
The son of a god

After the chaos war between the strongest being that ever existed, the universe was broken into fragments and this beings who fought the war took each fragment for them self. Orton, the chaos being of end and beginning too a fragment where she hid her children and strengthen them to grow stronger before going into slumber. Many unkwon year's after the war, a complete being was born who had Orton's soul force and blood in him, along the way to save his planet and earth; he met people who will assist him in carrying the weights on his shoulder and help him complete his almost impossible task... Will the complete being, lucian be able to accomplish his task as the 'son of a god' or will he let the humans and beings who put their fate in him down...follow along lucian's adventure of Romance, war, adventures and betrayal as he strive to become the god of war and be the strongest being that ever existed....

Ilovebigsister · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Unlimited energy...

Emera all her life was told she would not achieve her dream. From a young age , she saw the golden armoured knight and felt pride in what they do. She swore to her self to be a knight and stand shoulders with the highest ranking knights (the king shadow's)

"Emera , women can not become the king's shadow and besides, you aren't pure blood". Emera was told that everytime she told people her dreams but then...

"what is your name? " A golden armoured knight asked her when he saw her swinging a stick.

Emera was delighted, she caught the attention of the proud knight, "my name is Emera" she introduced her self with her shiny golden eyes.

"your eyes...they seem special. Is that common among your race? ". The knight.

"No sire. I was born this way "Emera explained while those who believed she would never become a knight looked on.

The knight activated his own blood line and his eyes glowed yellow "this is the trait of the pure blood . I am in my pseudo maturity stage. Do you perhaps have something like this? " The knight asked. He could have taken the younger Emera to a quiet place but he decided to speak to her in public in other to shun the others who think the knew empire under Ray is prejudiced.

"No. My race focuses on speed and the ability to read the inner energies of a person " Emera explained.

" Then can you read mine? ". The knight asked with surprise.

"Yes. As long as you try to attack me , I can read your movement and predict where you wish to attack " Emera explained with pride.

'hmm... "the knight was attracted to her due to how she looked at him always when he passed by. 'I haven't seen such patriotism even among the pure blood'. He secretly sent a message to Ray but not without sending him the record of his conversation with Emera and putting in some sweet word for her.

[you don't need to put in sweet words. This is the first time a race outside of the pure loud is interested in becoming a knight. She would be the face of my empire and will be accepted as my student ] Ray sent the message back almost immediately the knight sent a message to him.

"The great King decree! " The golden knight screamed out loud for every person to hear including the silver knight under him. They all genuflected immediately to hear the great kings world.

"What is your name? " He asked the kneeling Emera.

"Emera Finn " she answered.

"Emera Finn of the fey race *. A young and noble talent has been selected to be a knight of his royal majesty , Ray Orton " he said and immediately there was an uproar and surprise written among all the faces present. They never believed a non pure blood could be a Royal knight.

" She is to train as a rookie Under the king shadows and would be given the name Orton and will be the student of Ray , the great king upon becoming a Copper knight ". This caused an even bigger uproar since the name Orton is only given to Royal blood of the empire, it was the highest honour given to an individual.

" She is to leave for the capital city under great king Ray and is to live with her family in the Royal Castle alongside The ministers of the empire ". If before, the others were in an uproar due to what was said before , now they were speechless due to the king being so favorable to Emera. If the knight was to be asked: " Why did you introduce her to the king? ". He would answer

" One of my power's is to read one's mind and know their inner desires. Emera has potential's to be one of the greatest knight in Orton and also has the zeal and love to be a patriotic individual who will assist the young prince if he ascends the throne ". That would be his answer. Emera made her family proud while being the dream and role model of all young feys

Emera had all her dreams fulfilled and everything going smoothly for her. She was named the strongest rookie and recently became a copper knight. She only became the student of Ray after the spar with Lucian and was given the name ' Emera Finn Orton' in a grand Ceremony...but what was this.

Lucian has always channelled his power around his weapon in other to increase his attack speed and make his moves more deadly, but he always forget the basic when he is immersed in a fight , and that is to protect his body always. You either protect your body which will naturally increase your speed or your weapon to deal more fatal damage to your opponent.

" What...!? " Emerald screamed in shock when she noticed the impossible " H-how can he channel his energy into his weapon and still have enough to protect his body? " Emera asked in surprise.

" I told you. If there is one thing lucian have in abundance, that would be his energy" Ray reminded her " I have been saying that since , weren't you listening? " he asked the shocked Emera.


"finally. Seems like I just found a way to make my defence and attack stronger " lucian had a fulfilled expression on his face after finding out a way to use his energy more fluently and easily.


Feys: A race that takes on human form but her plants or beast in their true form ( browse to understand better)