
The Sisters Law

Sisters Marybeth and Sophia find themselves thrust into the wilds of a new world, Luxitas. Alone, afraid and with strange powers, these sisters must find a way to not only survive but thrive amongst the Magic, Monsters and Gods. Will they make it home or be lost forever? Their answer lies within The Laws. NEW EPISODES EVERY DAY MON - FRI

K_JLopez · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Lord Malis

The rattling of cart wheels rolling over a stone woke Marybeth from her sleep. The images of her haunting dream still clung to the back of her mind. A young girl crying, a sick mother, and a father who wasn't there. All these things were nothing compared to what she found after waking up.

A starry night sky was painted high above her with only the faintest hints of clouds drifting through. The moon's light cast everything in a sharp contrast of definitions and shadows. Marybeth could see the faint shape of the tops of trees passing by as the wooden cart continued onward.

She could hear the subtlest sound of people chattering and the clopping of horse feet against a dirt road. Over and over the wooden cart bumped and jumped as the wheels clattered against rock and stone. Marybeth figured that the pain in her back was caused by how uncomfortable she was laid down. Marybeth stretched her arms and legs out trying to ease the tension in her body. Her arms and legs stopped shorter than she expected. Fear clawed at her heart as she realized why. Her hands were bound behind her back with cuffs and her feet tied with rope.

Fear sharply turned to panic as her breathing became shallow and she tried to break free of her bonds. The chains around her wrists were tight and they dug deep into her skin. Her wrists and ankles were killing her every time she tried to free herself. She tried to give it one more try but ended up hurting herself even more. She gave up on trying to free her hands and feet and instead took a moment to take in her environment. Maybe she could find something to cut her binds.

Marybeth twisted her body to get a better look at the cart. She choked on her breath as she tried to hold back a scream. Sophie was laying in front of her asleep. Her arms behind her back and her feet tied together. In the corner, also bound hand and feet sat Aer in the corner of the cart. Franklin was laying in a metal cage on top of a barrel.

Where are we? Marybeth thought as questions started racing through her mind. Why are we chained up? What happened? Who has taken us? Where are we going?

In a moment of weakness, Marybeth tried to pull on her restraints again causing her to kick a wooden crate.

"What's that?" One of the cart drivers asked. His voice was deep like grinding stones and his words slurred as he talked.

"What?" Another deep voice spoke up.

"I thought I heard one of them starting to wake up."

"Which one?"

"I don't know. That's why I was asking… What's that?" The first voice said as he echoed his own words.

"Well then stop the cart. I'll go check."

"Ugh… I don't want to stop. I'm starving."

"Then eat your tongue and shut it. I'm tired of your complaining."

"Maybe I'll cut out your tongue and eat that."

"Both of you shut it." A third voice said. This voice was different than the others. It was still deep and its words came slow but there was something else about it. It was dark. It was filled with malice and cunning. The depth of this person's words sent shivers down Marybeth's spine. "If I hear you two arguing like little children again then I'll trap you in an eternity of torment. Do you understand?"


"Yes… Yes of course."

"Good. We are almost there."

The night sky disappeared behind a canopy of trees as the cart entered a dense forest. A soft ember glow of a high-posted torch crossed over the top of the wagon. After a few minutes, another torch crossed overhead, and then another and another. In the distance, Marybeth could hear more chatter as they drew closer to their destination.

Marybeth considered trying to wake one of the others. She thought at first about waking up Sophie and seeing if she could help her free her legs then she thought better of it. Their captors thought they were all still asleep. If they find out they're awake then things could get much worse. Best to wait it out and see what happens. Maybe when Aer wakes up he could fight whoever these guys are and free them.

A loud thump sounded on the side of the cart followed by a guttural laugh. Marybeth recognized the laughter immediately. It was Krik. The hobgoblin was hanging on to the side of the cart and looking down at his new prisoners.

"Good. Good." Krik chuckled. "Malis will be pleased. Did you find it?"

"Yes. I've got it right here." One of the cart riders said.

"Oh, my precious tooth. I am glad to have you back. That foul worm will die for taking you away from me. I will never again take my eye from you." Krik let out another laugh and then jumped from the cart.

The canopy of trees turned suddenly to a stone roof as they entered a large cave. The walls were layered with torches and a sick smell permeated the air.

"Take them to Malis. He is hungry and want's his dinner." Krik's voice echoed through the tunnel.

Malis? Marybeth remembered what Krik had said before. Malis was his boss and he wanted to eat them. She had to get out of here. She needed to save her sister. Maybe if she could touch Sophie's hand like before then the light would come and save them. Marybeth took in a breath and started to roll over. She was stopped by a sudden hiss. Looking down she saw Aer looking at her.

The lizard-man was shaking his head. His eyes telling her to not move. She wanted to say something back. To tell him to forget her, save Sophie and get out of here. Aer could do it. She knew he could. He could use his chain to fight the hobgoblins and Malis and save her sister. Marybeth then realized that Aer didn't have his chain. Her last flame of hope went out. They were going to die.

The sound of a wooden gate opening creaked loudly, rebounding around the walls of the cave. The cart traveled through the gate and entered a large antechamber. The sickening smell was thick here like a foul smog that burned Marybeth's lungs. A rhythmic screeching and hollering started all around them and the low beating of a drum followed the beat of the singers.

"Haaaallllttt." A groaning voice said as it commanded the cart drivers to stop. "Wwwwhhhaaaattt haaavvee you brought me?"

"We have brought you a special meal, lord Malis." The first cart rider to talk had said.

"A special meal," The second followed. "A meal that was lost but now found."

"Malis. Oh, Lord Malis. I have fought for your redemption and my hunters have brought back your lost prize. " Krik said, his voice trembling as he spoke. "Have I regained your favor, my lord?"

"Brrriiinnnggg mmeee the food," Malis commanded.

The back of the cart opened suddenly, causing Aer to fall out and land on the ground with a groan of pain.

"Look here. The chain wielder is awake. Let's see how well you fight now without your precious Law." Krik pulled out his blade and laid it against Aer's neck.

"Stop." It was that voice again. Not the cart drivers. Not this Lord Malis, and not Krik. It was the dark voice. The voice that caused Marybeth to tremble. "Do not harm the prisoner. Leave them for Malis."

"You… you don't command me," Krik said, a quiver in his voice.

"Brrriiinnnggg mmeee the fooooood," Malis commanded again. "I wwwiiilll nnnooottt ask aaaggaain."

"Yes lord. Bring out the prisoners." Krik said. The cart rocked back and forth as the two drivers jumped from their seated positions and walked around to the back. They had the appearance of hobgoblins but were much larger. They had long, lanky arms and legs, a pointed nose, and black greasy hair. They were trolls. Foul, smelly trolls. They looked just how Marybeth thought trolls would look.

As the trolls reached in, one grabbed the cage Franklin was in and the other grabbed Sophie. Marybeth wanted to scream to tell them to stop and take her instead but suddenly Sophie's eyes shot open.

"Let me go! Let me go! Marybeth!" Sophie cried as she was hauled from the cart.

"Leave her alone!" Aer yelled. Krik twisted his blade in his hand and hit Aer in the face. A splatter of blood shot out from between the lizard-man's teeth.

"Grab the other one. Malis wants her first," Krik said as he pointed to Marybeth.

Marybeth was picked up and thrown over the shoulder of one of the trolls. She kept her eyes closed. She didn't know what to do. Should she call out to her sister, let her know she hears her, and then tell her everything was going to be okay? How could she? Nothing had been okay these last few days. It had all been a whirlwind of danger and confusion. How did they end up in this mess?

Marybeth was dropped to the ground next to her sister who cried out her name. Aer was doing his best to comfort her. To get her to stop. Franklin was still asleep inside his cage.

"Marybeth… Marybeth, please wake up. I need you," Sophie cried.

"I'm here Sophie," Marybeth said between clenched teeth and burning tears. "I'm here. Everything will be okay."

Marybeth opened her eyes and sat up. Sophie laid her head on her shoulder and wept. Aer was sitting up straight looking forward. Marybeth followed his gaze and got her first look at Lord Malis.