

Anyway let me keep my acting active. I held my breath.

" Oh..oh, she stopped breathing".

" What do we do?". 

" Leave her.. she's not our concern". A new voice said. This one has a hard edge on it. Oh joy more of them. 

"Cut it out Prince Jungkook.. if you continue that kind of attitude, I'm afraid you are never going to find a wife". Argued the other. 

"Stop it both of you. This isn't the time to argue, this girl is in trouble, and you will rather kill each other than to help her.?"

Yeah I'm going to die here and you two will rather argue.   Shame on you!!. I screamed in my head.

"Sorry Jin".  Said the other. I felt something soft brush my nose. I fought the urge to scratch where it had once been. 

"Prince Min Yoon.. what are you doing to the poor girl? Or are you Tae?". 

" It's Tae, you idiot . Get your facts straight. I'm just tickling her with this feather, trying to get a reaction from her". 

"You are really stupid if you think it will work out". 

My nose is itching..

"Hey!! did you just call my brother stupid?". I think this voice was for the last two foot steps, who just walked in there and from my thoughts, I think the other one being called stupid was with him. They just came and are really causing trouble already. 'Hey! my nose is itching!'. I screamed in my head.

But his voice didn't seem happy about the way that the other boy had called his brother stupid. I wrinkled my nose since it began to tingle. I was frustrated that I couldn't even reach up and grab it.. not when strangers still surrounded me. Let's just hope that the worst thing they will do is just tickling my nose with a feather.

" Whatever, Prince Min Yoon... your brother deserves it". That same man who called the boy named Tae said.

  " Actually I'm Prince Min Yoon".

 I wanted to sneeze now. But wait.. what! but I thought he said he was Tae!

" Fooled ya!". The man beside me said.

" So you are Prince Tae, and you're Prince Min Yoon?". 

"Why don't you take a guess?". Both the boys said at the same time. I heard the other boys laughing.

'I really want to sneeze now'.

" Why do you guys keep on exchanging faces just because you are twins?". One of the boys said.

" I just don't know if they can't keep two identical faces for just a day". Then there is another voice from the group. 

I think they were quiet watching the commotion.

   Just then I heard a bust out voice which nearly made me deaf.

" I hate twins!!". There goes again the man who was arguing with the two boys.

     My nose begins to tingle me more. And I fought the urge to sneeze. Just keep it in Jade... come on. 

  "Don't worry Jimin, we hate you too!". Said the twins at the same time.


I couldn't stop the sneeze that was coming. It was too much for me.

Whipping my nose after sneezing, I opened my eyes and was welcomed by seven gorgeous strangers who made me held my breath and nearly passed out.

Two of them had the same face, I assume that they are the twins. Both of them have ocean-blue hair which has gotten curly in them. Their eyes were also a pretty shade of brown only slightly lighted like chestnuts. Their skin was tanned in, somewhat golden colour. They smiled and headed their head to the other side.

One of the Princes offered me a sweet grin that reassured me amid all the glances. He has curly pink blonde hair. A few strands of hair obscured his ice-blue eyes. He was rather short with a spotless white face.

 Then my eyes darted to the one with a calm stare... His eyes held some concern in them. He has a black hair which was neatly combed, and his eyes were a shade of silver-Blue which nearly sent me to my early grave.

He was rather tall. Next to him was another tall guy and..oh my goodness, his side dimple nearly let me wet my pants.. where on earth would there be such people? Are they Greek gods?.. His hair was rather brown in colour and his eyes were a shade of blue as well. Gosh! He was blinding me with his grin and his cute dimple. Though I got one... His own was unbelievable.

I think my eyes didn't deceive me when I saw another one with a cold stare. But despite that, he was damn! good- looking. His hair was black and messy. His eyes were the colour of midnight-Blue which is currently giving me goosebumps.

  The last one I couldn't describe I don't know the word to use for him whether perfect or perfectly handsome. He was looking at me without any emotion at all, just a blank stare. But I can tell that he was curious. His hair was a nice crimson red that I was pretty much sure wasn't dyed like the other boys back at school. It was neatly combed and some of his hair is covering his eyes which are the colour of the forest a rare shade of green. A moment later he gave me a wink.


They all look damn- good. But what really caught my attention was their attire. All of them were wearing, let's just say, fancy and expensive coats. Did they came from a costume party? This must be a dream for sure. I brought a hand up and slapped my face. It hurts, it is not a dream. 

" She must have gone crazy". My eyes landed on the midnight- blue eye guy. His mouth pulled into a thin line.

" Crazy?. Have you been looking in the mirror lately? Yeah, sure you look good in the costume but to tell you, white doesn't suit you at all". 

  I rubbed my chin as if thinking. 

"Maybe Black will do, yeah. That's right. Do you watch 'Sleeping Beauty'?. You could probably be the male version of maleficent. You know the evil witch". The boy was caught off guard. Probably did not expect me to talk back at him. 

"I have no idea what half of the things she said were about. But it was damn funny and insulting. Did she just call you an evil witch?". One of the twins teased and they started laughing, followed by the silver-blue eye guy, then Mr.deep dimple with brown hair and finally to the pink blonde guy who covered his mouth with his fists. The crimson red hair guy just shook his head and grinned.

 " Shut up". Was all Jungkook said before giving me a cold dead glare that made me shiver. 

"I'm not a witch.. you ignorant plebeian". 

 " Prince Jungkook, that is not what a proper gentleman would do here". 

  The crimson red hair guy offered me his hand. I took it and let him pull me up.

  " Thanks". I muttered in response, he made a small curtsy that surprised me. This guy is either a gentleman or just a dedicated cosplayer. Then he smiled.

  " I'm Prince Kim Seokjin from the kingdom of Hazel. What about you?". 

  Well, a dedicated cosplayer indeed.

" Me...m..my name is Park Jade, somewhere in Busan. South-Korea". Did I just stutter? I'm probably nervous since this is the first time that I'm talking to a guy so close. A hot one like that. Or maybe, because I am still confused as to how I got myself into this situation.