
The Shadows of Destiny

The kingdom eagerly anticipates the fulfillment of the prophecy. But when darkness threatens to engulf Celestia, the truth behind the prophecy begins to unravel. Guided by the seer's daughter, whose visions hold fragments of the truth, Aurora embarks on a quest to unite the kingdom and fulfill her perceived destiny. Beside her stands a steadfast ally, the general of a neighboring kingdom, whose loyalty is put to the test as tensions escalate. As the kingdom teeters on the brink of chaos, Aurora must confront the shadows of her own past and the lies that have clouded her perception of reality. In a race against time, she must uncover the truth before it's too late. In a tale of betrayal, redemption, and the bonds that bind us, Aurora will discover that their true destiny lies not in prophecy, but in the choices they make and the strength of their hearts.

Azure_Whisper · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 6 : The Awakening

The courtyard fell into stunned silence as the spell unfolded before them. Mrs. Thorne's gaze shifted to Celeste, a silent encouragement for her to attempt the spell.

"Okay, Frostera Volaris," Celeste declared with determination and a tinge of fear in her voice. Suddenly, a surge of icy spears erupted from her palms, soaring through the air with deadly precision, obliterating the target and everything in its path.

"Bravo!" Mrs. Thorne exclaimed, her applause ringing through the air like a chorus of victory.

"Thank you, it wasn't that big of a deal," Celeste replied modestly, though a glint of pride sparkled in her eyes.

"You did great! Don't be so modest," Aurora encouraged, though a pit of despair churned in her stomach, her failure gnawing at her confidence.

Celeste, basking in the aftermath of her successful spellcasting, couldn't help but wonder why Aurora had struggled.

"But why couldn't Aurora perform the spell?" she inquired, turning to Mrs. Thorne, seeking answers amidst the confusion.

Mrs. Thorne furrowed her brow, perplexed by the discrepancy between the two girls' performances. "Well, I don't know for sure, but that was a rather complex spell. It's easy to fumble up. Why don't you try something easier, perhaps this," she suggested. With a gentle focus, she channelled her energy and whispered, "Lux Luminis." Suddenly, a warm glow emanated from her hands, forming into a radiant orb of light that hovered gently above her palm.

"It was a rather easy spell to cast, but with a lack of focus and presence of doubt, one would not be able to perform this spell properly," Mrs. Thorne explained, her words laden with concern for Aurora's plight.

Aurora took a deep breath, summoning all her concentration and determination. "Lux Luminus," she declared with newfound resolve, and a brilliant orb of light burst forth, illuminating the courtyard with its brilliance. Aurora couldn't contain her joy and pride at her accomplishment. However, the once warm glow suddenly shifted into a dark shade of purple, sending shivers down her spine.

A chill filled the air as all the previously lit candles extinguished simultaneously. Celeste's eyes changed to the same ominous hue, and she was lifted into the air by a mysterious force. Her long, black, silky hair floated around her, and her entire body was engulfed in the eerie purple glow.

Then, she dropped to the ground, and everything was enveloped in pitch-black darkness, leaving the courtyard in an eerie silence.