
The Shadow of a Luna

An Alpha arrives at a packhouse party one night only to find out that his mate is the Beta's abused daughter. Knowing that she is abused, he takes her away from there immediately. Her mother died when she was young and took a lot of secrets to the grave with her. She starts finding out that she's not a typical werewolf and she needs to find her way around and navigate through these waters while trying to be a Luna and a leader, which is uncommon territory for her when she has been abused her entire life. But will her mate reject her after knowing how damaged she really is, or will he help of her find that happy ending that she's always been looking for.

Kylie_McKeon_9763 · Kỳ huyễn
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55 Chs


I wake up coughing from the explosion and I push some debris off of me and I sit up covered in dust and there is rubble everywhere and people. I start scurrying around from person to person to make sure that their alright. 

I hear a lot of whooping and cheering outside and I see that it's the vampires. They're the ones that attacked us with Mitchell leading the attack. 

I got to everyone and they were relatively unharmed, which was hard to believe but they got up and saw the vampires coming for us. So the vampires got their faces on ready to fight and the wolves shifted to wolf form. There were a lot of us and we were a lot bigger than they were used to. 

Tyler stood in front of me. It was still painful for me to shift and they were waiting for their time. 

'Stay here. Don't shift.' Tyler tells me in the mind link.

'But they're here because of me. I have to help.' I reply.