
The Smartest Prodigy Reincarnates in a Fantasy Magic World

Evan, a young prodigy scientist in his previous life, unexpectedly dies and reincarnates into a fantasy world inhabited by elves, dragons, and other mythical creatures. Enrolled in the prestigious Silvercrest Academy of Magic, Evan finds himself among noble-born classmates who possess magical lineage. Despite being a commoner, Evan's unparalleled intellect allows him to swiftly master arcane arts, unravel ancient mysteries, and forge unexpected alliances. As he navigates class distinctions and societal norms, Evan's quest for knowledge and recognition unfolds against a backdrop of tormented characters with dark tragedies. ----------------------------------------

FantasyCat · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Babble and Beginning

Evan, now known as Lucian Nightshade, woke up to the soft light of dawn filtering through a small window. The night had passed, but the strangeness of his new existence had not lessened.

*This body... it's so small, so weak.* He tried to move his limbs, finding them unresponsive and clumsy. It was a frustratingly stark contrast to the precision and control he was accustomed to in his previous life.

The door to the room creaked open, and Lucian's older brother Kael (4 years old), the boy who had seemed both amazed and repulsed by his arrival, peeked inside. He approached the crib cautiously, as if expecting Lucian to perform some kind of miraculous trick.

"Morning, Little brother," he whispered, his voice softer than before. He reached out a tentative hand and gently touched Lucian's cheek. The contact was warm and reassuring, and for a moment, Lucian felt a strange sense of connection to this new brother.

Lucian noticed his brother's inquisitive nature and enthusiasm, thinking, *"With his curiosity, we might become the Wright Brothers of this neighborhood—if we don't end up fighting each other like brothers do."*

His mother, Elara (22 years old), soon followed, her eyes still heavy with sleep but filled with tenderness as she lifted Lucian from the crib. Her gentle touch and the soothing hum of her voice as she spoke reassured him, even though he still couldn't understand the words. He focused on the sounds, trying to discern patterns and meanings.

While drinking his new mother's milk, Lucian remarked with a smirk, *"This situation reminds me of when I used to read a lot of fantasy novels with overpowered protagonists who had a system. But why is my system still not appearing?"*

Over the next few days, Lucian observed everything meticulously. The house was small but cozy, filled with the scents of herbs and cooking. Kael, ever the curious and talkative brother, was an unwitting teacher. His endless stream of chatter, while seemingly mundane, was a goldmine of linguistic clues.

One afternoon, as Lucian lay in his crib, he heard a soft conversation between Elara and the midwife who had delivered him. They spoke in hushed tones, discussing herbs and remedies. The midwife, with her wise eyes and calming presence, was the only person in the village known to perform basic healing spells. Lucian paid close attention, keen to learn about the practical aspects of their world.

"Elara, this herb will help with the baby's teething pain," the midwife said, handing over a small bundle of dried leaves. "And if you need any more help, don't hesitate to call me."

"Thank you, Marta," Elara replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "Your knowledge is invaluable."

As Marta left, Lucian's mind was already racing. *"Herbs with medicinal properties. Basic healing spells. Well, I guess this world relies on practical knowledge and rudimentary magic, much like what you'd find in D&D games."* He understood that his new reality was a mix of the familiar and the fantastical, and he was determined to bridge the gap between them with his intellect.

Lucian's thoughts often returned to the midwife's visit and the mention of magic. He knew that understanding the foundation of magic in this world would be crucial. He had always been a man of science, and now, in this new world, he needed to apply that same rigor to understand magic.

*Magic must follow some set of principles or rules, just like the natural world,* he mused. *If I can decipher those rules, I can manipulate them.*

Lucian began to theorize, drawing on his knowledge of modern science. He considered the possibility that magic was a form of energy, governed by its own laws of conservation and transfer. The herbs and spells mentioned by the midwife suggested that this energy could interact with the natural world in specific, tangible ways.

*If magic is energy, then understanding its sources and conduits will be key,* he thought. *Perhaps it's like electromagnetism, with specific frequencies and wavelengths.*

He watched his family closely, looking for any signs of magical practice. He noted the way his mother prepared meals with an almost ritualistic precision, how his father seemed to move with an unspoken awareness of their surroundings, and how Kael's curiosity sometimes seemed to border on the precognitive.

Lucian's scientific mind was relentless. He theorized that the charms and trinkets around the house might be acting as foci for magical energy, similar to how circuits channel electricity. The patterns and symbols could be encoding specific spells or protections, a hypothesis he was eager to test once he had more control over his body and language.

Days turned into weeks, and Lucian's understanding of the language began to grow. He paid close attention to the words spoken around him, associating them with actions and objects. His family's affectionate interactions provided a wealth of information, and he absorbed it all like a sponge.

Lucian's father, Alden (24 years old), a tall man with a kind face and a strong build, would often come home tired but cheerful, bringing stories of the village and small gifts for the children. His presence filled the house with a sense of security and warmth.

One evening, as the family gathered around the hearth(fireplace), Lucian noticed something unusual. Alden was showing Kael how to carve a piece of wood into a simple toy. Elara watched with a smile, her hands busy with sewing. The air seemed to hum with the simple pleasures of a close-knit family.

"This is how you whittle, Kael," Alden said, his hands deftly shaping the wood. "It's a skill passed down through generations. It teaches patience and precision."

As Alden spoke, Lucian's eyes remained fixed on the process. He could see the practical application of skill and focus, a tangible link to their way of life. His scientific curiosity was piqued, and he longed to understand the mechanics behind their everyday activities.

*Skills that can be inherited, practiced, and perfected. If I can learn to harness this practical knowledge...*

Kael watched intently, his young hands trying to mimic Alden's movements. When Alden handed him the knife, Kael carefully began to carve, his face a mix of concentration and excitement. Lucian observed closely, absorbing every detail.

The family watched with pride as Kael made progress, Alden's gentle guidance steering him. Elara's smile broadened, her eyes filled with warmth. "Kael, you have a bright future ahead," she murmured softly, as if sensing his potential.

As the evening grew quieter and the family started to wind down, Lucian felt a sharp pang of determination. His mind was alive with possibilities. He had begun to grasp the language, the daily routines, and the basics of this world's practices. But there was so much more to uncover.