
The Sinister Six: The Fight For Justice

This is the story of what happens if Some of the Iconic Marvel universe's Hero's and Villain's Switch places. Follow the story of the Sinister Six. So Nicknamed this by Spiderman and the Daily Bugle as a way to Frighten off the public and to scare those who would ever come across this Great team of Hero's.

E_N_Macey · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Issue Number 2

Doc OC soon arrives back at the Sinister Six HQ, The bunker at the bottom of the city and as Doc OC enters the bunker he closes the door behind him and as he makes his way into the main room with his Metal claws going Stomp, Stomp, Stomp on the metal floor. As he Confronts the team. He then says to the team "I Spoke to Scarlet Goblin, He says we need to stay put in the bunker for a while. He say's he'll handle a few matters including Max's memorial and his replacement candidates for his spot in the team."

Vulture walks towards Ben and says "HOW DARE SCARLET GOBLIN JUST TRY AND BRUSH OFF MAX'S DEATH AND REPLACE HIM." Flash then says to Vulture. "HEY!! Scarlet Goblin is a amazing guy and a amazing Hero, He saved me from being attached to that disgusting symbiote that called itself Venom that ate my Family, Scarlet Goblin was there for me, He helped me become the Shocker in case that disgusting Symbiote ever showed it's ugly face again. I'll kill it with these Sonic Gauntlets."

Mysterio then says "I believe that in this situation we need to listen to Scarlet Goblin, Until the situation dies down. Doc did you say that he will be retrieving a list of worth Candidate's for Max's replacement?"

Ben walks in and sits down on a Sofa in the middle of the room and says "Yes Scarlet Goblin is getting the list for us, He is also going to send out the tinkerer once our newest member has joined us."

Vulture walks over and Sits down on another Sofa in the centre of the room and asks "So how can we hurt Spider-Man?, Move on his territory?, Take over the Bugle?. We might as well take this time to plan our next move."

Shocker sits down and says "Moving on the Bugle isn't a bad idea, Who ever controls the bugle controls the flow of information within New York. I know we're Hero's but the Bugle is a really big threat to all us Hero's. We need to get John Jonah Jameson to join the good guys. But how?"

Vulture looks at the others and says "Black mail?, Buyout?, Perhaps Spiderman is black mailing him and we can try and save him from it."

Mysterio now sitting down points to Vulture with his finger and says "I haven't thought about that. What if he is being blackmailed?, Is there anyway we can be sure?" The 3 of them looks towards Ben and Shocker asks "Can you asks Scarlet Goblin?, to see if there's anyway to find out with one of his other teams of Hero's perhaps the Scarlet Cat?. Those Girls know how to get anything from anywhere."

Ben looks at the others and says "I'll asks him when he get's us the list, To see what he can do. in the mean time you all might want to get some rest in the Barracks, We're no good to Scarlet Goblin tired. Flash, Adrian do you two mind taking first watch. Turn on the TV, Let's see what the news is from the Bugle." Flash grabs the Tv controller and Turns on the TV and selects the daily bugle channel. JJJ soon pops up on TV and says "Crime expected to plummet as the horrific super Villain Electro has been killed by our Hero Spiderman. Electro the man who the idiotic punks of the street called "A Hero" died earlier tonight by our own legendary Spiderman. Good riddance I say the less Super Villains the better."

Mysterio removes his helmet and says to the others "His Vitals are wrong, Especially for a man his age." Adrian and Flash look towards Mysterio and Adrian asks "How?, What's wrong?"

Mysterio looks at them and says "His vitals read that he's a perfectly healthy 21 year old with a metabolism strong enough to devour 10 pigs whole and not put on any weight. He's supposedly in his Mid 50s he's not meant to be that healthy in any way. Especially with his very public Smoking History. Something is freaky about him. We definitely need to send the Scarlet Cat to find out what's going on?."