
The Son of Time and the Olympians

Cronus, the Ruler of the Titans and the God of Time, had a vision of how he will come to an end - his own children will go up in arms against him and dethrone him from his seat as the Supreme Being of the Universe. Learning his destiny, he tried to avoid this fate by swallowing his children as soon as they were born. But his 6th child, Zeus, was taken by his wife, Rhea to the island of Crete without him knowing. During the time that Zeus was in hiding, Cronus used Time to his advantage, and caught glimpses of the far, far future – even beyond the Time he will cease to exist. He gained the Ultimate Knowledge of his Rebirth in the Modern Era, and the only one who can help him make it possible is the child of his reincarnated form – The Son of Time. He sent his thoughts to that far, far future, both from the fear that he cannot avoid the destiny he saw, and also in preparation in the unfortunate event that it will actually happen. * The day after his father was buried, Kairo Julius Andreas woke up in a strange place, with strange people, and a totally strange culture. Everywhere he looked, nothing seems familiar to him. He seemed like the only normal person around. Everyone was dressed differently, and there was nothing - nothing at all, that has the slightest bit of modernization in this bizarre place. “Where the hell am I?!” Little did he know, he's in Ancient Greece, and he’s about to change the myths as we know it. * The cover is from Pinterest. If you are the artist and you want me to take it down, I will do so upon notice. I do not claim ownership over the art and it is used in this platform for cover purposes only, in accordance with fair use legal policy. Read auxiliary chapter. Discord: mssuigeneris#6331

mssuigeneris · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs

Origins: Eleusis

[According to several references, it took actually more than a year since Persephone's disappearance before the conclusion of the Myth of the Seasons. We will simplify it in the context of this story for brevity]




Hours have passed ever since one of his Furies' disappearance off to god-knows-where. Although he was still using his shadow magic to hide their presence, Isaac became well-rested during this time. His chest was throbbing with pain, which he's sure is terribly bruised by now because of the impact of that volleyball, but slowly, he was beginning to get used to using his magic in the long-run.

He knows this is his weakness – his stamina in continuously using his powers. He can connect his shadow now to another shadow, so it's a sign that he's recovering. However, he knows this still isn't enough to open another portal out of this hellhole. He sighed, remembering the words of his other companion, about her sister going off to where some provisions beneficial to him can be found.

Soon enough, he heard the familiar flapping of wings. The other two Furies and him alerted themselves for whoever might be coming. Then, the familiar-looking Fury who serves him greeted their view. She was carrying a little pouch made of the filthiest cloth Isaac had ever seen.

"Reeeeekekek! I got it, master! Where are you? Make a sound and I'll find you! I got some leftover ambrosia for you! I think you can take this in, just not in huge quantities or you'll die – rekek!" She closed her eyes and focused on her hearing. Isaac picked up a stone and pounded it softly against the ground. The Leader of the Furies opened her eyes and fixed her gaze to where she heard the noise.

She then landed smoothly in front of Isaac and the others. As soon as one of her sisters touched her, she too became enclosed in Isaac's concealment magic.

"Ambrosia?" Isaac asked her.

"Reeekekek! Yes, some leftovers that Lord Hades wasn't able to finish for his lunch. Sorry, it took a while before I returned. My 'other self' was patrolling the kitchen, along with my 'other sistah'. I had to wait for them to leave before I sneaked in to get these – rekek!" And she handed to Isaac the filthy pouch which probably contained the ambrosia.

'Can't you find anything more sanitary other than this thing?' Isaac really wanted to scold her, but he kept his mouth silent and took the pouch without muttering a thanks. He opened it carefully and saw quashed remnants of what used to be perfectly-cut ambrosia cube nuggets.

"How does this help?"

"Reeekekek! Before, when Lord Hades seems tired about something or not feeling well from the stress of the lines at the judgement receiving area, he would chew on these things to make himself feel better. Since you are basically his alter-ego in the future, I think the same principle applies to you, master – rekek!"

"Yeeeekekek! Yes, I remember that. Just try a little bit of some, master. That might help you recover your magic faster – yekek!"

Isaac gave them doubtful looks, to which the remaining Fury only replied.

"Weeeekekek! Don't worry master. We don't wish you any harm. Try a little, for starters – wekek."

He still wasn't sure of it, but he too became curious of what this godly food tastes like. So he took a pinch of the quashed ambrosia, and carefully placed it on his tongue. It burned as if it's made of some spicy-sizzling food, making Isaac spit it. But as soon as the burn was gone, he actually realized that it tasted edible and delicious.

"Reeeekekek! Master, master, are you okay – rekek?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I was just burned, that's all. But it tasted okay." So he took another pinch this time, and endured the heat of the ambrosia as it danced along his tastebuds. By the time he swallowed it, the hot food made his entire body tingle in heat, but as soon as it dissipated, he actually felt better.

He can feel himself recovering some magic, and so he repeated the process, and ate some more of the ambrosia.

"Reeeekekek! Careful, master. Don't eat too much. It might burn you since you're still a mortal for now – rekek."

He realized the Fury might be correct, so after his fifth take, he picked up the remaining ambrosia and shoved it in a cleaner handkerchief which he keeps in his pockets. He then stood up, feeling 10x better, and said:

"Alright, let's get outta here."


Somewhere just beyond the outskirts of Eleusis


Six weeks. Six weeks have passed ever since that faithful day in the Nyssian Plains where Sayo and Tobias got separated from their friends. In those weeks, the pair of them wandered in search for the Goddess of Agriculture, battled with some unknown forces, and wandered once again to the place where the Goddess descended after unleashing her wrath upon the Earth.

It had not been easy. Sayo and Tobias obviously lost some weight because of the shortage of food. Many have starved throughout this period because the land remained dry and devoid of life. If not for Tobias' resourcefulness in finding edible mushrooms and source of hydration, Sayo is sure she could not have survived this situation. After her battle with the Mythos named Adam, it was Tobias who healed her injuries. Apparently, the boy is also a gifted person favored by a God – probably Apollo.

However, she can't help but wonder if they can be reunited with their friends. How's it going with Persephone? Will they be able to rescue her? And what about Julius and Rexis? Are they alright, alive and kicking? And what about her and Tobias? Will they be able to talk some sense to the Goddess before everyone else will die from famine? These questions ran around like crazy inside her mind, filling her with hopeless and jarring thoughts, which she knew are not exactly the things she needed by now.

Her stomach misses the taste of proper food. And she's also very thirsty. A man they spoke with earlier told them that this is the direction of the place they are seeking, so she just encouraged herself to hold on until they finally arrive in their destination.

"Want some?" Tobias offered her a dried mushroom, one of the few remaining ones they have left. They taste awful, but what choice does she have.

"Thanks, Tobias." She accepted the food and unhappily put it in her hungry mouth.

"Hey, what's this?" Tobias said as a small, glowing white orb suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Be careful, stay away from it." She replied, fidgeting with her ring in case something bad happens.

"No…I don't think it's means harm. It has something written on it." Instead of straying farther, he stepped closer towards it and squinted at what appears at its center. There was a single wing and the Greek word 'Minyma' under it. "A message?" Tobias muttered.

At the mention of the word 'message', the orb expanded into a glowing panel and Greek words that Sayo can't read was displayed on it. It was Tobias who read the message out loud.

"Hello, this is Hermes Messenger. You received a message from your friends from the Underworld." Tobias turned to look at her, and she nodded for him to continue reading.

"Friends, we are on our way to Eleusis. Let us meet there, in the Temple of Demeter." He finished.

"It doesn't say who they are exactly?" Sayo crossed her arms upon that inquiry.

"No, but I think it's Julius. Maybe we can rely on this one. So you were right, Sayo, they are headed to Eleusis. It's good that we're on our way there too. Do you think they have Persephone with them?" Tobias responded.

"I hope so. Only one way to find out about that." And she turned her attention ahead, where little houses made of rock and other ancient materials became visible. "Eleusis, huh."




Hermes' chariot was rather weird. It was bronze in color, and if not for the seriousness of their current predicament, Julius almost laughed out loud when he saw it. It was bronze in color, with its cart winged on both ends. The funniest part however, were the creatures on its steed – the serpents from the staff of Hermes themselves. The snakes uncoiled and grew bigger, until they were large enough to carry the damn thing. If you look at their flying form from below, it will be the weirdest thing to look upon, like two flying worms carrying a winged cart.

The chariot was good enough to fit five people, so they had to squeeze in and ready themselves for flight. It was most uncomfortable for Julius, since he's injured and all. One good thing that's happening right now is that, Persephone was regaining her color. She's beginning to look alive since she's out of the Underworld.

"Here we go, hold on to the safety bars, you kids." The Messenger God said, piloting the damn chariot and they were now flying all the way to Eleusis.


Temple of Demeter, Eleusis


The Goddess found her comfort place in the temple, where she reminisces the memories she had with her daughter, and the baby which she had the privilege of taking care of, the young Demophon.

It was the wrong thing to do, as it only triggered her more to be sad, knowing that she can no longer be with them. "My children…." She sobbed, tears streaming down her face. Then, a sudden noise of huge flapping wings caught her hearing. Someone just landed outside her temple. Whoever it is, she knows it's no ordinary mortal. If it were any of her siblings or fellow diving beings at Olympus, she really couldn't care less. She's still grieving, and talking to her won't do anything to make her lift the curse she casted upon Earth.

But she was wrong. It wasn't just any other annoying deity, but it was the very thing her heart longs for.

"Mother, I'm here!"

The voice of her Persephone brought tears of joy from her eyes.

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