
The Song of Revenge

When the Gelid assassin is found in the midst of smoke in Valkeri, he is sustained by the bonds of the queen herself. In the promise of freedom, control, and his memories, is it worth selling his soul, his power, to the queen's advantages? To the queen's wish of blood and death? __ Ever since her parents murder, all she wants is revenge, and the Gelid Soldier is her ticket to retribution.

Sara_AA · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


Her mind was clear, the gray haze dissipating as her thoughts took over, as her itch for blood grew.

"You were there when the assassin targeted my parents. But you could not help them?! Fight for your King and Queen?!" The dagger was lightweight in her palm, the cold metal biting into her skin. But it soothed her so much so that she had allowed the man to speak, to beg at her feet.

"Please. Your highness. Please don't kill me." His head lay inches from her foot, his forehead touching the cold marble tiles. Tears spilled down his cheeks, falling in droplets onto the floor.

"Vera." She heard a faint voice from behind her, a warm touch on her shoulder, once comforting, one that made her feel vulnerable.

She turned, staring at the girl before her. Black waves falling down her shoulders to her hips. Raven gave her a weak, reassuring smile. "Don't do this. It's not what you were born to be. You are not a murderer"

Vera came to awareness. Of the monster eating up inside of her. The monster that craved vengeance. But then she remembered that this man was not the cause of her parents death. He was not the assassin who she would target till the end of her line. She sighed, closing her eyes tightly to block the voice inside of her. "Go get yourself cleaned." She said, her voice thick as she tried to swallow the bile at her throat.

The soldier glanced up at her, then he looked at the dagger gripped tightly in her hand. She looked down at her own hand, understanding the condescending and threatening position that she stood in.

She brushed a hand over her eyes, her emotions threatening to spill their contents from a beaker of boiling water. The soldier rocked onto his feet, thanking Vera for her kindness, then he fled behind the wooden doors and left her alone in her chambers.

She fell onto the red love seat, her heart beating erratically in her chest that heaved with every breath, sending sparks of pain through her lungs and ribs. Tears threatened to spill from her clouded eyes but she choked them back, bit her tongue so as they did not fall. But it was of no use. Her emotions burst inside of her soul, her head pounded with the raw feeling of loss. She did not quite register that her parents were dead. Murdered. But now that she did, she could feel the distress calling to her.

Raven came towards her, arms outstretched, begging for an embrace as her own eyes clouded. Vera had to be the bigger sister, she realized. She had to reassure her sibling of security, that everything would be alright.

She fell into Raven's embrace, forcing her head into the nook of her shoulders. Raven did the same and she could feel her sister's hands shake as she began to cry.

Once, as a child, she thought that her parents would live to see the light of a thousand stars shining brightly above the descendent of the crown before her coronation. She thought they would live to see the day when the crown was placed on top of her shiny black hair that fell towards her lower back. But now, those dreams they all dispersed, just like their caring souls.

She heard her bedroom door creak open, then from her blurry vision she could see the outline of Commander Del.

Slowly, pulling out of her sister's embrace, she looked at the commander.

"Do you know who did this?" She stared at the flower embroidery on the red loveseat, tracing the stitches with her fingers.

"It was reported that the assassin had a crescent drawn on their armor."

"What?" She turned her gaze towards him, staring at the hazel eyes of the soldier who threatened to pull her under from his most recent news. His blonde hair was cropped short, and his eyes were shadowed by a cloud of gray.

Raven stared at Vera, understanding brightening her eyes.

"They had a crescent symbol." He repeated, voice rough in his throat.

"The Basilisk." Vera whispered under her breath. Her vision cleared as she wiped the tears away and stood up. "Do you know what the assassin looked like?"

"No, your highness. The soldiers were in disarray. They thought not of checking who the assassin was."

Vera brushed away a strand of hair that fell on her face. She looked at the commander once more and nodded at his reply. She could not bear to talk, to say anything but she forced her mouth open to speak.

"Gather the court. We'll have to tell them sooner or later."


"Raven. The people have to know."

Her sister nodded at her forced reply, silencing herself at the corner of the room.

"Are you sure you are all right, your highness?" The commander had his fingers at the hilt of his sword, back ramrod straight.

"I have to be. For this country. For my people. I have to give them the queen they need." She leveled her voice, steeling her nerves and straightening her back.

Commander Del bowed his head towards her then made his way to the door.

"Del?" He turned his blonde head towards her, his hazel eyes glinting in the warm light that the chandelier cast upon them. "Thank you." She whispered.

"For you Vera. I would do anything." Their gazes fixed upon each other, and he stared at her with such warmth as a tear trailed it's way down her cheeks. Then he left the room, closing the door behind him.

It was then that Vera realized that the look was that of pity.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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