
The Shadows of Destiny

The kingdom eagerly anticipates the fulfillment of the prophecy. But when darkness threatens to engulf Celestia, the truth behind the prophecy begins to unravel. Guided by the seer's daughter, whose visions hold fragments of the truth, Aurora embarks on a quest to unite the kingdom and fulfill her perceived destiny. Beside her stands a steadfast ally, the general of a neighboring kingdom, whose loyalty is put to the test as tensions escalate. As the kingdom teeters on the brink of chaos, Aurora must confront the shadows of her own past and the lies that have clouded her perception of reality. In a race against time, she must uncover the truth before it's too late. In a tale of betrayal, redemption, and the bonds that bind us, Aurora will discover that their true destiny lies not in prophecy, but in the choices they make and the strength of their hearts.

Azure_Whisper · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 5 : Embracing Magic's Call

The spears were dashing towards them the only thing they did was hang onto each other tightly and braced themselves for what they were expecting, but then a light similar to the one that had previously engulfed the courtyard, but this time in a more blueish hue. This formed some kind of shield or force-field around them that disintegrated the spears as soon as they came in contact with it.

This awed Mrs. Thorne, as well as the girls. They looked up to see that all the icicles had all gone. They were shocked as to why such an odd occurrence would happen without them even flicking a finger.

"What just happened", shrieked Celeste.

"I have no idea what was that.", replied Aurora with a tinge of excitement in her voice

"That was a special kind of magic that indicates that both of you have awakened your companions.", said the instructor with great anticipation.

"What's that ", inquired Celeste.

"Well, your companions are like spirit animals that you can usually summon at will. They stay with you till the day you die and help you when you are in trouble, but what was going through your minds when you saw the spears".

"I thought that you were about to kill us", Celeste started frightfully "But then I was just so scared and relaxed a bit because I thought you would call it back".

Aurora spoke up "I also thought the same but I thought that maybe Celeste would protect me since I thought she would have more experience in magic, so I hung onto her, to seek refuge, but overall I was just so scared".

"I see", Mrs. Thorne said in thinking "So, I came up with a theory which goes thus; your companions have not fully awakened but are still inside of you, I guess they won't fully awaken until you have mastered magic, but until then they will still protect you if need be, but then, don't rely on my ords too much if you need more confirmation you can ask Eldritch."

"O heavens, to think this is actually happening to us", Celeste squealed.

"I too cannot believe in a span of just about an hour or so our lives have taking such a radical and exhilarating turn."

"Okay girls, enough causerie let's get back to today's lesson"

"Affirmative, ma'am", the girls chorused in unison.

"So, one of the most important thing to know is that, you must understand and control your emotions, as well as having clear intentions, are crucial for successful spell casting and harnessing the full potential of magic, therefore, you must have clear head and strong emotions before you can cast any spells."

"Yes" , the said affirmatively.

"Now can you try the spell I did earlier."

"I would like to try," Aurora said uneasily.

"Okay, start and shoot it at that target over there," Mrs. Thorne said pointing towards it.

Aurora took a deep breath, spread her arms and fingers out wide facing towards the direction of the target and then said "Frostera Volaris." But to their surprise nothing happened.

This confused everyone in thee courtyard, who had thought this problem had already been solved.