
The Sorcerer's Totem: A Tale of Power and Magic

Andrew Robinson is a budding sorcerer from a world where totems reign supreme. But here's the thing. Andrew's totem is considered worthless by his family. Talk about a tough break! But Andrew is not one to give up easily, especially after experiencing a rebirth. He's determined to prove everyone wrong and unlock his totem's hidden potential. With vast experiences from his previous life, Andrew finds a way to enhance his abilities and become more powerful than anyone could have ever imagined. His hard work and persistence pay off as he transforms into a true magic anomaly with the power to alter the fortunes and features of everything connected to him. Armed with his trusty Book Totem, Andrew never encounters any obstacles in his quest for power. He can always rely on his reserves of origin and fate energy to edit the levels of his attributes, skills, and contracted companions. He only needs to accumulate the required energy before raising his sorcery powers with the power of his Book Totem. Join Andrew on this epic adventure through a world filled with sorcery, danger, and unexpected twists. Will he overcome all the challenges and become the most powerful sorcerer of all time? Follow his thrilling journey and find out!

Omnivorous_Patha · Kỳ huyễn
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91 Chs

Back to the Past

Andrew Robinson's eyes bolted open, his brain firing on all cylinders. The intensity of the moment was almost overwhelming, but he immediately realized that everything had changed, and he was in a room full of luxury.

As he looked around, he couldn't believe his eyes. The atmosphere was impeccable, and the décor was nothing short of lavish. But confusion quickly set in, and he couldn't help but mutter, "What's going on?"

The last thing he remembered was giving his all to fight a horde of fire demons that had ambushed him while he was on a mission from the Sorcerer's Guild.

The battle was intense. Andrew had never faced such a fierce attack before. He had fought bravely against the fire demons and killed many of them. But a commander-level demon had sneaked up on him and hit him with a deadly fire spell.

Darkness took over him, and he lost consciousness. When he opened his eyes, the scene had changed, and he found himself in a somewhat familiar but luxurious bedroom.

Imagine being surrounded by a pack of vicious demons one moment and then finding yourself in an entirely new place the next. That's exactly what happened to him.

As he continued gazing around the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity that tugged at his heartstrings.

The bed, with its intricate golden patterns etched into the headboard and footboard, was the centerpiece of the space. It was large enough to fit at least three people comfortably and was covered in the softest down comforter he had ever felt.

Across from the bed stood a massive closet, the doors of which were made of dark cherry wood and adorned with gleaming brass handles. Inside, he could see rows upon rows of clothing, shoes, and accessories, all perfectly organized and hung with care.

The curtains that framed the large windows were made of the finest silk, their delicate threads shimmering in the sunlight that streamed through the glass. He noticed that they were embroidered with intricate floral patterns that must have taken months to create.

Every other piece of furnishing in the room, from the ornate writing desk, with its inkwell and quill, to the plush armchair next to the fireplace, was meticulously arranged as if placed by an expert designer.

As Andrew stood there, taking it all in, he could hardly believe it. Everything around him evoked long-buried memories from his past as if he had been transported back in time. It was as if he had woken up from a deep sleep, back in his childhood in his family's castle.

"Could I be dreaming? Or could I have just woken up from a long nightmare?"

Andrew pinched himself, but the pain felt genuine. He doubted he was dreaming.

That aside, the past twelve years had been a rollercoaster of bitter hardships, vicious battles, and rewarding memories, all of which seemed too vivid to be just a figment of his imagination.

He could recall every precious and heart-wrenching moment of his life, including the last moments before his death. The incredible pain he felt when the commander-level demon's fire blast swallowed him whole and erased him from existence was still fresh in his mind.

Andrew knew that what he had experienced over the past twelve years was definitely not a mere dream but a reality he had lived through.

"This could be something incredible!" gasped Andrew.

He shook his head to clear his mind before jumping off the bed and running towards the large window on the opposite side. He swallowed hard and looked at everything beyond the window with widened eyes.

It was dawn, and the sun was just rising above the horizon in the east. Its golden rays poured over the courtyard beyond the window, illuminating the richly planted gardens with stone walkways in meandering paths across them.

The courtyard was full of reds, blues, and greens due to its diverse number of flowers, which were already being tended to by a few gardeners. The fauna around the place was also incredible, with birds occasionally descending and zipping through the morning sunlight to catch the unsuspecting insects before perching on the many trees within the compound.

Everything looked so simple and peaceful beyond the scale of anything Andrew had experienced over the past twelve years. But what caused great waves in his mind was the undisputable familiarity.

"This is unbelievable! I'm really back to the past."

Andrew's heart started racing. He turned away from the window and walked towards the large dressing mirror.

As he peered into the mirror, his gaze was met by a striking figure. A towering young man with hair as dark as coal and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe stared right back at him. His chiseled jawline gave him an air of authority, and his overall appearance was undeniably attractive.

A strange feeling washed over Andrew as he dazedly stared at the reflection of the teenager in the mirror.

And then it hit him - the young man staring back at him was none other than his younger self—from a time before he was exiled from his father's castle and forced to navigate the world on his own. It was like looking into a portal to his past, and for a moment, Andrew was lost in thought, reliving memories he thought he had long forgotten.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

Before he could sort out his thoughts, he heard a few loud knocks on his door.

He panicked for an instant before recalling he had nothing to fear. He inhaled deeply to calm himself down before walking across the room towards the door.

On opening it, a middle-aged man wearing a black suit with matching shoes, a hat, and a cane appeared in his sights. Well-combed green hair and clear green eyes were the most prominent features on his squarish face.

The man was Cody Yates, the butler of one of the over a dozen castles owned by the Robinson family. He was also the right-hand man of Sir Miles Robinson, Andrew's father, who was one of the leading figures of the powerful Robinson family.

"Uncle Cody!" exclaimed Andrew, his heart racing with a mixture of excitement and confusion.

He hadn't come to terms with the idea that he had somehow traveled back in time. The memories of the dutiful butler's tragic death were still vivid in his mind. However, standing before him was Uncle Cody, alive and well, the same person he had mourned some years ago.

"Hey, Andrew!" Cody Yates said, beaming with a smile, "Good morning, and happy eighteenth birthday! It feels like just yesterday when you were a shy kid hiding from your dad behind the worker's quarters. But now, you've grown into such a capable young man! Congratulations!"

'So, it's this day! I have returned to this day that marks the beginning of everything!' Andrew thought as his eyes flashed with complicated emotions. But he controlled himself and still accepted the butler's well wishes.

"Thanks, Uncle Cody!" He returned the Butlers smile.

Cody Yates spoke up after a bit of small talk. "Andrew, time is of the essence. Your father and the family council members are awaiting your arrival in an hour. You are aware that all Robinson Family heirs must go through the awakening ceremony on their eighteenth birthday, and today is your turn. Are you prepared?"

Andrew's heart skipped a beat as he hurriedly nodded. "Yes, I'm ready."

"Excellent," Cody exclaimed. "The maids have already prepared an appropriate suit for you to wear, and they will help you wash up and prepare. We'll be leaving for the Elder's Hall in an hour, and we must not keep the family council waiting."

"Thanks for the heads-up," replied Andrew. "But I don't need the maids. I'll dress myself."

He wouldn't allow the maids to dress him after experiencing his past twelve years of war and hardships. Moreover, he preferred to remain self-reliant, especially since his life was about to experience a change of incredible magnitude.

Cody observed him for a moment before agreeing to his request. He picked the suit from one of the maids before handing it to him. Then, he reminded Andrew to be aware of the time before stepping away from the room.

Andrew let out another deep breath before closing the door behind him. His heart was still racing and beating hard in his chest after all he had gone through.

It seemed like only minutes ago when he faced a sneak attack from the commander-level demon while fighting the horde of its minions. But everything changed when he thought he was about to meet his maker.

He had returned twelve years into the past—to his eighteen-year-old self when he was about to undergo the sorcerer's awakening. It was like a chance from the world to allow him to rectify all his mistakes.

'I must not waste this opportunity, especially since the war against the demons is only a year away. At least, I must raise my powers to match low-class demons by then.'

Everything that had happened to him was beyond incredible. He could now rely on his experiences and knowledge of the future to redo everything and make up for his regrets.

But the first step was to work hard to strengthen his powers before the war against the demons commenced. He had to become a mighty sorcerer, and only then would he have a chance at protecting those important to him during the upcoming turmoil.

'Everything starts with the awakening ceremony. I only have to escape the schemes of those elders and cousins of mine one last time before freeing myself.'

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