
The Shadow of a Luna

An Alpha arrives at a packhouse party one night only to find out that his mate is the Beta's abused daughter. Knowing that she is abused, he takes her away from there immediately. Her mother died when she was young and took a lot of secrets to the grave with her. She starts finding out that she's not a typical werewolf and she needs to find her way around and navigate through these waters while trying to be a Luna and a leader, which is uncommon territory for her when she has been abused her entire life. But will her mate reject her after knowing how damaged she really is, or will he help of her find that happy ending that she's always been looking for.

Kylie_McKeon_9763 · Kỳ huyễn
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55 Chs



As the army drew closer only the patrols were visible and the rogues stopped just on the other side of the boarder. My patrols came together to look at them but we couldn't communicate with them. The rogues were the first ones to crouch down a bare their teeth.

They then charged at my patrols that were grossly outnumbered but as soon as they stepped foot over the boarder then the rest of us came running out and clashed with them in a thunderous collision. They weren't expecting us to be ready for them and some retreated immediately. But most stayed to fight until their last breath.

I saw the three bigger wolves fighting through the crowd and the biggest of them all. A massive black wolf who I assumed was Ethan lunged at me, but to my surprise he tackled the rogue that was coming up behind me and tore his throat out.

Ethan just nodded at me and we kept on with the battle. We fought left, right and center. But the rogues are so little that they can't really stand a chance. They didn't have much fight in them at all. But they were feral creatures and they fought like it too.

One grabbed one of my legs while another grabbed my other leg and started dragging me away from the middle of the battlegrounds. But I managed to get one to loosen his grip and I used that to my advantage and kicked it in the face with so much force that he slammed against a tree and didn't get back up again.

I felt the other being ripped off my other leg and I see Cade there pulling that bastard away.

It wasn't hard to tell who was in charge of the rogues. There was one clear leader there and that's who I was headed for. I dodged and ducked wolves and as rogues attacked I would grab their throat and throw them out of the way.

I got to the leader of the rogues and we circled each other with the battle still going on around us. We were only focused on each other.

He lunged at me but I ducked out of it and I swiped my paw at him but missed. My back legs were still bleeding and getting really heavy to keep my weight on. But this bastard needed to die. They all did. They weren't invading my land.

So when I lunged at him, I didn't stop until my teeth sank into his flank. He let out a mighty roar which stopped the fighting around us and they were watching the fight between me and the rogue leader.

I let go of his flank and he stumbled back and tried to attack me but I dodged out of the way just in the nick of time so that he missed me. But as he was flying past me I fell to my side and lifted my paw and dragged my claws along his stomach.

He fell to the ground and this time he had more trouble getting up. He was bleeding profusely from his underside, and he tried to approach me again but fell back down to the ground. So I walked over to him and I stared down at him. Then I reached down and put my jaws around his neck.

With one mighty yank, I ripped his throat out. And their leader was dead. Some of them were still brave enough to fight but they were taken down quickly by my warriors and the others ran off. So they wouldn't end up the same way.

Once a werewolf dies, he turns back into his human form and I saw the leader turn back into his human.

"What do you want me to do with him?" Cade mind linked me.

"Send his head to Matthias. Let him know what happens when you fuck with me or my family." I demanded.

"Absolutely." Cade says.

I then turned around and I walked over to a tree. I shifted back to my human form and I pulled a pair of shorts out of the tree. I grabbed another three pair when I saw Ethan, Wyatt and Tobias all shift back as well.

"Warriors. These are friends of Tessa's. Ethan is the one that tipped me off to this attack. So no one hurts them. They're our guests." I announce.

"Where is Tess?" Ethan asked.

"I'll take you to her." I say. And we start walking out of the woods.

I took them to the hospital and standing outside Tessa's room were the four warriors protecting her and Aria was sitting there looking very annoyed with Rachel pacing around in front of her door.

"Oh my god Tyler. I thought you were dead." Rachel yelled running to me and throwing her arms around me. And Ethan looked at me really strangely.

I pulled Rachel's arms off of me and she looked at the men that were standing there with me.

"What are you doing here Rachel?" I asked.

"I wanted to come and make sure that Tessa was alright. We might not get along, that doesn't mean that I want her dead." Rachel says.

"She's been trying to get inside the room." Aria says.

"You're not allowed in there. Tessa would want you in there. Why don't you just go home?" I asked her.

"No. She's my Luna and I am staying." Rachel says sitting down next to Aria. So Aria moved over a couple of seats.

I took the men in to Tessa's room and Ethan gasped when he saw her.

"She was covered in really shallow cuts when she was found." I explained.

"They were torturing her while she couldn't move because of the wolfsbane." Tobias says.

"That's what I was thinking." I say.

"Where are the assholes who did it?" Ethan asked.

"In the dungeon. They've been deprived of food, water and sleep. They only get water if they try to go to sleep because they get sprayed with the fire hose." I explained.

"Nice. I would love to see that." Wyatt says.

"We can all go visit them together if you want." I say. Dr. Missy then walked into the room and saw us four men covered in blood standing around Tessa.

"Okay. First of all, you all need a shower. Secondly, why are there so many visitors to one patient?" She asked.

"These are the men from her old pack that tipped us off to the attack this morning. And helped us wipe them out." I explained.

"Okay. I guess that can be forgive then." She says.

" Has there been any change since I've been gone?" I asked.

"No. Not yet. But her vitals are stable and haven't changed since the surgery. That's a really good sign. Maybe once all the wolfsbane is out of her system then she might start to heal a little quicker." Dr. Missy says.

'Alpha. There's a girl called Bella at the border. She wants to come in. She says that she's Ethan's sister.' Cade mind linked me.

'Let her in. Bring her to the hospital.' I mind linked back. " Bella is being escorted here. She was at the boarder." I tell the others.

"Yeah. We couldn't leave her behind if we were coming here to fight against my father." Ethan explained.

"It's fine. I know that she's Tessa's best friend." I say.

"Thank you." Ethan says.

When Bella got to the hospital Wyatt and Tobias left the room and she came in. But once she saw Tessa she started crying immediately. She ran over and hugged Tessa.

"I'm so sorry that this happened to you. They locked me in my room and took my phone. I am so sorry. I would have warned you otherwise." Bella cried while hugged a lifeless Tessa on the bed.

"You knew that they were coming to do this to her?" I asked. Bella shook her head while wiping away tears.

"They took my phone and locked me up. They have bars on my windows. I couldn't get out and they had guards on the outside of my bedroom. I swear Alpha Tyler, if I could have warned her then I would have. I swear." Bella pleaded with me. And I rubbed her on the back.

"I know that you would have. It's alright. I know that you wouldn't have let anything happen to her on purpose." I tell her.

"Alpha. Can I talk to you outside for a moment?" Cade asked.

"Sure." I say. So I walked out of the room with Cade and I followed him down the hall.

"I have a problem. I thought I noticed it at the party but I wasn't sure. I am definitely sure now." Cade says.

"What is it? You look like you're in pain or something man." I say. He then looked back at Tessa room and leaned towards me.

"Bella." He whispers to me. I didn't understand at first, but then it finally clicked.

"Holy shit. Are you serious?" I asked.

"I just drove her here alone in a car. I'm positive. But she's 17. She doesn't feel it. What the hell do I do?" Cade asks.

"Keep her here. Don't send her back to that pack. She's you're mate. She needs to be protected from her pack so she will stay here. I'm sure her brother will agree." I said.

"Alright. Can we not mention this to anyone yet. I will head back out and help with the clean-up. I have to get out of here before I lose control." Cade says.

"Alright. Go. I won't say anything yet." I said.

"Thanks man." He says and he left the hospital.

I went back to Tessa's room and I sat on the other side of her bed while Bella was sitting on the side of her bed holding her hand. Still crying while her brother was trying to console her. She really believed that this was her fault. That she did something wrong here. There was nothing she could do.

"Where are they?" Bella asked.

"In the dungeon. They weren't quick enough to get away." I said. So Bella wiped her face and stood up from the bed.

"Take me to them. I want to look them in the eye." She demanded. But I looked at Ethan. And he nodded.

So we left Tessa's room and Rachel was insistent on staying with Tessa, so Aria says that she's not going anywhere either. And we headed to the packhouse.

I took Bella, Ethan, Wyatt and Tobias down to the dungeon and right to the end where the three were in their cell's.


I could smell them from a mile away. Even with the mould and dirt all around us. I could still smell those filthy traitors and rapists. I knew exactly what needed to be done to them and I'm sure that Tyler was going to give them their punishment. Exactly what they needed.

But when we got to the cell's I was surprised at what I saw. They look disheveled and really tired. Tyler told me that they were being kept awake. They weren't allowed to go to sleep or they go sprayed with the fire hose. I thought that was brilliant. I loved that idea. It was a great torture tactic. Especially when the guards keep changing so they can get some sleep.

I stood in front of Mason's cell and stared at him before I turned to look behind me at the other two in their two different cells'. Their eyes widened when they saw Ethan, Wyatt and Tobias. But no one was paying any attention to me. Was I invisible to them. Did I not exist because I was a girl.

I guess that shouldn't surprise me. They treat women like shit. Look what they did to Tessa. They have no respect for women at all. Mason tried to own Tessa. He got her father to sign off on him marking and mating her when she turned 18. That was pathetic. I was so happy when she found Tyler. I knew that his pack had a reputation, but I didn't think she would be in danger with him. And after seeing him at the hospital with her, I knew that I was right.

This whole situation where she ended up in hospital was at no way his fault. Someone on the inside was helping him and they waited until Tyler left pack grounds before they attacked. But they weren't going to get away with it. I was going to make sure that they weren't going to get away with it.

I saw Tyler talking to Ethan, Wyatt and Tobias about what he was thinking of doing with these bastards, but I didn't know if they were actually going to do it or now. So while they were occupied I did the only thing that I could think of. I looked at the guard who had his back to me and I grabbed the keys and unlocked Mason's cell's and locked myself inside.

Ethan started slamming on the bars trying to open it but they weren't budging. He wasn't able to open the cell and none of them seemed to have another set of keys.

"Bella. What the hell are you doing?" Ethan yelled at me. And I pulled a syringe full of clear liquid out of my pocket.

"What needs to be done." I replied as I approached Mason.