
The Serial Rider

Love and mystery take on a wild ride in this young adult fictional story of a college art student as she juggles with college life, obsession and unresolved past. Shirley Rider has every man's heart right under her riding boots. Except people don't really know who she is. What will she do when her mysterious life is threatened, and the past comes back into her life?

Serial_Reader_101 · Thành thị
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9 Chs


As soon as I am out of the hall, I quickly call Sarah and she tells me that she finished early and is waiting for me at the parking lot not far from the building. Standing at the main entrance with students going in and out, I look towards the parking lot to search for a red Toyota. There are few cars parked, so I easily spot hers.

This is an Arts department building and it's located separately from other academic buildings; with few staff members, there are always few people parking their cars this side unlike with other parking lots.

Sarah is standing outside leaning on the car with the driver's door opened. Her head is slightly bowed focused on the phone in her hand. Before I could reach her, there's a squeal behind me and rushing of sandals on the pavement.

"Heey, Saraaah!" I turn to look behind me and immediately sigh when I see the snorting girl. It seems I thought correctly. She was familiar. The people I was seating next to were Sarah's friends. The shy girl is also following behind with two boys.

What is wrong with this girl? I think to myself as she passes me by heading in Sarah's direction. Others are just following behind at their own slow pace. I sigh and continue to walk to the car.

When I arrive, I just go straight to the passenger side and open the door to get in. before I can close it, I hear that the topic is about Mr Adams and what just happened in class like some juicy gossip. Sarah scolds her for being so nosy. From the conversation I pick up that the girl's name is Tash.

The other three arrive shortly after and through the opened driver's door, I hear one of the two boys say to the other one, "Nick, my guy, tell me we are going to the spin show tonight. I can't wait for Saturday, man."

"Zach, that's all you've been talking about the whole week. You just went there last night, on a Thursday night. You even missed the seven thirty class this morning" A frustrated voice I guess to be Becca speaks.

"Well, who cares if it's Thursday or Monday? Last night was not even a show yet. Those guys were just hanging out preparing for tonight. I even saw that guy, our Creative Writing lecturer. Can you believe it? A university lecturer at such a place?"

"Wait, you mean Mr A? The one we just came from his class, now?" Tash speaks suddenly interested in other people's conversation. She tries not to speak any louder than she already is.

"Yeah, the one and only. I remember you said our dear Becca here, has a crush on him. Do you, Becca?" The second boy who was quite finally speaks sounding a bit disapproving.

"No, Nick. I do not have a crush on him. I just like him as a person. He is a good lecturer. And I like the Creative Writing class. It's fun." Says the nerdy girl Becca. Well, now I remember their names. I just never really care to pay much attention to Sarah's group of friends. I hardly see them anyway.

"Good, because I heard he has a girlfriend and last weekend I saw him with this some chick. And I thought I've seen her before. But anyway, he's not good for you."

"Uhm, hello. I am here, you guys just come here and not greet me. I guess that is my cue to leave." Sarah breaks in the conversation.

"Ugh...Sorry. Hi Sarah. How are you?" Zach coax her and the others follow suit.

"I'm fine. Anyway, I have to get going. Since the afternoon classes have been cancelled, I want to use the time for studying." Sarah speaks getting in the car.

"ugh, Sarah! You, and Becca are all the same. I thought we could go grab some food together just now." Noisy Tash complains.

"Yeah, Sarah. These days we take time to see you. Take a break, and let's hang out. Maybe you should even join us tonight." Says Zach

"Join you, where? At the spin show, on a Friday night with exams coming soon, and outside town? No, thanks."

"Tell me, again, why is such an event on Friday, and at night? Doesn't it usually take place on Saturdays in the afternoon?" Becca's smooth and very thin voice rings out.

"Well, your SRC decided to have a campus bash on Saturday and invited some of the bikers and spinners." Nick answers casually.

"Anyway, it does not matter to me as long as the events are not clashing. I'm 'bout to have the best fun in all the years." Tasha's loud voice chimes in.

"Yeah! Nick, man, did you hear about that Mustang chick? Do you think she'll finally show up? I heard some of the guys last night say her car was seen at that old racetrack. The one not far from the campus."

"The old racetrack? Isn't it closed?", ask Nick

"Yeah, that's what I thought. But that girl, maybe she is planning a surprisecome back, after disappearing with the race championship last year."

"Guys, I'll see you tomorrow and from there we can have lunch. Before you all go get drunk. I really have to go. You can see I am not alone." Sarah closes the door and opens the window to say goodbye to her friends.

"Wat is on your mind? You're awfully quiet and tense." Sarah breaks the silence as we reach the complex, we're staying at.


"Shaz, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am okay. Just thinking." I quickly try to clear my mind and answer her as she parks the car at the parking lot in front of our apartment building. We both get out and head to the stairs leading to our apartment.

"Well, is it about what Zach mentioned today? Do you know if the Mustang girl was really there?" she asks trailing behind me.

"No, it's not that. And yes, I know about it, let's not talk about it. Tell me, what did Tash say to you? About what happened in class." I ask to change the subject and also because when I got to the car earlier, the topic had already started, as Sarah was scolding her friend.

"Uhm, she thinks there is something going on between you and Mr Adams because of how you two were exchanging glances and after that he asked you to see him in his office."

Listening to her explanation, I unlock the door and head straight to throw myself on the couch.

"hmmh. Your friend seems kind of noisy. I don't even know why that guy wanted to see me."

"Well, didn't you ask him?" Sarah speaks from the Kitchen area.

"No, I didn't go to his office, I went out."

"So, you're telling me that You just left? After he asked you to see him in his office?" She sounds shocked at my answer. Sarah sits on the carpet with her laptop bag and puts a bottle of water on the coffee table with a bowl of fresh fruits.

"Ask? He never asked. He told me to see him, not asked me to see him." I shrug and stretch my arms over to the bowl and pick a small branch of red grapes.

"But why didn't you just go? He is your lecturer, there must have been something important."

"I just didn't like his attitude. Be my lecturer or boss, you don't speak like that to a lady, especially this one."

Sarah takes out her laptop and study materials placing them on the table while focusing on me. It seems she is really enjoying the story like some hot new gossip.

"Yes, ma'am! I hear you. When Tash told me about this, I thought she was just making up some things. She really thought there was something going on between you and him." She takes a banana and peels it off while looking at me with big round eyes as if to put in full attention to the story.

"Well, there is nothing going on except that I didn't like his attitude. That's all. It's not that much of a big deal."

"You know, almost every girl in all his classes likes him and most people are Intimidated by him, that sometimes I am glad I didn't take the class this year. But you are immune to his charms. You're not even intimidated a bit. I salute you." With the half-peeled banana, she makes a salutation sign. And we both laugh when she realises that she's still holding the fruit.

"Every girl you mean Tash and Becca? Anyway, is Becca really serious about her crush on him?" I ask thinking back on what her friends said and her reaction when she saw him.

"I'm really not sure. But I think it's just an admiring crush, like a celebrity crush. Why do you ask?"

"It's just her reaction when she saw him, and when your friends mentioned her crush on him. It makes me wonder if she is really serious, or Tash is just influencing her. She got to be careful."

I may be only in my second year of varsity, but I know well enough that relationships between lecturers and students do happen and there are quite many of them at this university even though they are hidden. So, it's not that hard to believe that a young girl like Becca might also have a crush on her teacher. There are many like her who are just innocent until the man notices them and fall in love so quickly, most especially influenced by their friends.

"Yeah, I also think Tash is just rubbing off on her. I don't see Becca dating a lecturer. Her lecturer for that matter. Do you think she would end up doing that because of Tash's influence?" Sarah asks suddenly concerned about her dear shy friend.

"I don't know. It can happen. But I hope she is careful not to. Guys like him are…not good." I say muttering the last sentence to myself.

"Mhmm. I understand. I'll try to talk to her."

Seeing Sarah suddenly in thoughts, I get up and leave with the rest of the red grapes in my hands to my room.

I need to think of what to do with the matter regarding Adams. Sooner or later, I will have to face him. But I can't afford to have him being suspicious of anything, at least not now.