

That was all I needed as I ran to the way I came from and away from the brothers. Both were now hot on my heels.

"Better run fast, Princess, cause we're catching up pretty fast!" Tae called, and his voice was dangerously closed. He's taunting me.

"Jerks!" I called back and ran faster and almost tripped on my foot but quickly regained balance.

One of them blew in my ear. I screamed and ran faster, if that was even possible. I heard both of them crackling with laughter behind me, and I stopped in my tracks-both of them clutching their stomachs from laughing.

What I saw in front of me made my blood boil. They were toying with me.

Out of anger, I took both of my shoes off and aimed each one to their heads. Unfortunately, they caught each one with their hands. Now each of them were holding one pair of my shoes.

Tae smiled again. "You know, Yoongi. I think we should return this to her." He said, indicating my shoe, which they now have in their hands.

"I think you're right. It's only proper for a gentleman like us to give this to her personally." Yoongi winked.

"You can have it! As a token of my hatred." I hissed and ran again. This time, not looking back. "Damn it!"

"Language!!" They both shouted, amusement clear in their voice.

"Shut up!" I yelled. I always wanted a prince to chase me while holding one of my shoes in his hands as he carefully put it on my foot and lived happily ever after in a castle. You know, all those cliché love story things. But never did I dream of having two of those Princes chasing me and me running away from them in a castle, plus running around barefooted.

Why can't I be transported to a place with decent princes!?

I was busy fussing with my dreams that I overlooked that both Prince Namjoon and Jin were walking far ahead of me. I prayed that they wouldn't look at me, but I guess that this isn't my lucky day since they just turned in my direction. They both grinned and made their way in our direction.

"Princess!" Namjoon and Jin called.

Oh. F#$@k!!

I stopped as realized that I was completely trapped.

Behind me were the twins, and in front of me were Namjoon and Jin. I wondered where both, Prince J-hope and Jimin had pass. I truly know that jerk call Jungkook won't be part. Because he may be reading or rather sleeping somewhere.

Since I didn't really have a choice right now, the only thing I did was stop and pray. The next thing I knew was Tae and Yoongi crashing into Namjoon and Jin when they tried to dodge me. Both sides hit the ground with a thud.

I take it back. Luck was still on my side. "Hallelujah!!" I screamed and clapped my hands delight.

Not wasting any more time, I ran in the opposite direction. The boys were just getting on their feet when they saw me running and went after me.

Since I was barefooted, I can now run faster without slipping.

When I turned to the right, I saw both the Prince I hadn't seen earlier walking and turning their heads here and there.

I had no choice then to enter inside the room that I saw first and locked it behind me. I leaned against it while covering my mouth with both of my hands as I listened for them outside. My heart pounded in my chest. I could hear their voices and footsteps, and then they were gone.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I praise God for my incredible fortune. I think I made it through the day without the training.

Someone cleared his throat which startled me. I gave out a loud squeak and dropped to the ground.

"Spare me, please! I just don't want to go to the training. I just want to go home! Please kill the Queen and not me..she brought all this up". I begged. I don't no what came up on me when I said that.

"Easy child. It's just me. And why would I kill my beloved wife?" I raised my eyes and was met with yellow orbs that stared back at me. I let out the breath that I didn't notice that I was holding.

"Oh. It's just you 'uncle." I said as I rolled my eyes. King or not, he's still a part of this plan that I have no idea. He was sitting on a chair with a wooden table in front of him. To his right were large bookshelves and to his left was a table with a bottle of wine on top of it and a painting on the wall.

The King chuckled, wrinkles showing on his forehead. "You amuse me, child. No one has ever rolled their eyes at me or told me to kill my wife for fear that they may lose their head."

"So am I gonna lose my head now?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He didn't seem like the king who would do that.

He shook his head; amusement still lingered on his face. "No." he paused and looked at my form, which is still by the door. "By the way, child. Who are you hiding from?".

"If I tell you, will you promise not to give me away?" I looked at his eyes so I would know that he wouldn't be lying. I can always tell if a person is lying just by looking through their eyes. I don't know, but their eyes would twitch if they do.

The King shrugged. "Depends on the reason." When he saw my expression, he took it back. "Okay, I promise I won't."

I saw the truth in his eyes and decided to tell him. "I was hiding from the Princes."

The King had a confused look on his face, probably wondering why I would do such a thing.

"Well, why are you hiding, then? They didn't do anything inappropriate, did they?"

I shook my head. "No, that's not it. I don't know if you know of this, but do you remember what the Queen said yesterday about my training to be a Princess?" I asked.

The King nodded. "Yeah, good luck with that." He muttered to himself, but it was loud enough that I could hear it.

I pointed a finger at him.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that." He raised both hands as if in surrender. "Anyway, the princes are playing a game of catch to see who goes first. Guess who's the prey!!?" I exclaimed.

"You!?" The King gasped dramatically. "And is that the reason why you're running? Wouldn't it be better if you just let them catch you and get it over with?" He looked at me with pity but I could still see the hint of a grin.

"Oh please! The least you can do is help your lovely niece." I joked.

His smile lowered a little, and he looked to the side as if thinking of something. Guilt was present in his eyes. "Actually, I didn't know. I just expected this. It seems that she has made her move pretty fast." He said so low that I couldn't almost hear it.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

The King jumped in his seat.

He probably didn't mean for me to hear it. "Nothing." His eyes twitched. He's lying.

I narrowed my gaze at the king. "I don't know what to say, my King, but you're hiding something, aren't you?".

He looks like he's debating on whether he would tell me or not. Then he sighed. "I guess that you have the right to know. But you must not interrupt me when I explain. And please keep your voice low. She might hear us."

"Okay? Know what?"

"Do you ever wonder why the Queen would need someone to choose the future King instead of picking one by herself?" He asked.

"Since the beginning of all this," I admitted.

He nodded and linked his elbows on top of the table before placing his head on top of it. "Well, that was merely a pretext for the actual reason."

"I knew it!" I grinned in excitement.

"Do I get a special task? Like do I have to defeat someone with my otherworldly powers?"

"I-" He paused. "I do not know what you are saying, but I do believe that even though Mcdreamy is not as peaceful as we would like it to be, we sure aren't at war to 'defeat' our enemy." He explained.

I slumped on the ground. So I don't get any powers then. "So for what special reason was I called here for?"

"In this world, my wife has the power to open a portal to your world. Since the Queen can go back and forth between the two worlds, she has become fond of your world-.....what do you call that? Oh! Yes! Romance stories.

After each story's endings, she would always complain that the people's lives don't end in books. It should always carry on, so she thought of something. She would make a real-life love story in this castle. She would be able to see how it will grow from the beginning to the end. And guess who the characters are? You and the seven Princes that you are hiding from."

He ended. His eyes are now on me. He was waiting for my reaction.

It took me a second to process his words. When they finally made sense, something just snapped in me. My blood boiled at this information as I just realized something.

"What?!" I shouted, not caring if the Princes would hear my screams. The King raised both hands in front of him, trying to calm me down. "Shhh! Calm down. She might hear us!" He whispered.

"Calm down?! So I was pulled here to play a part in her romance dream, not to be a hero with superpowers!?" My reason for being irritated was minor..

"I'm serious. She might hear you!"

"Then let her hear me! I am not a pawn." I didn't know what I did, but I remember grabbing one of the books from the shelf to steady myself.

I pulled it off, attempting to throw it against the room.

"Not that!" The King yelled.

Too late, I had already pulled it, but it didn't come off. Instead, I heard a soft click, and the shelf started to part. Both sides moved sideways, revealing another room.

On the couch sat the Queen. Her

head turned in my direction as she paused what she was reading. "Jade, if you'll do a rampage, then you could at least have done it outside. I could hear your screams, but your words were jumbled."

My fist clenched at my sides while the King facepalmed and said, "See? I told you she could hear us!"

So this is what he meant when he said that she could hear us.

My eyes were glued on the person sitting on the couch so casually as if she had got no care in the world. She sighed. "If you have nothing to say then..."

"You!" I shouted. My temper rises at an extremely dangerous level. She took my life away, my family, and my friends and brought me to a place so foreign to me so that I could be someone that I didn't want to be. To be a part of her stupid ideas.

Her face scrunched up in confusion. Looking at me as if I had gone crazy. "Me?"

"This!" I gestured at my dress and the place. "Everything! Did you take me to this place just to be what? A part of your silly role- playing fantasy!!" My fist was clenched so tight that my knuckles had gone white.

The Queen's eyes bulged out. "You know? How?" Her eyes landed on her husband, who shrugged. She nodded her head, understanding. "Ahh, I see..."

"That's it? That's all you have to say?!" I was trying to keep my cool so I wouldn't choke her. "You took me here for a petty reason! If it were something dire, I might have considered it but playing for a romance role!? Go find another girl!"

"I wouldn't just pick any girl. Your heart truly desired to escape your world."

"Listen to me. Bringing me here to grant me a wish and expecting a romance to bloom in front of you are two different things!" I yelled.

"Ah damn it! Of all the genres, you picked romance. I hope you'll get abducted by aliens so they will experiment on your brain for having a poor taste!"

I heard the Queen whisper to her husband. "What's an alien?" Before I burst out of the room. Blindly running away. I don't care if the Princes will catch me. I just want to be alone. I ran.