
The Silver Princess

LysanderNightshade · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

The Demon King's Revelation

Twilight fell over the Demon Realm, plunging the Shadow Palace into a veil of darkness. Sophia, still feeling the pulsating power of the Sphere of Tenebrous within her, walked through the dark corridors with her heart racing. She had mastered her first test under Lyra's tutelage, but a question still lingered in her mind: Why had she been chosen as a candidate? What was her true purpose in this realm?

Her steps led her to an immense hall, whose obsidian doors opened slowly before her. As she crossed them, she felt an intense cold, as if the air itself was charged with an ancient and formidable power. At the far end of the room, on a throne of interwoven shadows, sat Kael, the Demon King.

His presence was overwhelming. His tall and majestic figure seemed to merge with the darkness that surrounded him, while his red eyes, bright as embers, observed her with an intensity that made her shudder. Kael was the personification of night, a being whose power transcended the understanding of most demons.

"Sophia," he pronounced her name with a voice that resonated off the walls of the hall, deep and authoritative. "Come closer."

Sophia obeyed, struggling to maintain her composure as she advanced towards him. Kael's power was palpable, a force that surrounded her like an invisible mantle. But within herself, Sophia felt the light and darkness she had begun to master, giving her the strength to stand firm before him.

When she was a few steps from the throne, Kael looked at her intently, as if he were evaluating every fiber of her being. The silence that followed was so dense that Sophia felt any sound would shatter it into a thousand pieces.

"You have done well in your first trials," Kael finally said, his tone neutral, almost cold. "But there is something you must know before continuing."

Sophia looked up, meeting his fixed gaze. There was something in his eyes, a flash of antiquity and knowledge, as if he were about to reveal a secret that had been kept for centuries.

"The Aren is not simply a competition to choose a future queen," Kael continued, his voice low but charged with meaning. "It is a ritual that determines the stability of our realm, the union of forces that maintain the balance between light and darkness."

Sophia felt her heart racing. She had sensed there was more behind the Aren, but she hadn't imagined its meaning was so profound.

"Each candidate for the Aren is chosen not only for her strength or abilities, but for her capacity to handle the balance between these forces," Kael explained, leaning slightly forward. "The Silver Princess, in particular, has always played a crucial role in this ritual. And you, Sophia, have been chosen for this role due to your dual nature."

"My dual nature?" Sophia asked, feeling that a revelation was about to fall upon her.

Kael nodded slowly.

"You have the power of light and darkness within you," he said. "It is a rare power, even in our realm, and essential to maintain the balance that preserves the peace and prosperity of the Demon Realm."

Sophia looked at him with wide eyes, trying to process the magnitude of his words. Light and darkness... Since she arrived in this world, she had felt these two forces within her, but she had never really understood what they meant.

"So... my destiny is...?" Sophia began, but Kael interrupted her.

"Your destiny is to be the key that maintains the balance of our realm," Kael said with unshakeable firmness. "If you manage to overcome the Aren and are chosen as my future betrothed, you will not only be my queen, but also the guardian of the balance. A role that implies more responsibilities than you can imagine."

The weight of his words fell upon Sophia like a slab. Now she understood why she had been brought to this world, why she had been reborn as the Silver Princess. Her previous life had been a prelude to this moment, a journey to prepare her for the role she now had to assume.

"But it will not be easy," Kael continued, his tone becoming more somber. "The power you carry within you is both a blessing and a curse. Mastering it requires a sacrifice, a cost that you must be willing to pay."

Sophia felt a shiver run down her spine.

"What kind of sacrifice?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Kael rose from his throne, his figure casting an imposing shadow over her.

"All in due time, Sophia," he said, his tone enigmatic. "But for now, you must focus on the Aren. Each test you face will bring you closer to your true self, to the final revelation of your power."

He took a step closer to her, and Sophia felt the cold presence of his aura enveloping her.

"Remember this, Silver Princess," he said, his grave voice resonating in her mind. "You are not here just to be my queen. You are here to save our realm from a fate that could destroy us all. But to do so, you must be willing to face the darkness, not only in the world around you, but also within yourself."

Sophia nodded, feeling a mixture of fear and determination within her. She had come to this world for something greater than she had ever imagined. And although the path ahead was uncertain and full of dangers, she knew she had to follow it to the end.

Kael took one last step back, his figure slowly disappearing into the darkness.

"Prepare yourself, Sophia," was the last thing she heard before the shadows enveloped her completely. "The Aren has begun, and your destiny awaits you."

A crucial revelation about the Aren and Sophia's destiny, delving into the mythology of the Demon Realm and the vital role that Sophia is destined to play.

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