
The Smartest Prodigy Reincarnates in a Fantasy Magic World

Evan, a young prodigy scientist in his previous life, unexpectedly dies and reincarnates into a fantasy world inhabited by elves, dragons, and other mythical creatures. Enrolled in the prestigious Silvercrest Academy of Magic, Evan finds himself among noble-born classmates who possess magical lineage. Despite being a commoner, Evan's unparalleled intellect allows him to swiftly master arcane arts, unravel ancient mysteries, and forge unexpected alliances. As he navigates class distinctions and societal norms, Evan's quest for knowledge and recognition unfolds against a backdrop of tormented characters with dark tragedies. ----------------------------------------

FantasyCat · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

The Tides of Fate

Lucian, Kael, and Nora sat around the oak table in Lucian's home, engrossed in the new books they had bought with the money painstakingly collected from the market. The air was filled with the scent of fresh parchment and ink, mingling with the earthy aroma of the hearth fire. The trio was deep in discussion about magic and geography, their faces illuminated by the flickering candlelight.

"Look at this map," Lucian said, pointing to a detailed illustration in one of the books. "This shows the entire Veridian Kingdom, from the northern reaches of the Aurora Empire to the eastern borders of the Orienta Empire. It's incredible how much there is to explore."

Kael nodded, his eyes sparkling with interest. "And the magical theories here are fascinating. Did you know that the elemental affinities can be influenced by the geography where a person lives?"

Nora, flipping through a book on ancient magical artifacts, chimed in, "It's amazing how much knowledge is out there. I can't wait to learn more."

Their peaceful study session was suddenly interrupted by a distant commotion. The sound of hooves pounding against the dirt and the clanging of armor echoed through the village, growing louder with each passing second. The three friends exchanged worried glances, their hearts pounding.

Kael stood up, his face tense with concern. "Something's happening. We need to check it out."

They hurried outside, joining the throng of villagers gathering at the meeting ground. The once-quiet village was now filled with the fearful murmurs of its inhabitants. At the center of the crowd stood a group of knights, their armor gleaming ominously under the afternoon sun. Leading them was a stern-looking man in ornate armor, Sir Roland and beside him was a figure that made Lucian's blood run cold—a mage clad in the brown robes of Baron Raynor's court.

The village chief, Neil, stepped forward, trying to maintain his composure. "What brings you to Pinevale, Sir Knight?"

Sir Roland, a man with a cold gaze and a commanding presence, ignored Neil's question. Instead, he addressed the crowd, his voice booming. "Villagers of Pinevale, fourteen of our soldiers went missing near your village and have not returned. This village is now suspected of harboring a dangerous criminal."

Marta, the elderly healer, stepped forward, her voice trembling but resolute. "Sir, I am the only mage here, and I only possess a first mana circle with healing magic. There's no way our poor village could harm fourteen trained soldiers."

Nora clung to Lucian's arm, her face pale with fear. "Lucian, what are we going to do?"

Lucian squeezed her hand reassuringly. "It will be okay, Nora. I promise."

The mage, his expression cold and calculating, stepped forward. "We will find out the truth soon enough." His name was Master Aleron, a third circle mage of considerable repute.

Sir Roland barked an order to his men. "Begin with the executions. One by one, until someone confesses."

Gasps of horror rippled through the crowd as the knights advanced. Lucian's heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing. He couldn't let innocent people suffer because of him. Summoning his courage, he stepped forward, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "I was the one who killed those soldiers. Leave the villagers alone."

Elara's voice broke with fear. "Lucian, no! What are you saying?"

Lucian turned to his mother, his eyes filled with determination. "Mom, please let me handle this."

Alden placed a reassuring hand on Elara's shoulder. "We are with you, son. Be strong."

Sir Roland scoffed, his eyes narrowing at Lucian. "Kid, we don't have time for your jokes. If you want to die quickly, we can arrange that."

Lucian stood his ground, his voice unwavering. "I am a third circle mage."

Laughter erupted from Aleron. "You? A third circle mage? That's the funniest joke I've ever heard. I've trained for 24 years at the prestigious Silvercrest Academy of Magic and had only reached the third circle."

With a calm resolve, Lucian raised his hand, and three yellow mana circles appeared around it. The crowd gasped, and Aleron's laughter ceased abruptly. The mage dismounted his horse, stepping closer to Lucian and grasping his hand to inspect the mana circles. His eyes widened in disbelief. "This... this is real."

Sir Roland, now serious, looked at Lucian. "He looks under ten years old and is already at the third circle. If he were a noble... Well, what should we do now, Sir Mage?"

Aleron, still processing the revelation, replied, "This is not a simple matter. We will return to Lord Raynor and let him decide."

Lucian felt cold metal clasp around his wrists as the knights handcuffed him with anti-mana ropes. Kael and Nora tried to rush to his aid, but Lucian stopped them with a firm glance. "It will be okay."

His mother's sobs broke the silence. "My baby..."

Alden held Elara close, his voice steady despite his sadness. "Believe in our son."

The villagers watching in stunned silence.

With that, Lucian sat in the back of the wooden carriage, his wrists still bound with the anti-mana ropes that suppressed his magical abilities. The knights rode on either side, their expressions stern and vigilant. Master Aleron, the third circle mage, sat opposite to Lucian, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

The journey from Pinevale to Raynoria was long, winding through dense forests and open plains. Lucian's mind raced with thoughts of his family and friends left behind in the village, their faces etched with worry and fear. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

Aleron broke the silence, his voice cold and calculating. "You are quite the enigma, Lucian. A third circle mage at your age is unheard of. Where did you learn your magic?"

Lucian met Aleron's gaze, choosing his words carefully. "I studied on my own, Master Aleron. I practiced in secret, using whatever resources I could find."

Aleron's eyes narrowed. "And these resources? Where did they come from?"

Lucian hesitated, thinking of the books he had borrowed from Nora. "I borrowed books from a friend in the village. They had a small collection of magical texts."

Aleron leaned back, contemplating Lucian's response. "Interesting. You realize, of course, that Lord Raynor will want to know everything about you. Your abilities, your background—everything."

Lucian nodded. "I understand."

As the carriage rolled on, Lucian's thoughts turned to Kael and Nora. He wondered how they were coping with his sudden departure. He hoped they would stay safe and look after each other.

Master Aleron seemed to sense Lucian's unease. "You seem worried, boy. Are you afraid of what awaits you in Raynoria?"

Lucian shook his head. "I'm not afraid for myself. I'm worried about my family and friends. I don't want them to suffer because of me."

Aleron studied Lucian for a moment before responding. "Your concern is admirable, but you must understand that power comes with responsibility. If you truly wish to protect those you care about, you must learn to harness and control your abilities."

Lucian nodded again, absorbing Aleron's words. "I will do whatever it takes to protect them."

The journey continued, the landscape gradually changing from the familiar surroundings of Pinevale to the more prosperous lands of Raynoria.