
The Smartest Prodigy Reincarnates in a Fantasy Magic World

Evan, a young prodigy scientist in his previous life, unexpectedly dies and reincarnates into a fantasy world inhabited by elves, dragons, and other mythical creatures. Enrolled in the prestigious Silvercrest Academy of Magic, Evan finds himself among noble-born classmates who possess magical lineage. Despite being a commoner, Evan's unparalleled intellect allows him to swiftly master arcane arts, unravel ancient mysteries, and forge unexpected alliances. As he navigates class distinctions and societal norms, Evan's quest for knowledge and recognition unfolds against a backdrop of tormented characters with dark tragedies. ----------------------------------------

FantasyCat · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

The Elf Encounter

One afternoon, Lucian and his mother Elara were at the village market, selling the meat and herbs they had painstakingly collected from Shadevale Forest. Every sale was crucial, as they were raising money to buy books for Lucian, whose hunger for knowledge was insatiable. As they spoke with customers, Elara's warm voice carried over the bustling market.

"Fresh herbs and meat, all from Shadevale Forest!" Elara called out, smiling at a passing villager.

Lucian handed a bundle of herbs to a woman, offering a polite smile. "These are great for both cooking and healing. Thank you for your purchase!"

As they engaged with customers, discussing the benefits of their goods and making small talk, Lucian noticed a group of four elves approaching their stall. The elves, one male and two females, were dressed in elegant white robes that flowed gracefully with their movements. They were accompanied by a young elf who seemed to be around Lucian's age in human years.

The male elf stepped forward, his posture dignified and composed. He carried a large sack of gold coins, which he placed on the stall's counter. "We are interested in all the rare herbs you have collected from Shadevale Forest," he said, his voice resonant and authoritative.

Lucian couldn't help but stare at the young elf. She had captivating golden eyes, smooth white skin, and blonde hair that shimmered in the sunlight. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the noise of the market seemed to fade away.

The adult male elf noticed Lucian's stare and interrupted, his tone sharp. "Human child, stop staring."

Lucian quickly averted his gaze, his cheeks reddening. "Sorry, it's just... I've never seen an elf before."

The young elf stepped closer to Lucian, ignoring the disapproving looks from her companions. "My name is Seraphina Elowen, you may called me Sera" she said softly, her eyes still locked on his. "It's getting late, and our journey back to the Elven Realm of Eldoria is long. Could we stay at your home for the night?"

One of the female elves frowned, her distrust evident. "We cannot trust humans."

Sera's eyes sparkled with determination, and the other elf reluctantly backed down. Lucian glanced at his mother, who nodded her approval.

"Of course, you can stay with us," Lucian said, trying to keep his voice steady. "By the way, I'm Lucian Nightshade. Nice to meet you."

Sera smiled, a radiant expression that made Lucian's heart skip a beat.

As night fell, the elves joined Lucian's family for dinner. Elara had prepared her famous herb soup, a dish that soon had the elves asking for seconds and thirds. "This is delicious," one of the female elves admitted, her earlier skepticism replaced by genuine appreciation.

Throughout the meal, Nora watched the interactions between Lucian and Sera with a growing sense of jealousy. She had always been friendly with him, and seeing him so engrossed with this beautiful stranger stirred unfamiliar emotions within her.

After dinner, Elara and Alden retired to their room, leaving the children to their own life. Nora, Karl, Lucian, and Sera gathered in their backyard camp under the serene night sky. They lay down together, like always the lantern nearby casting gentle shadows.

With curiosity and a sweet smile, Lucian asked, "Can you tell us about the elven realm of Eldoria, Sera?"

Sera with a warm smile began to share tales of her homeland. "Our home is filled with ancient forests and crystal-clear rivers," she said, her voice filled with pride and nostalgia. "The trees there are so tall, they seem to touch the sky. The Elven Realm of Eldoria is a place of great beauty and magic."

Sera remarked, "If we exclude the Dragon Lords and the Demon Kings who can use time and space magic, the Grand Archdruid Aldor Elowen is one of the top three strongest figures in this world."

The three listened in awe, their imaginations painting vivid pictures of the elven realm. Nora's jealousy began to fade, replaced by a sense of wonder and a budding friendship with Sera.

As the night deepened, they shared stories and dreams, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

When morning came, the elves prepared to leave. Sera handed Lucian an intricately carved emblem. "As a token of gratitude," she said, her eyes lingering on his. "Perhaps we will meet again."

Lucian accepted the emblem with a smile. "Thank you, Sera. Safe travels."

As the elves departed, Sera turned back one last time, her golden eyes meeting Lucian's. "Goodbye, Lucian," she said softly. "Until we meet again."

Lucian watched as they disappeared into the distance, the emblem a tangible reminder of their brief but meaningful encounter. He felt a mix of emotions—curiosity, hope, and a new determination to explore the world beyond Pinevale.

Back in the house, Elara and Alden talk about the elves' visit. Lucian recounted the events, his excitement evident. "They were so different, so... magical. And Sera, she was—"

Elara interrupted gently, smiling. "It was quite an adventure, dear. I'm glad we could help them."

Alden nodded in agreement. "We did well, honey. It's not every day we get visitors from the Elven Realm."

Lucian looked at the emblem in his hand, feeling a sense of pride and anticipation. "I hope we see them again. There's so much I want to learn, so much to discover."

Elara hugged him tightly. "And you will, dear. With your determination and heart, there's nothing you can't achieve."

As the family settled back into their daily routine, the encounter with the elves left an indelible mark on their lives. Lucian's dreams of adventure and discovery were no longer just fantasies—they were a path he was determined to follow, with his family by his side. And somewhere in the vast world, an elf named Sera was waiting for their paths to cross again.