

The main character, Hank, is in his early 20's and works as a hospital security guard but is unhappy with his rinse and repeat life. He has a crush on a nurse, Roxanne, and it took a vampire biting him to commit to asking her out. The two were instantly bonded and decided to start a new life together but the consequences of Hank getting bit haunted the two and Roxanne past coming home to roost. They made it through the drama with the help of a third party catalyst, and made it to their destination only to have it ripped away from them. The story ends with the third-party catalyst revealing himself.

Hank_7178 · Võ hiệp
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60 Chs

Nuclear Football

We sat in the boat, quietly processing the royal FUBAR that had just occurred. The jet proceeded towards Cabo de Libertada. I looked around the boat and did a head count. Everyone was present and breathing except Martinez. I removed the spear from the dash and Martinez's skull to find that it was carbon-based material. Roxanne finally broke the silence and asked agin, "What just happened?" I whispered, "I don't know." Mike spoke up, "Hank. Any ideas?" I remembered a daydream from back at the hospital and asked Roxanne, "Do you speak Indonesian?" She smiled, "No, but I can learn." I looked at Landon, and he had stopped crying. That worried me, and I asked Roxanne, "Is he okay?" She assured me, "Yes." I noted, "We need to get out of the sun and fast." Roxanne agreed, "That would be smart." I looked at Mike and Sabrina, and they were huddled together. I asked Mike, "Are you two okay?" He responded, "I think so. Sabrina is a little shaken up, but we will be fine."

I looked at Martinez's body and checked his pockets. There was a wallet, a phone, and a handwritten letter. It read, "Get Hank, Roxanne, Merlin, and Landon out of Cabo de Libertad and await further instruction." It was concerning because a small handful of people knew Landon's name, and Martinez was not one of them. He also had a large duffel bag, and it was filled to the brim with cash. I dragged the body up to the bow and set it down. Roxanne asked, "What are you going to do with him." I remarked, "He needs a proper burial." Roxanne smiled. "I love you." I went to her and kissed her. I returned to the dash, and the spear missed all of the crucial parts of the boat. I put it in gear and accelerated it. The boat's GPS was locked into a city about an hour's boat ride.

We arrived at the city, and I docked the boat. I looked through the glove box and found the boat's title, which was registered to me. Martinez and someone else planned this out, but him getting domed by a spear made of a dragon bone was not part of the plan. We disembarked, and I told Mike, "Get everyone to a hotel and text me where you end up." He nodded, but Roxanne looked nervous. I soothed, "I will meet you guys there soon. I have to deal with getting us out of here." She nodded, and I kissed her. The group set off towards the city center with most of the baggage, and I found the office. I walked in, and a man introduced himself, "Hello, friend! I'm Hector. How can I help you?" I told him, "I need a discreet way to get four adults, a baby, and a dog to Bali." He consoled, "I'm sorry about your home." I thought, "Shit. He knows."

I slowly reached for my back waistband, where I stashed the pistol, and he interrupted, "Easy vaquero. I'm a friend." I evaded, "We are done here." I started to back out, but Hyde yelled, "TRUST HIM." I froze, and he continued, "I can get you all out tomorrow night on a container ship the cartels use to smuggle high-profile assets, and it leaves tomorrow morning." I asked, "How much." He did the math in his head and said, "25,000." I countered, "26,000, and we bring that boat out there." He looked out the window and said, "28,000." I stated, "Deal." We shook hands, and he continued, "Be here tomorrow at 7 PM." I put 14,000 grand out of the duffel bag and put it on the counter. I stated, "You'll get the rest tomorrow." He nodded, and I asked, "Do you know Agent Martinez?" He uttered, "Maybe I do, maybe I don't." I noted, "If you know him, his body is in the boat's bow. If you don't, I'll give you a grand to bury it." Hector's face went pale, and I decided to go all in, "A dragon killed him." Hector divulged, "I'll ensure he gets to his family." I nodded and exited. My phone buzzed, and it was from Mike. The text read, "The hotel is three blocks towards the beach and is named "El Hotel Santuario." 

I got to the resort, and it was extravagant. I walked in, and the front desk agent handed me a card and said, "Your room is 354." I took the card and retreated to the room with the duffel bag at my side. When I opened the door, Roxanne announced, "We are in the bathroom." I opened the door, and Roxanne was cleaning Landon in the sink. I asked, "Where are Merlin, Mike, and Sabrina?" Roxanne responded, "They are playing on the beach and will be back soon." I hugged her from behind and asked, "Are you okay?" Roxanne started to cry, and I soothed. "It's okay, hun. We are safe, and I figured out how to get out of here." She said, "I know we are, but I had never been that scared in my entire life!" I announced, "You fooled me." She wrapped Landon in a towel and turned around. I wiped a tear off her cheek, and she held out Landon. I held him in my arms, and he was asleep. Looking at him made me feel like I had finally accomplished everything in life, and my mission was complete. The door opened, and Merlin ran in. He came skidding to a halt right in front of me and sat down. I proclaimed, "Good boy!" Merlin raised a paw, and I carefully shook it while cradling Landon with my free arm. Mike walked in and asked, "What's the plan, Hank?" I responded, "We leave on a ship first thing in the morning." I decided to keep the dirty details out of it and claim ignorance because we had enough of a stressful day and didn't need a reason to worry about the next day. Before Mike could respond, Sabrina dragged a foldable baby crib in through the door. I asked Mike, "Where did you guys find that so quickly?" He answered, "Sabrina sniffed it out from a furniture store around the corner. "It's our first of many gifts for you and Roxanne. We need to start repaying you for saving our lives." I responded, "Thank you, guys. We will call it even if you guys occasionally babysit." I looked at Roxanne, expecting to see a scowl, but she had a huge smile. Sabrina walked up to me, and I handed her Landon. She held him like she was carrying the nuclear football. Roxanne signed to Sabrina, and Sabrina smiled. I looked at Roxanne, and she divulged, "I just asked them to be Landon's godparents." Mike exclaimed, "Of course." Sabrina handed Landon back to me, and I placed him in his crib. Mike and Sabrina left, and Roxanne and I climbed into bed. I directed Merlin, "Watch the baby." He barked, and Roxanne and I passed out.