

It's the time when she was in 9th grade .She joined tuition classes for the first time. it was awkward for her to make new friends because she was always so introverted but everyone thought that she has a high temper and attitude. So no-one ever tried to be friends with her she went there for days .

When the time was short for her exams. there was a new student in her coaching class . he was quite friendly and open to everyone. but Annie didn't noticed him until that day when she went to the teacher to ask a question and he interrupted her and said sir can you help me first i was standing here first. and that was the day she noticed her and thought that he was cute. she started getting butterflies everytime she saw him.

she started imagining thing .what he would be like ,will he ever talk to me .

she before never thought about how she looks what she wears. but it all changed from that time . she tries to wear nice clothes with matching shoes and that beautiful hairpins.

one day she reached the coaching center earlier .no one was there. suddenly she heard footsteps coming towards the room . and again she started imagining things. she was saying in her mind that may be he is here .we will both have sometime to spend may be he will talk to her.

and it turned out to be him. when he entered the class he looked around . Annie started to put on a show that she didn't noticed him. so, he said - "Hi!!!!!!"

and the moment he said hi to Annie she got shocked that he said her that. she was silent for few seconds . she was all red and replied him- "hello!!!"

and he sat on her side table . again he asked her , in which class you are .

as she was quite curious to know about him she instantly replied -" i'm in 9th class and you?????"

he said- "I'm in 8th."

Annie was so happy to have a talk with him . so she said- "oh! so you are my junior."

with a big and notorious smile on her face.

then they chatted for a while and then the teacher and all other students came inside . it was like a dream to her.

when they got off to their classes . she went home and was so happy even her mother asked her did something good happened to you but she didn't replied.

it was like a drop of rain on the droughted land. it was so long i saw her this happy.

everyday she started to get ready even a hour ago. she started to get dreams of him with her . because this was her first time to experience all these things . the feel of affection, love .

but may be this was her one sided feelings or may be he likes her too....