
The Seer's Awakening in a Dreamless Land

Family of seers. Enjoy

Audra_Symphony · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 8

Aiden and Elara, the children of Tristan and Lyra, had grown up amidst the tranquility and prosperity that their parents had fought so hard to secure for Eldoria. Each had inherited their parents' strengths and virtues, yet their paths diverged in unexpected ways as they came of age in a kingdom shaped by the echoes of history and the promise of the future.

Aiden, the eldest son, bore the weight of leadership with a quiet resolve reminiscent of his father. Tall and commanding, with piercing blue eyes that mirrored Tristan's steadfast gaze, he had been groomed from a young age to one day inherit the throne. His days were filled with lessons in diplomacy and strategy, preparing him to one day rule over Eldoria with wisdom and compassion.