
The Seven Devilish Princes

A world of magic and gods hidden beneath a mundane exterior. A balance of power hanging by a thread and The Seven Princes laughing at it all.

Schneizel_Viktor · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs


The silent and serene atmosphere within the woodlands is something most would expect.

Unfortunately, such an atmosphere broke.

The sounds of running and panicked shouts echo through the woods, as shadows dart through the sky.

A figure emerged from the darkness, into the illuminating light of the full moon.

His face pale and ears pointy, dressed in a black robe as his white, waist-length hair flutter through the wind, revealing his inhuman beauty.

With his hands behind his back, he glares forward as he angrily shouts.

"EXORCISTS! STATE YOUR BUSINESS WITHIN MY DOMAIN!" The shout echoes through the woods as hundreds of red eyes emerge from the treetops, intently watching.

The reply came in soft steps, as a blonde young man steps forward, his black robe reminiscent of priests.

He smiles softly as he walked forward, his hands in prayer.

"Greetings Lord Malcolm." He politely spoke as his blue eyes twinkle in mirth.

Malcolm warily looks at him and his blood-red eyes shine, he spoke, "What is your business here?"

He gestures to his back as hundreds of men emerge, along with the familiar light of steel. "I and my compatriots are merely here to investigate some."

His smile widens. "Clues."

Malcolm looks at him with suspicion. "Then what of the weapons behind you?"

The priests gesture to the men behind him. "They are merely here to protect me from any unruly vampires."

The sounds of guns clicking and swords unsheathing along with the familiar hum of magic followed his words.

The sounds of which infuriate Malcolm, whose features expressed his unending fury on the threat upon his people.

"YOU DARE!" He shouted with enough power to shake the trees as the eyes reveal themselves to be men and women dressed in black robes all with great degrees of beauty

A few still moments pass as the tension thickens. The priests prepare their weapons and the vampires bare their fangs.

Though before any decisive action could be taken. A brilliant light emerges in between them.

Making Mark wince in frustration and Malcolm smugly smile.

Magic circles appear, made of light and from it came hurried steps.

The light show ends and with it came tens of men dressed in formal attire, with a black-haired young man leading them.

He looks around and examines the situation and a grim frown forming, he asks, "Lord Malcolm and Councillor Mark."

He politely nods to both of them and tactfully spoke to Mark, "May I perhaps know as to what reason Councillor Mark has intruded on an area under MSA supervision."

Mark hurriedly raises his arm as a peaceful gesture, "We aren't here for trouble, Agent Liam"

He apologetically smiles and looks to Malcolm for forgiveness, "I apologize to Lord Malcolm if it seemed that way."

Malcolm scoffs in ridicule, but Mark placatingly smiles, "We assure you both that we had no ill intent."

Liam then took a step forward, "Then what could be your reason for violating the Treaty of Rome."

He points to the men behind Mark as they hold on to their weapons. "And those don't seem to be mere decorations."

Mark coughs in embarrassment as he smiles, "Those, as I said to Lord Malcolm, are mere guards."

Malcolm mockingly smiles, "Guards, with enough firepower to wipe out my coven?"

Mark laughs nervously, making both Liam and Malcolm glare at him with ill intent.

Though seemingly out of nowhere, Mark laughs harder as the sounds of soft rustling can be heard through the woods.

He shakes his head in derision and mockingly spoke, "Whatever we wish to call them,"

He points to himself, "Depends upon me."

Malcolm and Liam now look at him, wary of his newfound confidence. They look around to check for any traps.

Mark shrugs as he walked forward to Liam with a mocking smile plastered to his face. "And besides, the Treaty of Rome only involves the Vatican, It has no influence upon,"

Suddenly he shouts "US." with its circles of magic light up all around them.

Liam and Malcolm take a step back as the situation reversed, both of them now surrounded by an army of exorcists.

Mark combs his hair back with a smirk. "Since I am such graceful servant of the Lord," Magic circles appear around the gun at Mark's side.

But before Liam and his men can respond, Mark has his gun directly aimed at Liam's forehead.

"I can allow both of you and your posse to stay here." He points to the ground as he smirks mockingly.

He gestures around him, "With my men's supervision."

Malcolm nods nervously, now afraid for his coven's safety. He commands the vampires with him to stand down.

While Liam, with the tide now against him, nods. Seeing his shaky nod, the men around him stand down.

Now with the upper hand, Mark shakes his head as his expression returns to peace. After all, we can't have a priest bear such an unpleasant expression.

He calmly spoke, looking to them both. "I hope you would calmly remain here, while I-"

A bright light interrupted him, one powerful enough to light up the sky as if it's morning.

They all cover their eyes and wait as the light died down.

Mark then quickly runs in its direction as he hurriedly orders his men, "First Squad, follow me." The men behind him followed.

Mark pointed to the men surrounding them and shouted as he ran. "The rest of you stay here and keep them away."

"YES SIR!" The resounding reply, a powerful reminder to their enemies.

While this was all happening, three men watch atop a cliff a few kilometers away.

"Oh my, this is certainly intense." A voice breathlessly spoke with a smile, exuding stunning elegance, as his deep purple eyes and black coat stressed his slick purple hair.

"Tch, you really are the type to think that's intense, Luc. The bastards are just posing at one another." A scoff came as a reply.

From the man watching it all with boredom as his vibrant red hair flows through the wind. With red eyes filled with disdain. He crosses his arm as his black coloured jacket flutters on his shoulders.

"Hmm, you 're just too dumb to get it, Athan." A voice sleepily replies.

A reply that came from a man napping, with his jet black hair splayed around him, he looks to Athan with one eye, as if mocking him. Smiling to himself as he hid behind the hood of his baggy jacket.

Athan angrily looks to the man, "The fuck you just said to me, Egor." Egor replied with another mocking reply as the two glared at one another.

Luc sighs, seeing the situation about to devolve to another round of bickering, he commanded them both with a shout, "Enough!"

He glares at them, making the duo stand at attention. "Remember what we're here for."

The three simultaneously spoke, "The Holy Grail."

"Tch, I already got it the first time," Athan replied with irritation.

"k" Egor sleepily replied.

Luc opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the bright light engulfing the sky.

A few moments pass, as the light fades the trio looks at each other and Egor spoke, "I'm assuming that's our signal?"

"Definitely," Luc replies with awe as the light recedes.

"FUCKING FINALLY!" Athan shouts as he warms up, excited for the upcoming battle.

Egor stood up as he sleepily rubs his eye, "So we doing this then?" He sleepily yawns.

Two replies followed "Yes." "HELL YEAH!"

Egor softly smiles and closes his eye in concentration.

Three portals appear beneath them as the three of them fall through it.