
Hidden Boss and name sake owners (NSCO)

It was in summer of 2020, just when Lock down due to Covid 19 has be announced in different countries. people were in fear and dilemma of uncertainty in their homes, neighbourhoods, communities and in the world.

some feared of their livelihood which is disrupted, some feared of their business uncertainties. There is a company hidden owner, who hides his identity and keeps the company under someone else's name but not off course without an agreement. However, they doesn't hold any power in decision making. it's all under the control of the hidden Boss. The hidden boss would pay some money yearly to his appointed candidate. He prefers to choose his close links although there are only few and those from his relatives as a name sake company owner (NSCO). He doesn't trust people in general and is a very insecure guy who suspected everyone. As many years went by, there were also many name sake company owners. The ownership kept on changing but surprisingly all of the previous name sake company owners (NSCO)

weren't happy when they passed the ownership. Most of them left abroad for good. most of them are in USA and in Canada.

some of the NSCO were the general staff of the company. Oh! there are two companies under one roof. you might wonder why both the companies can't be be merged into one, after all its operating under one roof. Well there are reasons, you will know them as we go along the road.

we will also know the names of the hidden owner, company name and names NSCOs as we go further.

End of march 2020, Lock down has been put into effect and so did it was partially put into effect in the manufacturing company Tibetan Carpet. company manufactures and export to the west mainly to USA. This Lock down was stressful to the hidden Boss and it brought lot of insecurity in his head. He was in general a normal looking guy, who looks harmless and navie. He wears regular clothes, eats in the small shabby restaurants from time to time. He lives in Canada, his wife and three daughters lives there. unfortunately, He couldn't perceive a son even after many attempts.

He lives in Canada and has his business in Asia and therefore, he would visit twice every year and spends about 3 months during each visit. He would stay inside the company premises and eats lunch at office mess. staffs contribute the food rations.

He would come to Nepal in the pretext of business advisor to the company. although the company is a manufacturing company yet hidden Boss's role is mainly to look on the financial part and human resources part where he would play lot of office politics. This hidden Boss is very different from the other real bosses. This guy creates an unhealthy work environments by way of bitching at the back and siding one group to another. He would purposely target certain individuals and refuses to acknowledge their work and existence. He wouldn't raise the salary for his targets and force them to resign voluntarily. He is a sweet talker yet very cunning.

If there are any meetings or the discussions, He would be the only one speaking. the most boring of all is that he would repeat his thoughts three times and was a very bad listener. He has adopted a thought that a lie if told in repeated times will become a truth. As such he would tell many lies to the staffs, clients and raw material suppliers. there was no one who exposed him yet of his crimes such as money laundering, tax aviation. false business transactions under the hidden names. Mental tortures to the staffs and so on...