
Chapter 4: Kevra

Kevra has taken the news well about Alecia. She left planet Epra for the sole reason to see her friend again. This is the second time she has lost her. Even though she's imprisoned, Kevra still grieved, as if Alecia had died twice. At least it felt that way.

Kevra and Okolu walked through the quiet streets of Werenthal. She was sent a tip of the man she was looking for. He owed money and she was going to get it one way or another.

Okolu placed his hands chest before ajusting his sleeves of his coat.

"Wearing clothes still seems odd to me. This coat feels warm. So that is nice."

Kevra looked at him before looking ahead once more.

"At least it hides your body," she said looking at her phone and placing it back in her pocket.

"People tend to freak when they see a robot man walking around town."

He glared down at her.

"I am not a robot man, I am an android. The most advanced model you've helped build."

Kevra rolled her eyes.

"Okay, big guy," she said, raising her voice slightly.

"No need to tell me that. I'm just saying that's what people will think. We can't afford to draw attention to ourselves.

"I understand, Kevra. Where is this target of ours?"

"Down this alley," she said pointing at an alley before walking through.

They continued until they found a garrage door and a normal sized doorway with a guard standing in front of it.

"Through that door?" Okolu asked with a raised eyebrow.

She tilted ger head before looking up at him.

"Seems like it."

The guard at the door stops them with the signal of his hand.

"Not allowed here. Move along, the both of you.'"

"But we need to be here," Kevra said, frowning at him,

"You can't keep us out."

The guard took at step to her, looking down at her as he does.

"Are you trying to look for trouble, lady?

Kevra didn't flinch, nor showed signs of being intimidated

"No, but I really need to get in there."

The guard narrowed his eyes.

"It's not gonna happen. Either you leave here now or I'll be forced to make you leave. Your choice."

Kevra looked at Okolu with a smirk.

"I pick the latter." She nodded at him.

Okolu stepped forward before grabbing the guard's face and threw a punch across his face, which sent him flying against the wall, knocking him out.

Kevra let out a small chuckle before walking through the entrance.

"Nice one, Okolu. Come on."


Kevra entered the building, and saw a few other people sitting at tables as they drank and chatted to each other.

Kevra let out a sigh, her eyes scanning the place.

"Can you identify the target, Okolu?"

Okolu's eyes glowed as he looked at each individual in the room.

Negative. However there is a second floor. We should go up there and check."

"Sounds good to me."

Kevra and Okolu walked up the stairs and saw another set of tables with other members, one of them were seated at the couch with two women by his side.

"That must be him," Kevra said, shaking her head.


Kevra walked up to him, the other men eyed her as she stepped closer to the one on the couch..

"Mr Ruke. Is it?" Kevra said, voice slightly raised.

"Who needs to know?" The man said outloud, causing the other men to flinch with their hands at their holstered weapons.

"I do," Kevra said, tilting her head.

"You see, my client really needs you to comply now."

The man signals the woman to get up and leave.

"What are you on about? And who is this big guy next to you?"

Frowning Kevra folded her arms.

"Let's cut to the chase shall we. You owe them money. If you don't want to make things difficult for yourself, then I suggest you comply and pay your depts.

The man sat forward with a glare in his eyes.

"How did you come in here? Why did the guard even let you in?"

Kevra stayed silent.

Ruke's eyes widened and flipped the table over, spilling drinks in the process, before running away:

"Deal with these two freaks!"

When the two men took out their weapons, Kevra grabbed the one hand and moved the armed hand to aim the pistol under his chin and pulled the trigger. Okolu grabbed the other by the throat only to be thrown over the balcony, landing on the tables in the process.

Kevra looked down at the floor below and saw the distressed men and women down stairs. As she watched, she saw Rule running to the exit.

"We can't let him escape!

Kevra bolted over the fence and landed in the midst of Ruke's guards. In a brief moment in time, they open fire, within this moment, Kevra's body surged with blue flames, causing the energy spikes to be engulfed by her aura. After a moment, she unleashed a pulse of energy, causing their weapons to shut down.

The men and weapon looked at their own weapons, hitting it, and cussing as they tried to fix it.

"You don't want to die for the man," Kevra said, urging them to look her way with a growing fear as they watched Okolu join her side.

"I suggest you step aside."

The members backed away watched as Kevra and Okolu exited the building.


They both ran after him, cutting through alleyways and streats until he ran into a dead end. Catching his breathe with a salty brow, he backed away into the wall as Kevra and Okolu stepped towards him.

"Listen guys," he swallowed, his throat dry, clearly partched.

"I've been meaning to pay."

"Sure," Kevra said, taking a step closer.

"You know how it is, right?" Ruke said, his hands raised, bracing himself for what they might do to him.

"No, I don't," Kevra stopped.

"Enough with the excuses. They've given you enough chances as it is.

Ruke lowered his hands.

"So what are you going to do now? Going to kill me then?

"That depends on you, Mr Rule," she said, narrowing her eyes.

"Give me the money then you'll never see us again. I'll give you my word"

"What about this!"

Ruke pulled out a gun and shot. In this brief moment in time, the bullet traveled in the direction of Kevra's heart. Just then, Okolu stepped in front of Kevra, having the bullet to shatter against his turso instead.

In a brief moment, Okolu grapped him by tbe throat and picked him up.

"That was unwise," Okolu said, tightening his grip around his throat.

Ruke struggled against Okolu's grip before his wallet fell out of his jacket.

Kevra picked it up and counted the bunch of money.

"Would you look at this," Kevra stopped counting before pulling out a pilevof money.

"I'm not surprised to find you as a liar. Did you win all this in a gamble?" She threw the wallet to the ground.

"What should I do with him?" Okolu asked, looking up at him with his irises glowing blue.

"Let him go," Kevra said, shrugging her shoulders.

"No need for collateral damage."

Okolu dropped Ruke, causing him to hold on to his own throat as he coughed out.

"You get to live another day," Kevra said, crouching near him before raising his chin to meet his gaze.

"You could have made this a lot easier for both of us. So, pleasure doing business with you Mr Ruke."

Kevra stood up.

"Let's take our leave," she said turning  and walking away with Okolu.