
The Shepherd

In the depths of a frigid winter, Oswald, a mere shepherd, fights for survival alongside his pregnant mother in a war-torn world. His life takes a sinister turn with the arrival of a mysterious traveler who claims to carry an urgent message for the royals. An opportunity bearer but at what cost? As night deepens, Oswald uncovers a shocking destiny that goes beyond mere survival. His night wanderings are no mere sleepwalking; they are tied to the dreadful beast that haunts his village. This wolf-like creature prowls the valley, bringing dread as the specter of war looms closer. Blood will flow, loyalties will be tested, and Oswald must face the beast within as he strides the perilous path between humanity and monstrous power.

Mayline · Kỳ huyễn
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259 Chs

Remote existences

At least, he was told how important the church was to the country. In a remote state in the neighbouring country, the Vatican or something like that, people living in it had mountains of gold and power at their hands thanks to their faithful community.

They had an army too, with special soldiers. Priests, templars, abbots, paladins, bishops all bearers of the godly message. A sword in their hands and an armor that wouldn't let sunlight touch their eyes, they were considered monsters among men because of the lack of human features displayed.

Alas, unless it was a holy war, none of the special soldiers ventured past their territory. The conflict between Spain and France started because of a quarrel, the only ones involved were the nobles, and the countries' army.

"Interesting." Said Oswald. He was impatient to meet other monsters freely roaming like he was. Still, he wondered. 'How different will they be from me?'