
Back Before the Hung

At Ifa-ile, Osabiegun remained fixed on his throne and his chiefs and elders and eldest priest were seated before him, deliberating how the sacrifice would be held. 

Oranmiyan even in his presence beside his father on the throne had not paid any consciousness to the affairs they seated for. 

Everything that was shrouded by his heart was the piece of him on a mission at Efon where he continued to peep at the entrance of the palace of Ifa-ile and even in his best, peeped further than the entrance of the palace into the path that led to the palace. 

As Okiki-osupa's absence grieved him into his drum of sadness, emptiness and lack of focus, he created an imagery of her in his head that allowed him to smile uncontrollably. 

Even the chiefs and elders and the eldest priest in their words with Osabiegun had not failed to realize the foolishness Oranmiyan had not stopped to manifest. 

The exclamation of Balogun which called the awareness of the rest of the chiefs and elders and the eldest priest to Oranmiyan led even Osabiegun to steal a quick peep at his son who now dwells in his own illusion. 

By his shoulder, he became tapped by Osabiegun, but instead he responded to the external pressures that he gently felt on his body, he had only smiled the more and called upon the name of Okiki-osupa. 

That he complimented yet her beauty was his words, according to him: If only the women of Ifa-ile and beyond would be beautiful as Okiki-osupa, then can Ifa-ile and the earth be as sweet as honey in a loving feast. For only the gods knew how much he had struggled, and craved for a beauty that flourished like the tray of red beads and white cowries placed under the white sky in a ritual that celebrated the white gods. 

If his words triggered any sense, the chiefs and elders including Osabiegun wondered as they all chorused their shock at once and few, one after another. 

A question that begs if the prince was in his right state of mind were the words of Balogun as he yet again ushered himself into another exclamation. 

For a tiger shall not be proudly ferociously aggressive against his enemy when he eats his own claws were exact words native to Balogun. 

But his words had pinched even a little amount of pain in the heart of Osabiegun. for his only son had carried his most preferred intestine before his lion and given him vegetables to chew. 

The eyes he turned at Oranmiyan in his disgust only allowed him to witness more of his smiling face like an homeless imbecile sprouting saliva away from his lips.

 That  inside the stomach of Okiki-osupa remained his generation of children and the next king of Ifa-ile after him who shall rule after his father, Osabiegun, were the words Oranmiyan explained to himself. 

His name, Osabiegun, called loudly as he almost thundered his hand on his cheek, compelled the eldest priest into his words which placed Osabiegun on hold and also debunked the view of Osabiegun which prompted his action earlier. 

 In his words were the reminder that the witches had interest in the affairs that cloud Oranmiyan and Okiki-osupa and everything that is revealed in their love shall not be as a result of the ordinary, but unseen element making them intense and  more connected to each other's soul. 

For the witches will not allow the nature of the earth to call the connection between the crown prince and his queen of the future but use the power of their realm to realize their desire.

And of only this shall none of them look further shamefully at the crown prince because a deer that looks down on a lion was only prepared to be shattered into pieces by the sharp claws that destroyed it. 

The entrance of Okiki-osupa was such that led Oranmiyan back into consciousness as he immediately rose to his feet and embraced her even at the entrance of the palace. 

That his moon cannot do without her star was the word he said into her ear before he began to assess her from head to toe, if definitely no harm had come to her. 

With their chest touching the ground all the emissaries and the guards postrated before Osabiegun to pay their homage and if this had not been done shall their good deeds be forgotten at once and inside the dungeon shall they meet themselves for the sin that disrespected the king. 

Even Okiki-osupa had not been different. With both her knees she knelt before Osabiegun and her head shoved into the ground as she will not lift her neck except commanded by Osabiegun. 

In his gentle voice, Osabiegun asked, looking down straight at her, the question of how the task had gone. If any of the guards developed the audacity to answer the question in the stead of Okiki-osupa would easily make him regret his decision because at that instance would he be made as a deterrent for others. 

Okiki-osupa began with the words that saluted the king and after which she declared that her task had been successful. 

If happiness was filled in the palace, it was the definition of this moment because even Osabiegun had expanded his cheek for a big smile. 

The chiefs and elders in their happiness claimed the courage of Okiki-osupa and, according to their words, reminded Osabiegun of how strongly they persuaded him to send Okiki-osupa on the task. 

For they knew she would never disappoint were the words they further stressed and that she was indeed a blood of Ifa-ile even though she was born in Efon, they noted yet again in their wide laughter. 

Only for this had the royal bard begun again for the song that praised Osabiegun as he gently and continuously comforted him with a slow breeze. 

In his voice above the tip of his tongue, he noted the destruction that might have fallen on Efon if they had not harken to Osabiegun's desire and If they doubt his words shall they ask those beneath the ground lying lifeless for their trespass against the king of Ifa-ile. 

For Osabiegun had always meant his words, he emphasized in his songs and if he says he would fall a mountain should the mountain be weary because indeed Osabiegun shall fall it even beyond the beneath of the earth. 

As he lifted his neck for yet other words to sing, Osabiegun ordered him gently into silence with his voice that gently sprinkled out of his lips into the air. 

His mouth the royal bard shushed immediately and in the same moment had Osabiegun nodded his neck towards Okiki-osupa in a way which she understood to narrate her ordeal. 

That even before Okiki-osupa would opened her mouth had the voice of Osabiegun came out in a little strong but cool voice which indeed warned Okiki-osupa against any lies she would think of lest, have her fingers chopped off at the shrine of the witches who even have a purpose for her. 

For her life is what remained untouchable, to make her suffer had not become a taboo for them. 

In a little moment after silence had indeed ruled the palace for a short period Okiki-osupa laid before Osabiegun on the ground before him and Oranmiyan and in the middle of the chiefs and elders and the eldest priest. 

Definitely, according to her words had Efon succumb to the wish of the king of Ifa-ile even when they did not want to, they have been warned and in their fear they have crawled to their feet for the salvation of their lives. 

That even  when they firstly condemned her for her action, that even when they still hated her, they had not a choice but to worship the feet of the king of ifa-ile and to Ifa-ile they shall become forever. 

If her words were true, Osabiegun confirmed at once from the guard at the front of the rest of the guards and in a response which came out of his lips immediately and with a force he confirmed positively to the words of Okiki-osupa. 

Even the emissaries had not been left out as the words of Osabiegun seek confirmation from them and they had confirmed like the guards and also stressed that the chief of Efon who became the native authority of Efon had swear in the name of their god and also a curse he had placed on himself if he does contrary to the will of the king of Ifa-ile. 

In the applause of the chiefs and elders and the smile that had not left the face of the eldest priest which now validates Okiki-osupa as now one of them as according to the word of one of the chiefs was her being indeed the queen of the future of Ifa-ile. 

That she may rise was the signal of Osabiegun to her as he poked slowly at her with his horsetail whisk which beckoned upward. But if Okiki-Osupa had risen to her feet as the command of Osabiegun noted it was a lie as she remained knelt before Osabiegun and a favor she asked. 

If the soldiers of Efon who still remain in the dungeon could be granted their freedom and be allowed to return to their families in Efon would she be most grateful.

Even without a response to her request, Osabiegun commanded at once the royal guards who now picked a race to the dungeon for the release of four from the soldiers of Efon and in his words shall the rest remain for the purpose to which they have for them. 

If anyone had ever been pleased with satisfaction, it was Oranmiyan who now looked at Okiki-osupa with a glorifying eye and that he was proud of her was his words after he came at her again and held her hand to lift her up from her knees into their chamber. 

The word of appreciation she had continued to say as Oranmiyan walked by her towards their chamber and the guards and emissaries as according to the command of Osabiegun also rose to their feet and towards their separate homes they headed.