
The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

Kentaro, a man with a past hidden deep inside his heart spends his time on anime and adult films. One day, while he 'takes care' of himself, Kentaro receives an e-mail. He gets the urge to open it, the survey goes about what world he would like to live in and in what period. Playing along with the survey, Kentaro chooses the Naruto verse in the warring states period. Unbeknownst to him, he gets transported into the body he created. See him mature and find his true self back in this cruel and merciless world, Kentaro will become stronger with the years while wearing his unique straw hat. Follow his story into becoming the greatest shinobi ever seen. ************** I will use my imagination to create clans and make battles up, as the era of the warring states period is not so detailed in the original work. I hope you guys enjoy it. Don't forget to give me some critical reviews.

LanceVance · Tranh châm biếm
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159 Chs

Your Allies Are Your Closest Enemies

"Ding, ding,... !" the sound of metal could be heard.

Those thirty-six men were making good work out of the Kaguya.

At the lead of the assault was Kentaro. With his unparalleled taijutsu nobody could defy him on the battlefield.

"Wind style: wind explosion!"

"Earth style: mud wall."

Kentaro saw it all coming, he killed and killed, and so did his brethren.

"Everybody, get out of the camp!"

Listening to Kentaro's words they soon exited the camp. They saw little flames spread all over it.

Kentaro was jumping and running while killing enemies. Everywhere he went, a little flame was set.

He himself ran out of the camp, joining the others.

Kentaro began forming hand seals, every hand seal was performed for one flame and every time it would be formed, the flame would grow exponentially.

The more the flame grows, the more heat it gives. The jutsu consists in drawing all the heat into the enemies body

Like this, Kentaro formed twenty particular seals, when the last seal was done the jutsu would unleash.

"Fire style: pandemonium!"

Spheres of heat began surrounding the Kaguya who were near them.

All the internal pressure caused by the excessive amount of heat made them explode.

Killing many, this jutsu amazed the Fujimoto and terrified the Kaguya. Even if they were a fearless clan, this jutsu was close to sorcery for them.

"Kentaro, I suggest we retreat for now, this battle is our victory."

Kentaro nodded and began running towards were they came from. Today, they had fought bravely.

"We had prepared for our fates, brothers. But look, we are still alive. This must be destiny."

Everybody was happy, they had won today and tomorrow they would win anew.

"Look there, what are they doing here?"

Six hundred meters in front of them, a large squad of yellow clothed shinobi were approaching.

They stopped their advance when they were three hundred meters away from Kentaro a'd his men.

"The Kusa clan has come to help us, I will go meet them. Stay here."

Before Kentaro could make a single step, Habiki grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Kentaro, are you playing dumb! Open your eyes, those Kusa bastards have schemed against us. Earlier with the paper bombs, the ambush when we were crossing the bridge. Those were not coincidental!"

Kentaro couldn't believe what he had heard, This just sounded crazy to him.

"Are you su-"

"Shut up, Kentaro!" Habiki had enough, this cousin of him was truly....not a good leader and plain stupid.

"We have to flee before it gets worse. Everything that has happened here, I will report to the clan leader."

Kentaro was at loss of words, was he really that bad of a leader?

Habiki led the others to an other way, but there too, Kusa clan shinobi were blocking the way.

From the camp, the Kaguya began coming out and clearly they were still a little bit disturbed of the previous jutu Kentaro used.

"Fuck! Why is lord Kusa doing this! Everybody calm down, we're gonna find a solution."

From the border of the land of fire, another group of Shinobi made their way to the battlefield.

The uchiha had come back for vengeance and this time they had come with their clan leader.

They closed in to the Kusa, not attacking them, the man leading the group of Uchiha was clearly highly feared by the Kusa.

An old man surfaced out of the back of the formation, It was lord Kusa.

"Lord Kusa! This bastard, he has allied with the uchiha. We have to force our way one way or another, no matter the cost!"

The last words of Kentaro resounded into the others heads, yes, they had to force their way and this no matter the cost.

"Old man, it is good that you have not lied to me. You have brought those Fujimoto here as I requested, and you did not disappoint."

"Yes, yes, absolutely lord Madara. Now that we have done our side of the deal, I hope that you will uphold yours."

Sizing lord Kusa up, madara did not respond him, he directed his gaze towards the Fujimoto.

"He is there, the famous shinobi with the straw hat. Apparently, he wields unphatomable jutsu. My men have reported this to me, is it true, old man?"

"Yes, he is powerful. His taijutsu has attained incredible heights."

"good, I will go and test his TAIJUTSU myself."

Seeing madara gaze at him from far away, Kentaro had chills all over his body. They had to escape!

"I have an idea, we can enter the land of fire and from there go north, to the land of waterfalls. From there we can enter the land of earth, What do y'a ll think?"

For once in his life, Kentaro had made a good suggestion.

"If we enter the land of fire we might get caught by the Uchiha and their allies."

"What you say is true Habiki, but if we stay here our chances of survival is zero. I prefer to die trying, don't you agree with me?"

All the Fujimoto agreed with Kentaro, to enter the land of fire they had to force their way through the Kaguya.

"Let's go then, if we waste more time the Uchiha and the Kusa will start attacking us."

All the Fujimoto turned towards the Kaguya. Kentaro began forming hand seals, ready to burn them down.

"Fire style: true hydra jutsu!"

Kentaro with his fire somewhat summoned a large fiery three headed monster. Putting his hands together, the three heads spewed flames out of their mouths.

Those flames were extremely powerful, even melting the stones that came in contact with it.

When the fiery monster had finished spewing the flames, the fiery monster itself moved towards the Kaguya and exploded at contact.

With this jutsu alone, Kentaro had nearly annihilated them all.

Running in between the Kaguya burned corpses, the Fujimoto had hope but their hope was soon disrupted.

From the sky descended one man, with a move of his large fan he sent them flying.

"Don't you think about fleeing."

Madara had come into action!