
The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

**Nominated for 2020 Spirity Awards** Bitten by a werewolf, Dawn Wyatt becomes a Neotide – a werewolf who has no place in the world of pure bloods. What follows is even more harrowing. Targeted for being killed by their father’s enemies, eighteen-year old Dawn Wyatt and her ten-year old brother Cole escape the capturers and literally plead to be taken in by a farmer's family. The family complies, but when the captors offer a huge reward of ten million dollars for the escaped siblings, the family betrays them. To save their lives, they flee the country. Dawn returns back five years later as a 'Bitten' werewolf and brilliant market analyst to carve her niche. And also to avenge those who turned her into a werewolf and took everything away from her, without realizing that she is a cynosure of multiple conspiracies. ------------- Daryn Silver is the lethally sexy Prince of a rare Silver Clan of pure blood werewolves. Cold, ruthless and merciless, he is arrogant. And she is bitten. He wants to eliminate all the bitten—the rogues from the face of the Earth. He's been hunting them down for years. What happens when he meets her? It's difficult to resist her, and challenging to accept her. Dawn’s life is turned upside down when she meets him. She realizes dangerous things about him - He is a pureblood werewolf and is the prince of a rare Silver Clan who every other pack bows to; He has had numerous girl-friends. In fact he had to get restraining orders from some of the crazy ones; He maneuvers her in his world with a proposal she never anticipated. Dawn uses that to her advantage! She knows she is playing with fire. ------------- She nodded and walked inside as he held the door open for her. As soon as she closed the door, Daryn held her hand and pulled her against the wall.  "Daryn…"  He leaned down and placed his hands on either side of Dawn. Their faces were an inch apart. Daryn parted his lips as if to say something. Dawn could feel all the heat that emanated from his body, from his breath. She clasped the cold wall and stared into his eyes. He drew a faction closer and her breathing hitched. Her mind left all the reasoning. This was not what she had expected in his office. It was the first time she had even stepped in there.  "I am unable to stop thinking about you Dawn," he whispered. She bit her lip to stop herself from touching his lips and feeling him.  Daryn grabbed the back of her neck and his lips fell on hers. She shuddered. At first he lightly brushed them and then his kiss turned deep, full of passion, which he had held back for a long time. It was getting harder and harder to not kiss her senseless, to feel her. And Dawn—she closed her eyes. --------- Join me in reading the adventurous journey of Dawn Wyatt and Daryn Silver. Like I said, this is going to be one suspense/thriller/steamy romance novel! So strap your seatbelts for a roller-coaster ride! Warning: This novel is fast paced and contains suspense, thrill and romance. Don't expect typical cliché romance that you keep reading. And if you are looking for that, then I am sorry this book isn't for you! The book contains MATURE CONTENT! ------------- Feral Confessions Series: Feral Confessions: Adrianna and the Alpha (Completed) The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince (Completed) Ileus (Ongoing) Other books: Sugar and Spice: The CEO's Feisty Wife (Completed) Two Contracts: My Lover is a CEO (Completed) Join me on Discord at https://discord.gg/yqKgCvQ

MishaK · Kỳ huyễn
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What Plan?

After she had brought the coffee, Dawn sat down with Azura to understand the project details. She switched on the laptop and opened his email. Looking at him, she said, "Before I start with the project Azura, I want to know why you are so interested in this Company. It belongs to Daryn Silver. We can only find all the details regarding its financial structure in the public records. Other than that there is nothing we can uncover," she voiced her concerns. "Digging any other information is impossible." She shook her head. "You have to tell me what it is that you are specifically looking for?" 

Azura sipped his coffee. He tilted his head and poked his tongue in his cheek. The laptop was kept on the center table for him to see the email. He closed it and sighed. In a monotone voice he started, "That gaming company once belonged to me and my three business partners. However, as soon as we started, Daryn set his hawk-eyes on it. Within a few months of its creation, he did a hostile takeover. He used every influence to stop our business. At first he spread rumors that we were doing horribly in the market. Whatever products we launched could not take off because his people constantly corroded our fan base. They spread news that we had bugs in our games. In short they did everything in their power to keep us off the market. Unfortunately, our business went down really bad. Just before we were to close it, one of our business partners sold his stake to Daryn to recover his losses. The second business partner also did the same and sold his stake. In a matter of a month, Daryn owned it completely."

Azura stopped. His face features downturned. He gave an empty stare outside the window towards the backyard. He sipped his coffee again and then stared down at his empty hand. "We suffered huge financial losses." He bit his lip and then looked straight at her. "I couldn't sleep for two days."

Dawn was so moved that she leaned forward, held Azura's hand and caressed it. "I am so sorry," she said softly. "What would you like me to do? How can I help you?" 

Azura smiled and after keeping his coffee mug on the table said, "Thanks for your concern Dawn." He kept his hand on hers, completely covering it. This was something he could get used to. "I didn't like the way he treated you at the party," he added with a whisper.

Dawn nodded and retreated her hand. It was a bad memory. 

"Dawn, I am very confident that you can help me in getting my company back. I feel this is our great chance to get back at him, to get our revenge."

"What?" Jerking her head back in shock, she said, "How is that possible? That company belongs to him. If he has taken it from you like that, it is highly unlikely that he would give it back to you!" 

Azura rubbed his palms. "So this is where my plan comes in action." 

"What plan?" She felt so rushed. 

"All I need is a little information about what he is planning to do with the gaming company. For that we need access to the projects department where we will get its financial data and its blueprint. Once we have that in hand, we can snatch it back from him."

"And how are you going to do that?" Dawn was bewildered. That was one dangerous thing. 

Azura looked at her intently and said, "I need your help with that."

Speechless at what he just said, Dawn looked at him as her mouth formed 'O'. 

"It's only you who can help me. I need you to spy for me in his company."

"Are you mad? No!" Dawn recoiled. "How could you even think like that?" Her hand went to her chain. "Is that why you gave this chain to me?" She was red with anger. 

"Dawn!" Azura retorted. "This is very unfair of you to mix the two things up!" He got up and went outside towards the backyard slamming the door. 

Dawn remained seated in her place as she glared at him. What the hell was he thinking? If she went there, Daryn would come to know about her immediately. After all it was his company. He would throw her out or even send her to jail. And why was he interested in a gaming company takeover when he already had a flourishing business? Did his ego outran his business acumen?

Azura came back inside after five minutes. "Look Dawn if you don't want to go, it's your choice. However, the plan I have charted so carefully, only you fit in it. No one knows much about you. You are new. If you won't help me, we are going to lose an opportunity to take our revenge." He walked to kneel in front of her. "Dawn, it may look like that I am using you for my revenge, which I won't deny, but he also insulted you, and I watched him doing that." He held both her hands and squeezed them. "I hated it when he did that to you. Let us punish him!" He looked at her with hopeful expressions. 

Dawn's body was tight with tension. "If they come to know of my purpose, I will be jailed."

"They won't because you will be joining as their contract worker."

"Contract worker?" Dawn was puzzled. 

"Yes," he said and left her hands. He remained kneeling over there. "They were looking for a Junior Market Analyst for their company. The post was making rounds with the headhunters. I came across it and the rest was easy. I suggested your name." 

Narrowing her eyes, she said, "There's a loophole here. Why did they choose me?" 

Azura smiled. 

Suddenly it occurred to Dawn that Azura's man must be on the inside. "Unless, you have someone already planted there!" 

Azura laughed. "You will join as their Junior Market Analyst in their Finance Department. You have to keep a low profile and as soon as you get the information, get out of there." Seeing how reluctant she looked, he said, "This is a very simple job. Just do it! And I have another surprise waiting for you. In fact that is something I am dying to say." Azura clasped his hand together and requested her earnestly. 

"I am scared," Dawn said. "He recognizes my smell." She was quivering and she didn't want more surprises. 

"That building has over five thousand employees and Daryn is hardly there. There is no way he would find out about you," Azura assured. He pressed her hands in his. "Don't worry, the plan is a surefire." 


A week later Dawn was driving her small Porsche to The Silver House. She had read and memorized everything she was supposed to do. Azura had sent her all the details. Get in, collect the data and get out. 

It was 10AM. The parking lot of the building was an open spiral structure with the cars parked neatly. As she drove inside, she noticed that it was full. Irritated, she went further up to the third level and found one small reserved, vacant area but plastic chains surrounded it. Dawn narrowed her eyes. She drove her car there, parked it in front of that enclosure, got out, removed the chains and stashed them at the back. Conveniently, she parked her car. She noticed that the parking lot led directly into the main office building.

Meanwhile, a man, who was riding his bicycle in the second level, caught a glimpse of her. He increased his speed to reach the third level. 

When Dawn opened the door, she froze. Familiar smell wafted through. Was he near? Would he smell her? She shuddered from inside. Well this is his company, so his smell will be everywhere. Immediately, she took out her rose perfume and sprayed it liberally on herself to conceal hers. She collected her documents and purse from the car and stepped out. Her gaze fell on a man on his bicycle in black leotards and shirt, wearing bicycle gear and black helmet that had dark glasses in front. He watched her intently from the entrance of the third level. She recoiled as if caught in her stealing act. She turned hastily towards the building. 

Daryn Silver froze. What was she doing here? His mouth went dry and his pulse raced. Adrenalin gushed through his body. He gazed at the young girl whose dark wavy hair bounced around her petite face. Wearing a while blouse, she failed miserably to keep her bountiful breasts strained against it. And her smell— his cock twitched. He wanted to grab her, lug her and taker her to his office, lay her on his office desk and fuck her hard. His wolf wanted to get out of all the restrains. For two weeks he was tortured, now no more.


He growled. As soon as she left, he rode behind her car and parked his bicycle there to block her from leaving. He followed her inside the building. Fate had brought her again.

Information - The novel will be locked from 6th August. Keep voting. The more you vote, the more the author will write.

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