
The side woman(the other side of love)

This is a story that's never told about what happen to the other women. Stella is a girl who has a wild side of love and sex and has no limit to get what she wants but never did she expect it to happen with her best friends boyfriend and didn't know what to do about it because she didn't know if it was love or just a good sex.. help her unravel what her feelings will be and who she's going to choose with all this drama that's going on....

Kajana_197 · Thanh xuân
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New beginnings

It's been a year since Michael and I broke up and I never thought I would been in another relationship.... But here I am,not quite so sure if I want to do this or is it just peer pressure from my friends. The one time I got so serious in relationship he end up being a fucking playboy and that hit me hard cause I thought he was content with me but hell no I was just one of his pride rewards cause I was that one girl who rejected him when he asked me out and it didn't just happen once or twice but fours.....yeap I really did crash his ego when I think about it.

Did I really deserve that... being played and hurt, one thing for sure I learnt to be so mature, strong and how to hide my emotions in my last relationship and I think it's high time I start dating again maybe this one won't be that bad...

Earth to Stella hello,hello.... Lisa I hear you!

Well you don't have to be so mean about it Stella I just want you to be happy and have someone to take care of you, go out, have fun and you really need to get laid girl, you look sexually frustrated Lisa says while laughing about it

You are an ass you know that Lisa how can you laugh about me not getting some... Yes am single but do I really need to date the bad

Yes you do!!!!!... Lisa shouts it out, am sick and tired of you feeling sorry for yourself like you don't deserve a second chance or something.

You know how I feel about Michael Lisa.

Yeah yeah your first love and all but he is out there moving one and still in a relationship with that girl Stella!

Am done with this conversation just get your ass ready by 8pm we are going out and I don't want to hear you complaining about, am leaving see you at 8pm sweetie.... Damn she won't quit will she fine I guess I will think about it....

Am left all alone in my room lying on my bed thinking about what Lisa and I talk about and I cry my eyes out for feelings so alone and unwanted well you can say part of it was my fault cause I rejected whenever a guy asked me out... I get a notification on my phone, I check it out and it's about Michael and his girlfriend smile at each other and I just cry more afterwards while in the midst of me crying I asked myself why the hell do I still veiw his posts and why I haven't unfollowed him yet on all social media platforms because I'm just giving myself a heartache all over again and it's not healthy for me emotionally.

I get my phone and I decided to delete and unfollow Michael from all my social platforms.Finally I didn't it, I feel a little bit light....i smile to myself for making this step, I go though my social media and I find a text from Jason

He is the guy that has been asking me out ever since I moved to k City and Lisa has been pressuring me about it maybe this wouldn't be a bad idea he seems like a good guy and could be my new chapter.

I decide to text him back and reply to his text messages that he has been dropping ever since we met when I was traveling to K City, I don't know if it was fate playing its part because he was also traveling to k city and we where seated next to each other the whole flight..And did I mention that he is also friends with Lisa and Mack.

After I was done I rolled a joint and lit it to clam my nerves that were all over the place. Jason decided to text me back and we texted for over an hour till I dozed off while we were chatting ...

I woke up to my phone ringing so loud and my room was pitch black. It was a call from Lisa. I picked it up yes bitch.... Bitch are you sleeping, yes I am Lisa.... I knew it!.. that's why I called your ass Stella. Can you get up you have about an hour left for you to get ready am coming to pick you up with the girls and wear something sexy.... Before I could say anything Lisa cut the call.

I check out the time and it's almost to 7pm I have been asleep for 3 hours and am damn hungry now. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen to make myself something to eat and I decide a cup noodles will do and it's the fastest if I have an hour to get ready and eat something, cause knowing Lisa she will be here on time and I really need to eat something if am going to take alcohol today and Lisa will make sure my ass gets drunk. .

Put water in the keto to warm my water for my noodles and make myself juice and another joint for me and the girls to smoke before we go out.

Alm done eating and jump into the shower for a quick bath cause I have 30 mins left to get ready... I picked out a light blue mini jumpsuit that hugs up my body and show of my legs, I put on light makeup and put one red lipstick for a bit of attention on my face.

I was done with dressing up and all when I heard a knock on my door the girls arrived at the right, I rushed to the front door to let them in ....Come in come, hey Tina, Maria and Anna the joint is on the table, let me grab my shoes while you guys light the joint and we will be off.

What about me 'bitch" Lisa says.... And I laugh out loud am still upset with you for hanging up on me....

You are you are such a b**** stellar! I know haha, that's why you love me.Now get in the house and lit the joint now.

30mins later we are by the club high and on our second rounds of shots while we wait for out drinks.....Am about to tell the girls about my decides.... Guys I have decided to start a fresh and move on and start dating again

Everyone one looks surprised, just when Lisa was about to say something that the waiter arrives with our drinks..... Guys say something please... that's good news lisa says let's make a toast to New Beginnings.... To new Beginnings Stella cheers.

This is a story that's never told about what happen to the other women.

Stella is a girl who has a wild side of love and sex and has no limit to get what she wants but never did she expect it to happen with her best friends boyfriend and didn't know what to do about it because she didn't know if it was love or just a good sex.. help her unravel what her feelings will be and who she's going to choose with all this drama that's going on....

Ps:this is my first book and I really hope you guys are going to enjoy it. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kajana_197creators' thoughts