
The Smartest Prodigy Reincarnates in a Fantasy Magic World

Evan, a young prodigy scientist in his previous life, unexpectedly dies and reincarnates into a fantasy world inhabited by elves, dragons, and other mythical creatures. Enrolled in the prestigious Silvercrest Academy of Magic, Evan finds himself among noble-born classmates who possess magical lineage. Despite being a commoner, Evan's unparalleled intellect allows him to swiftly master arcane arts, unravel ancient mysteries, and forge unexpected alliances. As he navigates class distinctions and societal norms, Evan's quest for knowledge and recognition unfolds against a backdrop of tormented characters with dark tragedies. ----------------------------------------

FantasyCat · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

An Unlikely Event

The vast territory of Baron Alistair Raynor, known as Raynoria, stretched before them as Lucian and his small group approached. The land was rich and fertile, dotted with fields of golden wheat and verdant forests.

Lucian's eyes widened as they approached Castle Raynor, a grand structure of stone and glass surrounded by a bustling town.The town below was alive with activity—merchants peddling their wares, children playing in the streets, and townsfolk going about their daily lives.

The carriage came to a stop at the castle gates, and the knights dismounted, opening the door for Lucian. He stepped out, taking in the grandeur of his new surroundings. Despite his apprehension, a sense of awe and curiosity filled him.

Aleron gestured for Lucian to follow. "Come, Lord Raynor is expecting us."

They walked through the castle's grand halls, adorned with tapestries and portraits of past rulers. The air was filled with the scent of polished wood and fresh flowers, a stark contrast to the earthy aromas of Pinevale.

Lucian, now seven years old, couldn't help but marvel at the sight. Despite the memories of his past life, the splendor of medieval architecture and the thriving community impressed him.

As they were ushered into the castle's great hall, the Baron, his son, and his daughter were waiting.

Sir Roland and Master Aleron bowed upon arrival.

"Lord Raynor," Aleron began, his voice steady and precise, "During our investigation, young Lucian, 7 years old, revealed himself as a third-circle mage, admitting to the death of our missing soldiers and displaying undeniable proof of his dual elemental affinities of fire and light, a rare and formidable combination that warrants immediate consideration and careful handling."

Baron Alistair Raynor, a former general with a stern expression. His reputation for strength and ruthlessness was well-known, but today his curiosity was piqued by the boy who had single-handedly defeated fourteen soldiers at the age of 7.

"You killed those fourteen soldiers alone?" Baron Raynor inquired, his voice deep and authoritative.

Lucian bowed respectfully, as he had learned from watching countless fantasy dramas in his previous life. "Yes, my lord. I possess dual elemental affinities—fire and light and It is an honor to be here."

The baron's eyes widened in shock. Dual affinities were rare, and the combination of fire and light was exceptional. Light affinity, in particular, was revered, often seen as a mark of divine favor. It was one of the two rarest affinities—light and dark—but light was always more esteemed. Lucian was guaranteed to become at least a holy knight in the Holy Empire with his light affinity. In truth, however, Lucian had all elemental affinities, but he knew revealing this would draw too much attention and suspicion.

"Is that so?" Baron Raynor's stern demeanor softened, replaced by a broad smile. "No need to be so formal, my boy."

He gestured to the two children standing beside him. "These are my children. My son, Ethan Raynor, is eleven years old and has formed his first mana circle. My daughter, Sofia Raynor, is eight and has yet to form a mana circle."

Ethan looked downcast, clearly disheartened by his slow progress compared to other noble children. Sofia, on the other hand, was bright-eyed and fascinated by Lucian. She had heard of his abilities and was impressed by his poise and manners; he was like a knight in shining armour in her imagination.

The baron continued, "Lucian, when you turn sixteen, I want you to support my son and daughter at Silvercrest Academy of Magic. Many talented nobles attend, and they will need your strength. In return, I will cover your admission fees to the commoner class. Though it is the commoner class, it is filled with children of wealthy merchants, officials, knights, and mages due to the high fees."

Lucian's mind raced. This was an opportunity not just for him but for his village. "My lord," he began carefully, "may I ask for your assistance in admitting two more people, and in keeping my village's secret? If anyone asks, let it be known that I am an orphan you have raised."

Baron Raynor laughed heartily. "You are quite smart and talented, Lucian. I wouldn't mind giving you my daughter's hand with such potential."

Sofia blushed and looked away, embarrassed yet intrigued.

Lucian bowed again. "Thank you for your kind offer, my lord. I will consider it in due time."

Baron Raynor nodded approvingly. "Very good. Now, let us see what you can do."

They made their way to the castle's training grounds, where soldiers were busy honing their skills. Lucian stood in the center, Sir Roland and Aleron watching from the sidelines.

Taking a deep breath, Lucian began to gather mana, the air around him shimmering with potential. He focused on the elements of fire and light, as he had claimed to possess these affinities.

With a swift motion, he released a burst of fire, the red flames dancing in the air before forming into a controlled stream. The soldiers watched in awe, murmuring amongst themselves.

Next, Lucian summoned light, the mana circles around him glowing brightly. He directed the light into a concentrated beam, illuminating the training grounds and casting long shadows.

Baron Raynor and his children watched, impressed by Lucian's display of power and control. Aleron nodded approvingly, recognizing the boy's potential.

As the demonstration concluded, the baron approached Lucian, a satisfied smile on his face. "You have exceeded my expectations, boy. You will be a valuable addition to our household."

Lucian bowed again. "Thank you, my lord."

The baron gestured towards the castle. "Come, let us dine together. We have much to discuss."

The dining hall of Castle Raynor was a grand room with a long table set with fine candles and silverware. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of battles and hunts, and a large chandelier hung overhead, casting a warm glow.

Lucian took a seat at the table, flanked by Ethan and Sofia. Baron Raynor sat at the head, with Aleron and other members of the household joining them.

As the meal began, the baron engaged Lucian in conversation. "Tell me, Lucian, what do you know of the political landscape of the Veridian Kingdom?"

Lucian, recalling the books he had read, replied, "The Veridian Kingdom is bordered by the Aurora Empire to the north, the Orienta Empire to the east, and the Elven Realm of Eldoria to the south. To the west lies Shadevale Forest, beyond which are the lands of Dracoria, the Stonereach Dominion of dwarves, and the Netherrealm of demons."

The baron nodded, impressed. "You are well-informed. Knowledge of our neighbors is crucial, especially in times of uncertainty. Don't forget about the Mage Towers and the Holy Empire; they wield significant influence and can alter the course of battle."