
Chapter 120

Sawyer sat back and scrubbed his hands down his face. "That's cutting it ridiculously close."

"I mean...maybe not. My official time of birth is 11:59 at night. The moon will be out before that, obviously, so I'll go on my merry way to kill Paul in his dimension, then plant the flower, and hope it grows over the portal as it sucks the power out of it and me, and effectively trapping dead Paul inside." I looked at each of them. "Easy chicken squeezy?"

The detective shook his head. "I don't see what chickens have to do with this, and no, not easy."

Sawyer put his hand on my thigh. "We're scheduling your battle with Paul based on a flower that may not even do what you want it to do." His shoulders sagged as he looked at me, heartache and worry written across every single frown line on his face. "And you may not even make it until your birthday."