
The Sleeping Ruler

In the world of "Tensura," a captivating new tale unfolds, centered around the enigmatic Dino, known as the Sleeping Ruler. Dino, a lazy yet mischievous Angel, unexpectedly takes on the role of the protagonist in a story that delves deep into his untold past, Dino is given a vacation from Veldanava and he travels the Cardinal world. read the story of what kind of dreams the sleeping Ruler See's when sleeping. (Ai Experiment)

Azazel_of_calamity · Tranh châm biếm
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51 Chs

A Chance Encounter

The sun hung lazily in the sky, as if it couldn't be bothered to rise any higher. I strolled through the bustling town with the grace of a slug on a hot summer day, my hands buried deep in my pockets, and my steps as leisurely as a snail on vacation. The people around me hurried about like ants on a mission, their brows furrowed with purpose and their expressions screaming, "I'm busy, don't bother me!" Ah, the charm of productivity. It was a concept I observed from a distance, much like a lazy cat observing a parade of industrious mice.

As I meandered through the crowded streets, I couldn't help but be drawn to a peculiar commotion up ahead. Curiosity, the cousin of laziness, tugged at my spirit. I followed the sound of boisterous laughter and animated chatter, like a sloth following a trail of low-hanging fruit.

Lo and behold, a group of adventurers had gathered in the town square, their armor shining as if they had just rolled around in a tub of polish. They regaled each other with tales of daring escapades, exaggerated feats, and near-death experiences. It was a sight to behold, like a theater troupe performing a play where the heroics were as exaggerated as my need for an afternoon nap.

With a half-hearted shrug and a yawn that could rival a lion's roar, I decided to approach the gathering, my innate laziness temporarily overridden by a twinge of curiosity. As I edged closer, their conversation faded into the background noise of clanking armor and exaggerated gestures. I found a convenient spot leaning against a building, the very picture of nonchalance.

One adventurer, a flamboyant bard with a lute strapped to his back, captivated the group with his animated storytelling. His voice rose and fell like a melodious rollercoaster, his hands gesticulating wildly to emphasize each heroic feat. Ah, the wonders of embellishment and creative storytelling. It was a skill I appreciated, even if my own tales were often met with a lukewarm response.

"And then," he exclaimed with dramatic flair, "I bravely faced the ferocious dragon, its fiery breath mere inches from my face. With a single strum of my lute, I lulled it into a deep slumber. Legends were born that day, my friends!"

The group erupted into applause, their admiration echoing through the crowded square. Ah, the joys of basking in the glory of one's own accomplishments. It was a feeling I had long forgotten, buried beneath layers of indifference and a love for napping.

Caught in the infectious energy of the moment, I couldn't resist interjecting with my own unique perspective. "Ah, my dear bard, your tales of dragon-slaying and lute-strumming are truly mesmerizing. But have you ever witnessed the awe-inspiring sight of a sleeping snail? The tranquility, the serenity... it rivals the most epic of battles, I assure you."

Silence fell over the group as they turned to face the source of the lazy interruption. Curiosity danced in their eyes, mixed with a healthy dose of skepticism. The bard, ever the showman, flashed me an intrigued smile, as if I had just revealed a secret treasure hidden beneath a pile of leaves.

"Tell us more, good sir," he said, his voice laced with a playful challenge. "Enlighten us with your tales of slumbering snails and the wonders they behold."

I obliged, my words infused with a dry wit that danced on the edge of absurdity. "Picture this, dear adventurers. A snail, tucked away in its cozy shell, undisturbed by the chaos of the world. It slumbers peacefully, blissfully unaware of the grand tales and heroic endeavors that unfold around it. Perhaps, my friends, we could all learn a thing or two from the art of snail-like tranquility."

A smattering of laughter rippled through the group, a mix of amusement and bemusement. Some chuckled at the absurdity of my lazy musings, while others seemed genuinely intrigued by the unconventional perspective I offered. Ah, the joys of making people laugh, even unintentionally.

The bard, ever the entertainer, strummed a few chords on his lute, conjuring a melody that complemented my lazy ramblings. The combination of his music and my idleness created a harmonious contrast, a duet between productivity and indolence. It was a peculiar yet delightful symphony that floated through the air, captivating the attention of passersby.

As the crowd dispersed, the bard approached me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You, my friend, are a breath of fresh air in a world consumed by grand quests and epic battles. Would you care to share a drink and regale me with more tales of your slumbering adventures?"

I considered his proposition for a moment, my mind swaying between the comforts of my idle routine and the allure of a new encounter. Ultimately, my curiosity won out, and I nodded with a lazy grin.

"Why not? Let us retreat to the nearest tavern and indulge in the art of leisurely conversation. Who knows, dear bard, we might uncover a hidden tale within the realm of sloth itself."

And so, the bard and I sauntered off together, our steps matching the rhythm of a meandering tune. As we entered the cozy tavern, laughter and merriment filled the air, an orchestra of joy to accompany our leisurely rendezvous. The aroma of hearty food and frothy ale tickled my senses, luring me further into the realm of relaxation.

Little did I know that this chance encounter would mark the beginning of a peculiar friendship, a bond forged between a bard of grand tales and a slumbering demon lord with a penchant for laziness. Together, we would explore the realms of whimsy, sharing laughter, stories, and perhaps even uncovering the secret powers hidden within the art of indolence.

But that, dear reader, is a tale for another time. For now, let us raise our glasses to the unexpected encounters that breathe life into our languid existence, and to the beauty of finding kinship in the most unlikely places.