was legally allowed by the Wizengamot to marry both Hermione, as Lady Potter, and Daphne, as Lady Black, and for a time things seemed to be going to improve.

The first sign that things were going back to the corrupt normal for the ministry was the fact that Draco Malfoy escaped a stay in Azkaban on the old imperius excuse, even after killing three senior aurors including Rufus Scrimgeour, and then others started being pardoned. Harry when public, giving his second ever interview to call for veritaserum or unbreakable vows for all death eaters, but the Wizengamot didn't listen to him.

So Harry and his two wives disappeared from public view in protest, locking themselves in their home and only leaving for the muggle world, or to visit their friends.

During that time they devoted themselves for research, developing many new and amazing things. Harry managed to fully incorporate all of Voldemort's knowledge and make it his own. And using it, he was able to develop a new shield spell that stopped the unforgivable curses. Daphne managed to develop a couple of healing potions, one to heal her family blood malediction, and another to deal with long term cruciatus exposure, which was used to finally heal the Longbottoms.

But Hermione was the one that made truly unbelievable discoveries. She dove head first into alchemy, advanced transfiguration and dimensional magic, and in doing so she was able to create an improved philosopher stone. One that could turn any metal into gold, not only lead, and the elixir of life from Hermione's stone was not only capable of keeping someone alive, but also keep their body from aging. Something Flamel's wasn't able to do.

Something that took Flamel decades of dedicated work, the work of a lifetime and his magnum opus, and Hermione was able to make an improved one in only a few years.

If that wasn't enough, she was able to make truly alive conjurations. Wolves that actually behaved like live wolves, using pack hunting strategies and knowing when and how to attack. Rhinos that knew how to use their horns, and protect their weak points. No conjuration was ever able to do that, and Hermione was able to crack that while still working on her alchemy.

She was still working on dimensional magic when the second war started, but she still had some pretty interesting discoveries at that time. An improved version of the bag used to transport potions during the war, with more storage capacity. New multi-compartment trunks, and she also made a proper manor trunk, almost the same size of the trunk that was reportedly owned by Scamander. Something they were actually able to verify because Luna knew the old magizoologist.

Harry himself also had a few inventions to his name. He grew really interested in healing magic in the years after the war, so he devoted himself to it. He developed two new healing spells, one to deal with cuts made with dark magic, and another capable of regenerating limbs, something that only potions were able to do before and it would still take years for it to work. But his true masterpiece was a combat spell. A spell that showed itself as a shield similar to a protego, but was in fact a transfiguration spell capable of making dust particles in the air denser. Because the shield had a physical element, it was the first shield capable of stopping the unforgivable curses.

But their peaceful life didn't last long.

Shortly after Harry's 25th birthday, Kingsley showed up at their doorstep. He said that Theodore Nott had publicly declared himself a dark lord, and had already attacked a few places. He asked them to join the fight, but Harry, Hermione and Daphne refused, they wanted nothing to do with another war, especially one that could have been avoided if the Wizengamot actually arrested the death eaters from the previous war.

And for a time, things seemed to be going their way. Sure, some people were annoyed that they didn't want to fight, there were articles in the prophet that called them traitors, or cowards, but they didn't care, they were happy with their peaceful life. Until the best and worst day of Harry's life happened.

It was a morning like any other, until both Daphne and Hermione called him into the living room and then told him that they were both pregnant. After that, it became the happiest day of his life. Harry had always wanted a family, and finally he would have one. And then a few hours later the attack happened.

He first felt the wards fall, and then he looked outside and saw the dozens of wizards and witches dressed in black, with green masks similar to the death eaters. Harry and his wives tried to see if the floo was working, but they already knew it wouldn't work, they knew how those attacks happened. So they prepared to fight and defend their home.

It was three against one hundred, and they were actually winning. The house was a good, defensible position, and they were three of best duelist of their generation, with only Luna and Neville being able to match Daphne and Hermione, and none of them could match Harry himself. It was a bloodbath, forty of the enemies had already died, and then a piece of the wall broke, hitting Daphne on the head and immediately crushing her, there was nothing Harry or Hermione could do.

Seeing Daphne die, Hermione froze in shock, right in front of a window. She was hit with a killing curse shortly after. And then something broke inside Harry. He started using the two spells he promised himself to never use, wandlessly controlling fiendfyre while throwing killing curses at every single one of the bastards that attacked his home. He killed every single one of them, including the self proclaimed dark lord, Theodore Nott.

After that, Harry went in a rampage, invading the homes of everyone he thought was involved with it and using veritaserum or legilimency to verify if they were involved or not. If they weren't, he let them go, but if they were, he killed them in the most painful way he could think of. Hundreds died during Harry's quest for revenge, from 'upstanding members of society' to store owners to ministry workers, from the highest to the lowest.

When the dust settled, Harry was a broken man. He lost his will to live after losing both of his pregnant wives, he even tried to kill himself once, but Andromeda Tonks stopped him. It took months for Harry to recover, and he only did so when both the portraits of his wives, and their spirits, when he used the resurrection stone, told him that they wouldn't accept him killing himself. That Harry had to live a full life for them, to honor their memory.

As Hermione spirit said: 'I only want to see you in the afterlife a thousand years from now, with a few kids for me to mother.'

And so, Harry as always listened to his wives. He tried to recover, to continue their research, find a new woman to love, even if no one would ever replace Hermione or Daphne. But he could see the writing on the wall, the way the magical society was calling him deranged, a danger to civilized society, just because he killed the rapists and murderers that the Wizengamot always set free. So he prepared himself for the inevitable.

He gathered all the expanded trunks he could, filling them with all of his possessions, as well as a few animals and friends in the trunks that could hold living beings. Dobby, Winky and their eight other elves, Hedwig, Buckbeak and Fawkes all decided that they would join him, even with the risk of dying.

He filled trunks with seeds and saplings from magical plants and trees. Others were filled with animals, from unicorns to flobberworms.

And other trunks were filled with treasures. All of the jewelry he could find in both Grimmauld and his new manor. Gryffindor's sword, which he actually knew how to use now, since he took some lessons with Neville, who had been training in swordplay since he was a child. Every single thing he had that held some value was put in trunks.

He then went to gringotts and penned his will, leaving his entire fortune to his godson. And then, as a final fuck you to the pureblood bigots, he used the fact that the ministry had declared state of war in both wars to use a little known law, the law of right of conquest. As the one to kill both Voldemort and Nott, Harry was entitled to 50% of the vaults of every single person who fought on the enemy side as spoils of war. He used that law to clear a substantial amount of dozens of vaults, acquiring tens of millions of galleons sickles and knuts, jewelry, antique swords and armors and artwork.

When the ministry came to put him on trial, he was ready to implement his slightly insane plan. Hermione was researching dimensional magic when she died, more specifically, dimensional travel. And she theorized that the veil might be a portal to other dimension.

So when the Wizengamot tried to sentence him to the Dementor's kiss, Harry, in a show of his magical power, put the entire chamber in a body bind. He proceeded to drag them through the halls of the ministry towards the death chamber, and then said his last words in that dimension: 'Your corruption won't kill me! I lived my life as I wanted, and I will die as I want. Good luck with the next Dark Lord.' He then walked through the veil by his own will, with his head held high and his back straight.

And that brings him to the forest he is in right now.

Harry grunted again and then finally got up. Looking around, he saw he was probably in a island in a lake, he could see a forest behind him, with weird looking white trees with blood red leaves. In front of him was the shore, he could see the land on the other side, as well as the silhouette of what only could be a massive castle. Thinking that a castle was a good place to probably find people, he cast the usual stealth spells on himself, disillusionment, scent masking and silencing, and then aparated to the other side of the lake.

Walking towards the castle, Harry was able to quickly find what looked like to be a fisherman plying his trade on the waters of the lake. He walked towards the fisherman, but his mind was focused on the castle, and the melted stones that made up most of it. It seemed like the castle was consumed by fiendfyre, so either there are magicals in this world, or Sirius went a little crazy when he arrived.

Getting closer to the fisherman, Harry made a little bit of noise behind him, making the fisherman look away from the descaling he was doing and towards the noise. Catching his eyes, Harry sent a quick legilimency probe, and what he found shocked him.

A world with a medieval society, with a dynasty of actual dragon riders as kings. It seemed even more magical and unbelievable than the magical society, but the memories of the fisherman, Willas, didn't lie. The big castle, Harrenhal, was burned down by dragon fire when the Targaryens conquered the kingdom, and the current king rides a big bronze dragon called Vermithor.

Harry wanted to learn more than the quick legilimency could show him, but he didn't want to do the invasive process it would take, at least, not to the innocent fisherman. Luckily, the fisherman had knowledge about a group of bandits in a nearby forested area.

With a few line of sight apparitions, Harry was able to quickly reach the border of the forest. He looked around for signs of people or horses but didn't find any. Not that he had any real experience with tracking apart from that one expedition he went with Luna, in which, she kept throwing chocolate around, saying it was bait for the snorkacks.

"Point me, Bandit's camp!"

Harry needed to be close to the forest to use the spell, since it would show the closest thing available with such a broad designation. He was rewarded when his wand started pointing to the north-west of the forest.

Harry walked through the forest for almost two hours before he reached the bandit camp. They were drinking and apparently celebrating something that Harry had no desire to know. He was able to quickly find the leader of the bandits because he was the only one wearing good, steel armor, instead of the random pieces of leather the others were using.

Harry walked into the small clearing, still invisible. His invisibility fell when he threw cutting curses towards four of the five bandits, quickly killing them and leaving only the leader alive. The leader tried to pick up his sword to defend himself, but Harry hit him with a body bind. Approaching the bandit, Harry looked into his eyes and did a legilimency probe, this one a lot stronger than the one he used on the fisherman.

It was a relatively unknown legilimency technique, as well as highly illegal. A form of aggressive legilimency that literally ripped the knowledge out of someone's mind, the more time it was used, the bigger the risk of leaving the subject in a catatonic state. Harry was able to acquire the language spoken in this land from the mind of the bandit, something he only briefly touched on the fisherman's, he also learned a lot of little small things, like the fact that a nearby lord was the one funding the bandits, the place they were hiding some of their gains, as well as a lot a knowledge about the Riverlands and the Crownlands.

He got out of the mind of the bandit, killing the man since his mind was already gone, aparated out of the forest and then took one of the trunks out of his back pack. He opened the trunk and Dobby, Hedwig and Fawkes got out of it.

"Master Harry Potter sir is safe!" Dobby said, hugging his legs.

"Yes, Dobby, we are safe." Harry responded, chuckling a little.

"I Just wanted to let you know we arrived safely, so you can tell the other elves things are fine." Harry said, and received a nod from his elf friend, his big ears flopping a little as his head went up and down quickly.

"Fawkes, You think you can help me with some transportation?" Harry asked the phoenix that was previously the familiar of Dumbledore. And received a happy song in return, as well as feelings of accomplishments in his mind, almost as if Fawkes was saying that he could easily do it.

"Thanks, Fawkes." He said, and again received a few more happy notes.

Harry moved his hand towards the top of his head, where Hedwig was perched and tugging on his hair, making it even messier than it always is.

"Hey girl, I don't have anything for you now. But I'm happy that you're here with me." Harry said, while stroking the feathers on Hedwig's chest. Earning a 'Hoot, Hoot' in return.

He opened the trunk again and Dobby and Hedwig went back inside. Taking out his broom, Harry disillusioned it and himself again, and then he flew, trying to get a better view of his surroundings. He saw the many rivers of the land that he was currently in, aptly named Riverlands, but what really caught his attention was the mountains to the east, the mountains of the moon.

Harry landed on the ground again, and Fawkes gave him an expectant look, tilting his head a little.

"Point me, Sirius Black!"

Harry almost gave up hope when he saw the wand pointing north, that what happened when whatever you specified for the spell didn't exist. But then he realized that the wand wasn't exactly straight, it was pointing slightly to the north east. Jumping with joy and giving a loud cheer, Harry turned towards Fawkes and saw the phoenix giving him a funny look, almost as if scolding him for his childish behavior.

"Fawkes, I want you to take me to the top of those mountains!" Harry said, trying and failing to contain his excitement.

The phoenix touched him and then they flame traveled to the top of the highest peak of the mountain range. Harry quickly cast a bubblehead charm on himself to deal with the thin air, he then looked around at the sights. He could see for thousands of kilometers around the mountain, from the many scattered villages in the Vale, to the other mountain range to the west, to the mouth of the blackwater and the city of King's Landing in the south, to the islands and a relatively large city to the north.

"Point me, Sirius Black!" Harry cast the spell again, and his wand pointed straight towards the city in the north.

"Fawkes, bring me to that city!" Harry said, projecting the images of the city in his mind. The phoenix touched him again and then arrived in the city a second latter.

Harry walked around the city of White Harbor, a name he picked up from a brief touch of legilimency on one of its inhabitants. He paid close attention to the people around him, seeing that many of them looked similar to Sirius, with their dark hair and grey eyes. He did the point me spell again to see if he was in the right place and saw that the spell was pointing towards the east, which meant he was in the right place since there wasn't much east of the city.

He passed a relatively large market near the docks, selling all kinds of products that Harry could recognize, animals, and grains for the poor, silk, jewelry, spices, and other products that would be luxury in a medieval society. He passed a few pubs, which had drunk men sleeping on the outside, but his wand still pointed east. And then he entered another part of the city.

Of course Sirius would be here. He thought when he realized that he had entered the 'pleasure district' of the city. Barely dressed women stood near doors, trying to entice men to join them, but Harry paid no attention to it and continued to follow his wand… The wooden one.

His wand pointed straight at the door of a lovely establishment called 'The Lusty Maiden', a young woman who couldn't be more than nineteen years old was at the door, barely dressed and calling for every men that walked near her. Harry moved towards a nearby alley and dispelled his stealth charms, and then walked towards the whorehouse again. Nodding his head to the woman at the door, Harry walked inside and immediately started to look for his godfather.

He found Sirius in an out of the way booth. He looked almost younger than when Harry last saw him, instead of older. He had a healthy look like he was eating well, and not worrying if he was going to be arrested, a slight tan saying he got some sun. His black hair was smooth and stylish, his beard was well kept and his eyes shined as he looked at the women striping in front of him, his arms around two other women.

Harry almost started crying when he saw him, old memories finding their way into his mind again after a long time. He really missed Sirius for a long time, and his 'death' had hit him hard. He shook his head from the thoughts and walked forward towards his godfather.

"Hello Padfoot, It's been a long time." Harry said when he reached the booth, and enjoyed the shocked look that crossed Sirius' face when he looked at him.

AN 2: Well… Hope you guys enjoyed the new fic.

Next chapter we learn a little more about what is going on in Westeros, and how Sirius has been living his life since he got there.

Chapters 2 and 3 are already out on the pat re on. If you guys think my work is good enough to support and want to read ahead you can find me at pat re on .com /TheUnseenScribe

I will see you guys in the next one.