

"So..says the Princes." Jungkook mocked.

"Fine, you don't have to repeat it. I got the point." I think Jungkook needs another slap with my foot.

"Ignore him. Let's just do something progressive, like making the schedule for the training. Any suggestions on how to make the sequence?" Prince J-hope said.

"Oh, I know! Let's play a game." Jimin suddenly suggested. All the attention was on him now. I was curious too, so I leaned in a bit.

My dumb self even thought of joining...how stupid of me!

"What game?" Jin asked, slightly worried since it's Jimin, he knows what he is capable of doing after all. The twins seemed pretty excited while Jungkook seemed busy eating and would occasionally raise his head to give them an annoyed look..as if it annoys him to be close to them.

"Whoever catches the Princess first shall be the first one and can have the whole day with her tomorrow. The second can have the next day, so on and so forth."

"Fine by me." Jin leaned on his chair contentedly. "Alright!" The twins shouted in glee.

"Okay with me too". Finally Prince Namjoon talked and I felt relief.

"Same here". Prince J-hope said.

I was leaning too much, and I slipped. "Hick!" I suddenly blurted out. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand when I had realized what I had done. I just revealed my presence.

All heads turned on me. I waved awkwardly. "H-hey. Good morning."

I squeaked and got up. Slowly, I felt my way to the exit while keeping my gaze on them. "Lovely day! Sorry for disturbing you. Please continue with your fancy way of eating." I laughed nervously and grabbed a random vase to cover my face.

"Good morning, Princess Jade." They said in unison... pretty sure that, that pain in a**s prince wasn't part.

Now, why on earth are they being creepy?

And...UGH! I hate being called

a princess!

"By any chance. Have you heard what we were talking about just now?" Prince Tae asked curiously while batting his lashes at me innocently.

"Of course not. Because that is rude. And...not nice." I avoided their gaze. I wasn't that good at lying.

"Something tells me that she did hear us." Prince Yoongi sang, having an evil glint in his eyes as he communicated with his brother with his eyes. Prince Jimin, Jin and J-hope were quick to notice this, and suddenly, all heads turned to me again. Thinking Prince Namjoon wasn't ready for that, but I was soo wrong when he also smirked knowingly and looked at me.

Only one thought screamed in my mind: (RUN!!)

Picking up my dress, I ran. I could hear the boys shuffling and the sounds of footsteps echoing inside. I made swift turns, not knowing where to go but as long as I could get away from them I'm okay.

A thought suddenly occurred to me. Why was I running when I was already aware that the queen intended for me to have my training since yesterday? I know

that I wasn't ready for the training, but that isn't enough of a reason to run away. Maybe it's the thought of being chased that triggered a sort of reaction from me to run.

I stopped running when I put a reasonable distance between us and put both hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. With the size of this castle, it's easy to lose them. And it's easy for me to say that, ..I'm also lost.

"Great," I muttered.

I continued to stroll, savoring the breathtaking views from the floor-to-ceiling windows. A crimson curtain on both sides frames each window. It's as though you're walking through a scene from a Disney film.

White marble was used to make the floor. Several booths with flower vases filled with various flowers gave the castle a beautiful perfume.

I'm assuming they change the flowers every day and utilize flowers from the garden outside my door. Because the other flowers aren't supposed to blossom in this season, it's as if there's some sort of magic involved in growing the blooms.

From the ache on both of my feet, I'm guessing that I have walked for a long time. I even think that I have toured only a half of this castle. I also remembered some places, which would be helpful in the near future in case I need to hide for emergencies.

I went straight and saw that up ahead, there are two ways which I needed to choose from, three if you consider going straight. I was deciding whether I should go to the right, left, or straight when not one but two Princes emerge from both sides.

Yoongi and Tae both stopped to look at each other, panting, before shaking their heads. I guess they haven't seen me yet, which I am currently standing at least 20 feet away from them.

No place to hide, so I covered my face with my hands as if it would help. Why doesn't my brain work at the best of time?!

They were about to go, when their heads snapped in my direction. A bright grin plastered on their faces as they composed their posture.

"Hello there, Princess!" One greeted me while the other one gave me a boyish smirk.

"Going somewhere?". Yoongi said.

"Princess? I am the castle ghost. I am not a princess." I stuttered. They began to advance at me slowly as a predator would to a prey. And I don't want to be the prey. "Actually,"

I said as I slowly took a step backward. "I'm kinda busy today, and I guess you guys are too, so let's just call this a day, Okay? You do your thing, and I'll do my thing. It's a win-win. What do you say?" I offered.

One of them shook his head while the other was the one who talked. "You are our thing, so we can't call it a day as you say." He paused.

"Hey, it rhymed!"

I hate running...I should just give up.

I took long strides backward to keep a lot of distance between the Princes and me. One of them shook his head. "I think she's going to run away any minute now, brother. That means that we will have to chase her again." Yoongi nodded his head in agreement. "I know. The only problem is a rule that says 'no running in the castle." Then he had a mischievous grin on his face before he added. "But I don't consider this running. I call this chasing." He smiled that evil smile of his.