

This is the tale of a hardcore fan of Solo leveling transmigrating into the world of his dream. He even manage to get the opportunity to surpass the original protagonist and become the new Shadow Monarch. Follow the trail of the Usurper of the Shadow Monarch as he become the ultimate hunter. Disclaimer: I don't own the rights of the masterpiece known as Solo leveling or any of its franchise.

DaoisthJLtFe · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs


[clink.... clink... clink... clink... clink... clink.... clink..]

"Finally, those annoying cuffs have been removed! But my wrists are still numb.." A tall criminal hunter with grey hair in buzz cut, said as he turned his wrists left and right.

"Yeah!.. Still do they think that we are slaves to treat us like that can't they be more considerate..."

"Shut up! you, idiots!... You should be happy to help the society for once in your miserable life..." Kang said as he stared at the criminals with his eyes that were glowing blood-red. All the criminals closed their mouths and stared stretch in order to enter the gate, as soon as they are ordered to do so by Kang Taeshik.

Taeshik and Hajin left the group of criminals behind and moved to greet the three hunters that were following them.

"Hi! Nice to meet you guys... I am Kang Taeshik... I am a B-rank Assassin that work for the Korean Hunters Association as a member of the Surveillance Team."

"Hi! I'm Kim Hajin... I'm a C-rank healer and Taeshik's partner for this raid... I'm also from the Surveillance team... Nice to meet you."

"As you may have heard from our colleague, I and Hajin will be keeping a close eyes on those scumbags... So, there is no need for you to worry about anything... Just focus on the raid and everything will be fine... By the way, do you know who will be leading this raid?"

"If that's not a problem for everyone here, I will be the leader."

"No problem... So, me and Taeshik will leave guiding the party to you, Mr Chi-Yul." Chi-Yul looked at Sangshik and Jae-Hyuk, and both nodded in approval. After the problem regarding the leader of the raid party was solve, Hajin and Taeshik both left to regroup with criminals.

Chi-Yul immediately moved towards Jae-Hyuk and started to bow, but Jae-Hyuk grabbed his shoulder. This forced him to strengthen his body and stared at Jae-Hyuk with a puzzle expression.

"Mr Chi-Yul... Like I have already told Mr Sangshik, let us leave the past behind us... None of you were wrong, in fact everyone decided to continue the raid last time... Even though, we were aware of the risk... Even those twelve hunters that died that day accept the risk, so no one is at fault... Now, Mr Chi-Yul... You have to guide us in this raid, so that we can see our family later... It will be impossible unless you let go of the past."

"Thanks Jae-Hyuk... Now, I feel like a load has been lifted from my heart... Let's go."

Five minutes later inside the Dungeon.

"Die damn goblins!!" A criminal shouted as he moved his nunchaku at the speed of lightning and the trajectory of nunchaku could be seen as white flash. He smashed the head of seven goblins armed with metallic bats, rusted daggers and wooden spear before they could even raised their weapons properly.

"Those guys are full of openings!!!..." Another criminal shouted as he cut down four goblins in half using a katana with black and red hilt. Not too far away, a criminal with spiky blonde hair, was piercing through two goblins with every thrust he made, using his spear. The man with long, curly and black hair, was exploding the body of goblins with every punch he made.

"The large group of goblins that attacked us, is almost completely annihilated... Those guys are really well-trained and experienced... But I can shake off that weird feeling that I get from seeing their fights... The feeling that if I didn't have eyes... I wouldn't be able to differentiate whether they are humans or beasts..." Chi-Yul said as he evaded a sneak attack by a goblin armed with two daggers. He then quickly unsheathed his sword with his left hand on the scabbard, and cut off the goblin's head before it could landed on the ground.

"Jae-Hyuk... Sangshik... Don't let your guards down... Those goblins are rushing towards us, because they are afraid of the criminals and see us as easier prey..."


"Don't worry... I don't intend to let those goblins underestimate me?"

'The damaged that Jae-Hyuk deals to monsters, has drastically improved... In the past, he struggled a lot to kill a single goblin to the point that he even put his life on the line... Now, he can easily cut a goblin vertically in half, It seems that the double dungeon change something in him...

But he is not the only one that improved, I can cut those goblins down easily by apply a weaken version of my fire magic on my blade... While using the full-powered fire magic with my left hand which is free...'

After slaughtering more than fifty goblins in ten minutes, the raid party reached the end of the large cave and had now three tunnels right in front of them. Taeshik and Hajin approached Chi-Yul who was at the front.

"Mr Chi-Yul... We have three tunnels in front of us and also this dungeon is easier than expected... Do you agree with me?"

"Yes... Mr Hajin... But what are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that It will be faster for us to clear this dungeon by splitting into two teams of three and four... I have already discuss it with Taeshik beforehand, and he agreed with me... Me and Taeshik will remain here in order to be able to assist anyone of the teams, if any trouble arise... This will also deter those scumbags from retracing their steps and attacking you and your comrades."

"Okay, sound like a plan... I agree with the idea as frankly, I don't feel at ease with the idea of raiding with criminals... So, which tunnels will your teams take. "

"We will take the two remaining tunnels after you are done choosing."

"Mr Chi-Yul, can we go left?"

'The sooner, we clear this dungeon... the better... I'm not afraid of Taeshik but If that Healer is working with him... It will be harder to kill him... Mr Chi-Yul and Mr Sangshik will be in danger... I'm still too soft...'

"Why not... So, my group will follow Jae-Hyuk's choice and go left the other two tunnels are yours.. So, see you later."

After the group of Chi-Yul entered the tunnel on the left, and Kim Hajin moved towards the criminals to split them in two groups. But after only three steps, his headless body fell on the ground and Taeshik licked a bloody dagger in his left hand. All the inmates stared at him with eyes wide open and while being to afraid to utter a word.

"Good boys... So, you know who is in charge here and when to zip it... I like people that understand the laws of nature... Now, let me make things clear for every single one of you... I have been tasked with killing all of you, but I'm too lazy right now... Also those hunters will be a pain in my ass later on... So, let me give at least three of you, an opportunity to make it out of this dungeon...

So, go into that tunnel and killed those three hunters.... They are three and consist of one D-rank fighter, a C-rank mage and an E-rank assassin... I don't think that seven C-rank hunters that consist of fighter and tankers can kill them... Now, choose whether I kill all of you right now, or you kill them and three of you are free to go."

As soon as Taeshik finished speaking the seven inmates sprinted towards the tunnels at the left.

'Fools... I'm so stupid as to live witness.. I'm using you to test that E-rank assassin since he gave off an aura similar to Woo Jin-Chul for brief instant during his fight with goblins... He might be a false ranker... run... run... I'm coming.' A huge sinister grin could be seen on Taeshik's face as he licked his lips and his eyes glowed blood-red.