
The Side Character is Disposable

"One cannot be apart of the world without anything to bring to the table." As Subris keeps that quote ingrained into his mind, he finds out the harsh truth about the world he lives in as well as his purpose in this world.

Kofuku_Novels · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter II

"Hello?" I picked up my phone confused.

"Subris, there's something we have to tell you," A woman's voice says.


"Yeah, it's me. We must tell you something very important."

"So… you were supposed to be a key manufacturer of a device that can sustain a great power."

"So, I was a sacrifice all along, huh?"

"No! That's not the reason…"

"I can already tell that's the reason you wanted me to stay so bad. What is this device thing about anyway? When should I sacrifice myself?"

"Don't say that Subris. You're making this depressing."

"Doesn't matter at this point, I am pretty close to chucking this card into the river. I can't stand looking at it."

"Just don't throw that card out, it's very important to us all."

"So, I'll just give it to you then, you need it way more than I do. I'll go back right now to give it."

"Why must you be so dissociated from life itself, Subris?"

"Because without some pathway to a purpose, there's no point to life. You can't just make a pathway while blinded by the darkness."

Silence shoots through the phone. My mother can't even say anything to rebut it because she knows it's true. I can't stay in a society that doesn't need me, that's just wasting space. I can't be bothered to keep on this conversation when I'm trying to survive.

"So… what are you going to do?" my mom stammers while holding tears back.

"If there's a dire emergency I'll go back. I can't be bothered with something that isn't an emergency."

"Don't make this a dire emergency, it will become one if you don't come back."

"Sorry Mom, I would rather come back too late than get dragged into this tomfoolery too early."

Mom sighs, trying to change my mind and return home to a purposeless life. It won't work, even if I have no skills, my purpose has to be more than just some sacrifice to a device that I do not know of.

Hilda gets off the phone, her tears dim her vision. Her sadness morphs into an outburst. She understands why, but she didn't want her son's life to turn out the way it did.

"Why, why did my son have to be the way he is? He could've been a good working part of society."

Her tears drop down like the storm that is happening outside. As she wipes her tears, she goes to her room. She pulls out an unknown casing overflowing with Franzes.

"You could've just waited a bit longer, I would've explained everything to you. My dear son."

Franzes is the magical system of this world. what do you guys think is in the casing? Once again thank you all for taking your time to ready this chapter! I am really excited to continue on this story for you all! Thank you so much and have a blessed rest of your day!

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