
The Smartest Prodigy Reincarnates in a Fantasy Magic World

Evan, a young prodigy scientist in his previous life, unexpectedly dies and reincarnates into a fantasy world inhabited by elves, dragons, and other mythical creatures. Enrolled in the prestigious Silvercrest Academy of Magic, Evan finds himself among noble-born classmates who possess magical lineage. Despite being a commoner, Evan's unparalleled intellect allows him to swiftly master arcane arts, unravel ancient mysteries, and forge unexpected alliances. As he navigates class distinctions and societal norms, Evan's quest for knowledge and recognition unfolds against a backdrop of tormented characters with dark tragedies. ----------------------------------------

FantasyCat · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Teaching Magic

It was a crisp morning in their village when Lucian gathered his family and Nora in the quiet confines of their home. The air was filled with anticipation and a sense of purpose as they sat around a sturdy oak table.

"Today, we begin your journey into magic," Lucian announced, his voice carrying the weight of responsibility. "Each of you has an affinity for certain elements, and we'll start by tapping into that."

His mother chuckled joyfully, tears of happiness in her eyes, saying, "I am so happy that today I am fortunate enough to learn from my little son."

Nora with a delicate, sweet laugh on her lips.

Lucian, shyly and with a cough to interrupt, said, "Let's begin the class. Tell me which element affinity you feel closest to."

Alden, a man of sturdy build with a thoughtful gaze, nodded solemnly. "I've always felt a connection to earth and fire," he admitted, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Elara, his wife, whose gentle demeanor belied her inner strength, smiled warmly. "And I seem to be drawn to water and air," she added, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Kael, the eldest son, exuded an eagerness that mirrored Lucian's own determination. "I want to master fire and lightning," he declared confidently, his hands clenched in anticipation.

Nora, with her steadfast resolve and unwavering loyalty, pondered quietly before speaking. "I think my affinities lie in wind and light," she murmured, her gaze fixed on Lucian.

Lucian nodded approvingly. "Very well. Let's begin by creating your first mana circles." With practiced gestures, he guided each of them through the intricate process, weaving threads of mana around them in delicate patterns. It was a slow and meticulous task, requiring patience and precision.

As the mana circles took shape, Alden, Elara, Nora and Kael felt a surge of energy coursing through them, a newfound connection to the elements they had chosen. Even though they were at the first circle, the magic they wielded was unexpectedly potent, a testament to Lucian's guidance and their own determination.

Days turned into weeks as Lucian dedicated himself to teaching his family the nuances of magic. They practiced in the quiet hours of dawn and the stillness of dusk, honing their skills under Lucian's watchful eye. Alden learned to manipulate the earth, summoning pillars of stone and walls of hardened soil to protect their home. Elara mastered the flow of water and the currents of air, weaving intricate spells of healing and protection.

Kael embraced the ferocity of fire and the crackling energy of lightning, channeling them into devastating bursts and dazzling displays of power. Nora, with her affinity for wind and light, discovered the subtleties of illusion and the art of swift movement, becoming a whirlwind of grace and radiance on the battlefield.

Together, they grew stronger, their bonds forged not only through blood but through shared trials and triumphs. Lucian watched with pride as each member of his family surpassed their own expectations, their determination shining bright like the mana circles they had created.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and cast long shadows across their village, Lucian gathered his family once more under the canopy of stars. They sat in a circle, the warmth of a crackling fire casting flickering shadows on their faces.

"You've all come a long way," Lucian began, his voice filled with pride and admiration. "But remember, magic is more than just power. It's about understanding and respect for the elements around us."

Alden nodded thoughtfully. "I never imagined I could wield such strength," he admitted, his gaze reflecting the wisdom he had gained.

Elara smiled warmly, her eyes shimmering with maternal pride. "And I've learned that healing is not just about mending wounds, but about nurturing the spirit as well."

Kael grinned mischievously, sparks dancing in his eyes. "I can't wait to show off my lightning bolts next time," he chuckled, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Nora, ever the calm and composed presence, spoke softly but with conviction. "I've found my path, thanks to you, Lucian. I want to protect those who cannot protect themselves."

Lucian's heart swelled with gratitude as he looked at each of them. "You've all grown stronger, not just in magic but in spirit," he said, his voice resonating with certainty. "And together, we'll continue to protect our village and each other."

Kael remarked, "Sometimes it feels like you're the eldest in our family," which elicited laughter from everyone.

As they bid each other goodnight and retreated to the comfort of their home, Lucian felt a sense of fulfillment wash over him. His family had embraced the magic within them, harnessing its power for the greater good. They had come a long way since that fateful day in Shadevale Forest, and their journey was far from over.