
The secret of the Dixon family

Down in Dexonia there is a small house,this house literally is tiny with only one floor and no attic or basement.However this house is giant on the inside with over thirty rooms.Everyone who goes in is amazed by the intricate designs and the shiny marble floors.The Dixon family who own the house are perfect with no secrets or things to hide. But that's what people thought.This family was actually the most secretive family with many secrets that nobody knows.Not even family.

These secrets were,well extremely weird and no science could explain it.This all started on the 5 of December 1979 a young girl ,named Charli, was born free from trouble with a lovely family.However one day that all changed.There was this wizard but not like a good wizard a dark wizard sent from another dimension sort of.This wizard was called Ecrom he was an alien basically.And Ecrom had set a curse apon the Dixon family but mainly Charli.Charli was then challenged with a sort of disorder however it was way way worse.She couldn't do many things until the age of 11 (she's now 13) but there was one thing she was gifted with and this was why they kept it a secret,Charlie was magic you could say.

You may be thinking,' Oh well why would they keep this secret',well the explanation is simple government they would lock her up,experiment her and possibly even hurt her.Her parents couldn't deal with this therefore had to keep this a secret and keep her a secret aswell.Until one day her parents started using her powers as an advantage.Mentally manipulate her into doing things for them. Then Charli had,had enough she was sick and tired of being take advantage of it was her turn to know run.On the 5th of December (her birthday) she ran away to the only place she felt comfortable,the library, with hundreds of books for her to escape into.She drowned the paper in tears where would she go from here.Should she stay?Should she go?

This book is based off of Stranger Things,Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings if you don't like those this may not be the book for you.

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