4 hmmm

I can't see with blinded eyes.

I can't think within my confusion.

I can't feel with bandaged hands.

I can't taste without a tongue.

I can't smell with all the blood.

I can't hear with only a ring I can't answer.

I can't feel with a body that flys.

it's my nightmare coming to life yet I can still

see my past as clear as glass

think of my regrets

feel holding hands a child

taste my favorite ice cream

smell the wet dirt

hear a little giggle beginning to form

feel a body that to heavy to fly.

I'm trying to understand why my "happy memories" solidify my body to the ground painfully while my " terrors " free me to the sky? I ask the darkest corner I can recall feeling , yet it only laughs that little giggle. I don't know where , when, how, why , what my dream is trying to tell me. with all senses gone it's fusterating to understand yet in a way to my subconscious mind it makes perfect sense as I don't question the outcome just the equation. I can fly I just realized yet my body intertwined with the ground. I want to smile so I try to remember what it looked like try to put the memory on what I think is my face. a little voice yells I can feel the vibration within my rids playing with my organs. blood or sweat pins the voice in me. the vibration grows at a astonishing rate to the point where I can feel my hands as I take the blindfold off. I blow my nose as I finally smell hitting my head to clear my mind as well as the water in my ears. I bite my tongue to see if it's still there, It hurt.A pounding comes from my gut so soft like cotton yet my gut eagerly opens a door that never existed tearing the flesh for the cotton. my bone marrow disappears as fast as the tear drops. arrows would hurt less at the moment . A giggle in the darkest corner remind me of powder milk . I crawl to the smell to see a blue sky planted on a valley of faces . A giggle calls my attention to the center sits a recollection of my face , I think. with a single root smiling at me. Then I open my eyes to see my root next to me in my arms. Safe and sound.

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