
The Seer's Awakening in a Dreamless Land

Family of seers. Enjoy

Audra_Symphony · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 18

Years had passed since Princess Seraphina had embraced her role as a seer within Eldoria's court, her gift of prophecy honed through diligent study and guidance from Queen Elara and Sir Alaric. The kingdom had thrived under their continued stewardship, its borders secure, its people prosperous, and its legacy preserved through the ages.

Seraphina, now a respected advisor in her own right, navigated the complexities of courtly politics with grace and wisdom beyond her years. Her visions had become a cornerstone of Eldoria's decision-making, offering glimpses into the tangled threads of fate that wove through the kingdom's future.

Yet amidst the tranquility that enveloped Eldoria, whispers of a new challenge began to stir—a challenge that would test the kingdom's resilience and Seraphina's steadfast resolve. Rumors had begun to circulate of an ancient artifact, long thought lost to the annals of history, whose discovery promised to unleash untold power upon the realms.