
Chapter 47

The exit sign blurred into nothingness as my eyes filled with tears. My legs buckled, but I propped myself up against the wall behind me.

I wasn't dead yet. I seemed to have lost my slayer powers, I was about 68 percent sure I'd been shot in the back through the officer's vest, and Paul really, really wanted me dead. Levelling my three vamps with a glare, I fished out one of the pencils I'd stolen and snapped it in half.

"Seriously?" Jacek grinned, the effect splitting his entire face open. "A pencil, Slayer?"

That wasn't something he would say. He'd be proud of my resourcefulness. This was all Paul. A hallucination.

Sawyer smirked, his face twisting and writhing with shadows and loose flesh. "How has she survived this long?"

Eddie made a tsk-ing sound as he wagged his finger. "Too bad desire and sunshine goes stale so quickly. But let's make sure, one more time, and then we can strangle her and drink her dry instead of one lick at a time."