
The Smartest Prodigy Reincarnates in a Fantasy Magic World

Evan, a young prodigy scientist in his previous life, unexpectedly dies and reincarnates into a fantasy world inhabited by elves, dragons, and other mythical creatures. Enrolled in the prestigious Silvercrest Academy of Magic, Evan finds himself among noble-born classmates who possess magical lineage. Despite being a commoner, Evan's unparalleled intellect allows him to swiftly master arcane arts, unravel ancient mysteries, and forge unexpected alliances. As he navigates class distinctions and societal norms, Evan's quest for knowledge and recognition unfolds against a backdrop of tormented characters with dark tragedies. ----------------------------------------

FantasyCat · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Unveiling Mysteries

"Lord Raynor," Lucian began carefully, "I know much about our neighboring realms, but the books I had access to were limited. Could you tell me more about the Mage Towers and the Holy Empire?"

Baron Raynor paused, placing his goblet down thoughtfully. "Ah, the Mage Towers and the Holy Empire. Their influence stretches far and wide."

He leaned back, eyes thoughtful. "The Mage Towers are scattered across the continent, each one a bastion of arcane knowledge and power. The most renowned is the Tower of Astralis, located in the northern reaches of the Aurora Empire. It is said to house the greatest collection of magical tomes and artifacts. Then there's the Tower of Zephyris in the Orienta Empire, known for its mastery of wind and storm magic. In the south, within the Elven Realm of Eldoria, stands the Tower of Sylvanis, where nature magic and elemental studies flourish."

Lucian listened intently, absorbing every detail. "And the Holy Empire?"

"The Holy Empire of Sanctaria lies to the far west, beyond Shadevale Forest. It is a theocratic realm, governed by the High Priestess and a council of bishops. The Holy City of Lumina, their capital, is a place of pilgrimage, known for its grand cathedral and the Seat of Light—a powerful artifact said to channel divine energy. The Holy Knights of Sanctaria are revered for their prowess and dedication to their faith."

Ethan, who had been quietly listening, chimed in. "I've always wanted to visit the Tower of Astralis. They say the northern lights there are a sight to behold."

Lucian smiled at Ethan, appreciating his genuine interest. "Perhaps we will visit it together someday."

Ethan's face brightened at the prospect. "I'd like that."

Sofia, meanwhile, leaned closer to Lucian. "And I'd love to hear more about your adventures, Lucian. You seem to have lived quite an exciting life already."

Lucian chuckled softly. "I have much to learn, but I hope to share many stories with you both."

The baron, observing the budding friendship, added, "There was once a tower that stood as a counterbalance to these places of light—the Tower of Tenebris. It was a stronghold of black mages and dark magic, located deep in the haunted forests of Eldergloom. It was destroyed many years ago in a great purge, its knowledge scattered or lost. Few speak of it now, but its legacy lingers in whispers and shadows."

Lucian's eyes widened at this revelation. "A tower of black mages? I've never heard of such a place."

"Most have not," the baron replied. "Its destruction was necessary to maintain balance, but the remnants of its influence still pose a threat."

After the meal, Lucian was shown to his quarters—a modest yet comfortable room within the castle. As he settled into the luxurious bed, a softness unlike anything he'd ever felt enveloped him. The mattress was plush, and the blankets were thick and warm. For a moment, he allowed himself to simply enjoy the comfort, sinking into the silken sheets and letting his mind wander. He thought of his family, the day's events, and the new friends he had made. The grand tapestries and finely crafted furniture in the room gave it a sense of history and grandeur, making Lucian feel both small and significant in the vastness of the world.

He spent the night poring over the books Baron Raynor had generously provided. The texts on intermediate magic were far beyond what his family could afford, and he felt a deep sense of gratitude.

As he prepared for bed, Lucian's thoughts drifted to his parents in Pinevale. He hoped they weren't too worried about his sudden departure.

The following morning, Lucian approached the baron with a request. "My lord, I appreciate your hospitality, but I must return to my village. My parents will be worried about me."

Baron Raynor, who was seated in his study, nodded understandingly. "Of course, Lucian. Family is important. I have some books for you as a token of my appreciation."

He handed Lucian a set of intermediate magic tomes. "These should aid you in your studies."

Lucian bowed deeply. "Thank you, my lord. These books are invaluable to me."

The baron smiled warmly. "You have great potential, Lucian. Sir Roland can escort you back in a carriage."

Lucian shook his head politely. "I appreciate the offer, but I'd prefer to walk back. I'd like to take in the sights and think about all I've learned."

Baron Raynor chuckled. "Very well, young mage. Safe travels. Remember, my doors are always open to you."

With the sun casting its golden rays over the land, Lucian stepped out from the grand entrance of Castle Raynor, the weight of a sack of gold coins pulling slightly on his shoulder. "These coins will be a huge help to my family and village," he thought, feeling a mix of excitement and responsibility.

Entering the bustling town, Lucian marveled at the vibrant market scene. "Look at all these people," he thought, navigating through the crowd. "Merchants with produce, butchers with meats, bakers with bread... it's so lively.

He gripped his sack of gold tightly. "Hope I don't attract dragons or robbers with this!"

As he continues through the marketplace, Lucian couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. "This place is so different from Pinevale. There's so much to learn and see." He paused for a moment, taking it all in. "I'll head back tomorrow, but today, I'll explore and enjoy this experience.