
The Shadow Warriors

Each with their own story to tell and secrets to bury. They all face their own challenges and come from different backgrounds but when it really matters can they come together and save their realm? You will meet many amazing and interesting characters on their journey to save not only their home but each other as well. Lives and fate intertwine creating a mix of romance and danger...

Leona_Hickman · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

The Trails

Dawn peaked through the open window of Silver Fang's room. He laid there wide awake for hours thinking about the day to come because once the sun was up and after village responsibilities the trails would begin. This made Silver Fang not only nervous because he would be up against some of the best, well-trained boys his age but he was also excited. This day would either be the start of a new path or the end of his dreams. All he had to do was be one of five boys left standing by sundown of the seventh day and then his fate will be decided. Silver Fang got up before the rest of his family and moved out the front door silently to start his morning routine that consisted of gathering water to fill the wash pans in the house, gathering firewood for breakfast, making sure the table was set up for breakfast. Then, he would gather wood and take it to the clearing that sits west of the village where the trials would take place. Once the wood was stacked neatly into several piles around he would return home for a quick breakfast that he spent in silence. Even though Silver Fang still ate with his family at mealtimes he never spoke a word unless someone directed a question or statement his way then he would respond politely and fall silent.

Silver Fang knew that his entire life rested on the results of the next seven days. If he failed his father would disown him and he would have nowhere to go, and if he passes then there was a chance his father would forgive him. After breakfast, Silver Fang cleaned the table and dishes before returning to his room to dress in his formal clothes that consisted of deerskin pants neatly stitched together with embroidery down the length of his left pant leg that was of a wolf. His shirt was made of two fox pelts that were the colors of autumn leaves and the night sky. He finished up by fixing his hair and putting his shoes on. As he approached the main room of the house he couldn't help but fear what is awaiting him because he knew once the trials started the only way out was to either fail or pass.

When Silver Fang entered the main room the only person there to greet him was his sister. She had a sad smile because she knew what was at stake. Azul never voiced her true opinion about her brother's decision but secretly she hoped he would pass and get out from under their father's control because she has watched through their childhood how everyone treated her brother in a way that showed he was nothing more than a servant and dust in his fathers shadow.