

"Lovely name". With that he brought my hand to his lips. The gesture made me whimper and feel a little embarrassed for them.

But wait.. did he just said kingdom? Wow, these guys are taking their cosplaying serious.

" Allow me to introduce you to my companions, lady Jade".

" Please just call me Jade '' I said. I'm not comfortable with the 'lady' part. I haven't been touched yet...I'm still a girl.. in fact a 'hey'.

"As you wish, Jade". He said then he gestured at the pink blonde hair guy, who took a step forward.

"He is Prince Park Jimin from the kingdom of Arch". Prince Jimin bowed..I guess we had one surname which shocked me a bit.

"Guess we already share one surname so please call me Prince Jimin if you wish".

"Nice to meet you". I said and he turned around and went back to his position.

"And the..". He gestured to the twins but was stopped by them.

"Jin". Said one of the twins.

"We want to be introduce last". Continue the other.

These guys are embarrassing...but I can't help their cuteness.

" Very well". Jin nodded and gestured to the Prince who I have already started to dislike.

" This one here is Prince Jeon Jungkook from the Kingdom of Thrones. Please forgive him from his rudeness earlier". Instead of bowing, Prince Jungkook nodded his head once.

" Least I forget. That's PRINCE Jungkook for you".

"Of course, your highness". I forced a smile that wasn't even up to my eyes and couldn't help but add.

"Royal pain!".


" Nothing".

"Okay the one here.. is called Prince Kim Namjoon from the kingdom of Goden". Jin introduced Mr.deep dimple.

"Hi...just call me Namjoon". He waved me with a smile which fully showed his deep dimple.

Gosh!!..what a man!.

"'And he is Jung Hoseak from the kingdom of virtue". .. finally the one I had been waiting for is being introduced. I can't wait to have hands contact with him.

" Hey Jade.. just call me J-hope". ..wow..what a wonderful name...HOPE..he is surely a hope of course. Just looking at him will give you hope in your desperate time.

" Good to see you...here". I stretched my hands forward stupidly as if I was going crazy when he grab them and placed a short kiss on it.

" Nice seeing you too". He said and my heart started racing within me until I was cut off guard by Jin.

" And finally". Prince Seokjin continued and gestured to the twins.

" The twins..um.. gentlemen will you please introduce yourself since I can't distinguish you from one another ''. Prince Jin gave an apologetic smile to them.

Perfect mirror of each other. They faced me and offered me a smile. " My name is MinYoongi this..here..". He gestured to his twin.

" Is my brother..Kim Taehyung". His brother Prince Tae continued for him.

" We are from the kingdom of Princeps". They both said.

I clapped my hand after. Wow,.. these guys have good solid performances. I should ask them for their skincare routine since they all have flawless skin.

" Nice meeting you two". I said.. despite how troublesome they were earlier on, they are so cute, adorable and lovely..if I was to choose between any of the Princes, I can't..excluding PRINCE Jungkook...he is being weird and annoying.

" By the way, are you acquainted with Queen Valerie?".

" Queen who?". After I said that, we heard a galloping sound from a horse. A black stallion appeared and its rider was surprisingly a female. Her eyes immediately found mine and she grinned brightly. She got off the horse and hugged me tightly, I was slightly taken aback. When she stopped hugging me, that is when I saw her blonde hair, blue eyes. My jaw dropped and I pointed an accusing finger at her. She is the weird lady I saw before passing out.

"Hey!..". She covered my mouth with her palm before I could finish the words.

" No need for that dear".

"Your Highness". From behind, the seven Princes were on one of their knees. "What is happening".

"Rise". She commanded, as she had ordered, the prince risen to their feet.

" I see you have met my niece..princess Jade".

Eww.. cringe.

"Who are you calling your..". Before I could complete my sentence, her foot collided with mine. Since she was wearing heels it made the pain twice as painful. I gritted my teeth together to prevent myself from screaming as I jumped on one foot while clutching my injured one. "What's the h..". She turned on my other foot which made me switch to the other one.

What is her problem?.

"Oh what was that my dear Niece..?". . The lady said to me again but this time with an annoying face that means 'just- play -along'. I swallowed hard.

"Nothing aunt".

" Valerie". She whispered into my ears.

"Valerie". I mumbled.

"Good". She once again faced the Princes who were standing there patiently. "Gentlemen, my niece here, will be staying with us and I want you boys to be kind to her. Teach her how to act like a proper lady.

" Hey!".

" And teach her some manners. If you impressed her she might pick you to be the next king of my kingdom".

"What do you mean?". I asked.

I was perplexed. There was a conversation I wasn't in. Pick a king? What is this all about?. Sorry.. but I'm not into Cosplay or roleplay so please count me out.

" You know what my dear niece, it has been 20 years and my husband and I still haven't conceived a child".

"Wait 20 years? Is your role an old hag? But you don't look like one". The corner of her mouth twitched.

" I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that comment about an old hag, but thank you. You see I'm a star goddess something you people will mistake as a deity or a fairly but I'm not a fairy neither am I a deity. I'm an immortality to begin with.. human year and our year are not the same. It may be like a hundred years for you people but just a year for us. I'm 40 thousand years old in human years, in other words I'm only 40 years". She whispered into my ear.

A fairy?

A deity?.. Is she crazy or something?

"You ..are...a".

"Star goddess. not a fairy, not a deity ".

I backed away.

" Get out of here!".

"Nothing is impossible in this world my dear".

In this world? I looked around me. We were on a vacant landscape with tall trees standing behind us. Judging from its height, I can tell that I'm not in my city anymore. Lovely Busan!

But how could this happen? In novels about people being transported into another world these days,..I mean there have been a lot of such novels nowadays.

But that is not what happened to me right?. I mean, I haven't been hit by a truck. And I am sure that I haven't been reincarnated either.