
The Silent Conquest

In a prestigious academy that trains students with exceptional abilities in magic and combat, Zen, a seemingly ordinary student with a hidden potential, navigates the challenges of Class F. Guided by the stern Professor Helga Washington, known for her ruthless approach, Zen forms unexpected friendships with July and Kio. As the students discover the academy's rich history and face daunting threats, they must confront not only their own ambitions but also the shadows of a catastrophe from two decades past. With Professor Washington's iron-fisted guidance, Class F becomes a crucible for forging bonds, unraveling mysteries, and ultimately, defining their destinies in a world teeming with magic and danger.

Issan_Roy · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Whispers at Dawn: The Beginning

In the bustling city of Aliceburg, where towering spires of academia touched the sky, there stood the prestigious Arcane Haven Academy—a prestigious institution for students blessed with extraordinary abilities. Amidst the sea of talent, there was an enigmatic figure, our protagonist.

Zen Zuberg , a young man with messy jet-black hair and glasses with ordinary appearance you can find anywhere. He chose to cloak his aura behind his oversized glasses and an unassuming demeanor.

The grand gates of the prestigious academy swung open, welcoming a new wave of students into its hallowed halls. Among them was Zen, a seemingly ordinary young man with a mop of black hair and oversized glasses that shielded his eyes from curious gazes. Unbeknownst to his peers.With each step he took through the bustling entrance, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the academy's reputation and the potential for discovery that awaited him within its illustrious walls.

As the students filed into the majestic hall adorned with status paintings and magical inscriptions, a hushed excitement filled the air. Zen found his seat, surrounded by peers eager to embark on their journey .

In the midst of anticipatory whispers, a sudden gasp rippled through as with a mesmerizing display of fiery elegance, a bird like creature which is none other than the mythical bird of stories which Zen had read in books the Phoenix.The Phoenix descended onto the stage, startling everyone by transforming into a enigmatic woman.

Silence fell as the fiery figure addressed the gathered students, her eyes aflame with wisdom and power. The hall became a canvas of anticipation, as Zen and his fellow newcomers marveled at the mystical spectacle unfolding before them. Little did they know that this ethereal presence would guide them through the secrets and challenges that awaited within the academy's enchanted embrace.

"Welcome StudentsStudents"