

**disclaimer: mature content, forced sex,voodoo, violence Chikita is well known for getting whatever she wants not minding the repercussions, either by seducing or by killing She can go an extra length to get what she wants Reality hit her when she started losing all that she had worked for due to her actions And even when she repented from her ways , karma came for her!! Stay tune!

Egede_Praise · Thành thị
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my love when will you be coming to Brazil(grumbling) I thought you said you will be coming by weekend? Gabriella asked Lucas

i will be coming soon Gabby(the nickname he calls her) in three days time, Lucas told her

okay my love, don't forget to get me those fashion wears I showed you online, Gabriella said to him

They both hung up and Gabriella continued arranging her boss of clothes which she had selected for her planned trip with Chikita

i can't wait to wear this at the beach, this is so adorable, I hope Chikita has something similar like this so we can twin at the beach, Chikita said holding her designer swim wear she newly purchased

she picked up her phone to call her best friend who was also getting ready for the trip at home

Hello chikita, I just called the hotel for reservation, and I told them we will be there in five hours , hurry up as I will be heading towards your house to pick you up so we can go to the airport together, Gabriella said

Okay Gabriella, I'm almost done, chikita said

they both hung up

Larissa! (chikita called her cousin)

Yes chikita, she responded

I and Gabriella are having some girls trip, don't bother asking to tag along it's just for the both of us, take care of yourself and the house okay, chikita said

Oh no , I wouldn't have gone even if you had invited me , my boyfriend will be coming in two days time, and I'd love to be at the airport to welcome him, Larissa replied

That would be great, I will be coming back in a week time, have some fun okay, chikita said while getting ready to have her bath

An hour later Gabriella arrived at the house of her best-friend and they both went straight to the airport

getting to the airport Chikita complained of having headache which she didn't take too serious , because she thought it might be from the stress she had gone through

chikita ran towards the line at the airport to get her passport stamped when she started feeling dizzy, she immediately held onto Gabriella who was in front of her

Chikita are you okay? Gabriella said

i feel uneasy, please take me to where I can have a seat, she said

just as they were about having their seat some medical personnel appeared towards them and offered to assist chikita before her flight took off

madam have you been having any underlying health issues so far, the paramedics questioned chikita while checking her pulse

No , I'm very much okay, I just started noticing some uneasiness around my stomach, and I lost my appetite for food, I have also developed frequent headaches and backaches, and right now I don't feel like standing up , I feel pain round my tummy , chika said

okay we will love you to run a test to know what is wrong with you for now, because it is not safe for you to travel right now in other not to cause further issue, the paramedic said to her

Chikita was immediately rushed to their ambulance along side her best friend who held her hand looking worried already

Be calm okay, you will be alright , I am sure it's just some minor issues, you will be fine, Gabriella kept reassuring her friend who was already lying down weak

they arrived at the hospital and chikita was admitted and a test was carried out to know what was wrong with her

Meanwhile Gabriella called Larissa to tell her about chikita's health challenges

not up to two hours, chikita was surprised seeing Larissa at the hospital

Chikita, how do you feel?? I'm so worried what is happening to you, has the doctor said anything yet, Larissa said

I will be okay, the results are not yet out but i will be fine, chikita responded

just as they were having their conversation the doctor walked in and immediately he smiled towards Chikita

how long have you been feeling this way miss chikita, Doctor Eduardo said looking at chikita records in his hand

It started two days ago , chikita replied

well congratulation ma'am you are 4 weeks pregnant, doctor Eduardo replied

what!, pregnant, oh no!!!, chikita screamed

please excuse me, Doctor Eduardo said and left them in the hospital room

chikita calm down, just calm down , panicking won't solve this, besides this is good news, a child is a blessing from God, I'm so happy for you , Gabriella said smiling towards chikita

chikita who was mixed with the feeling of disgust and anger said to Gabriella

but I'm not ready yet to be a mother, how do I go about my work and this pregnancy, she said irritatingly

Don't worry chikita, you are rich, and I'm sure the father of this baby is capable of taking care of you and your baby , Gabriella responded

besides chikita who is the father of this baby ?? Gabriella asked

Chikita who was somehow confused responded

well it'sobviously Adams baby, she said

what?, oh my God I'm becoming an aunt!, this is too good to be true!, Gabriella said excitedly

Larissa on the other hand who was paying much attention to her sister rather than the news asked her

chikita what is it? she said

I'm worried , I don't know if Adam is ready yet to be a Dad, and this pregnancy wasn't planned, I thought my contraceptives, chikita said

oh common sister, maybe it's time for you to have a baby, maybe it's time for your baby to be born to this world, just call Adam and tell him the news, Larissa said

Adams will be more than happy , considering the fact that he had always wanted to bond back to you chikita, maybe this baby is just a way of telling you to give my brother one more chance, Gabriella said teasingly

you said annoying already, chikita told Gabriella

Larissa and Gabriella both laughed

The next day chikita was discharged and Gabriella driver her to her home, they both hugged each other and parted ways at the gate of her house

chikita who was already having the hormone of a pregnant woman began feeling irritated by the site of her Dogs who were barking excitedly

Larissa please take them away from me I can't stand their smell, she said

Larissa quickly locked them in their cage and Chikita went straight to her room

few hours after she woke up from her Nap, she dressed up and decided to visit Adams at his house to give him the news

This time around she wasn't feeling the need to look attractive to him, she wore an oversized black top with a jean and her neatly weaved cornrows , she dashed out to her car and zoomed off to Adams house

Getting there chikita looked anxious but she managed to compose herself before getting to the main entrance of adams house

Adams who was already at his well decorated living room welcomed his beautiful ex girlfriend whom he still had that strong feelings for

welcome chikita , I wasn't expecting you anytime soon to my house , to what do I owe this visitation , he said

well let me go straight to the point , she handed over her pregnancy result to Adam

I'm one month pregnant for you Adams, if you don't want to take responsibility for the baby, I will do them, I just want to let you know you have a seed already inside me, Chikita said

Adams who was so excited about the news hugged chikita so tight and thanked her for not trying to eliminate the pregnancy

Chikita who was shocked at his response sat down looking at Adam's with some confused expression

they both had a long discussion about the baby, Adams also used the opportunity to beg Chikita to accept him back into her life as they were expecting a baby already

chikita on the other hand who had always wanted her child to experience the love of a father accepted his apologies

they both spent time with each other trying to catch up with what they've been experiencing in their separate life's

During the evening chikita decided to head so she could take her medication which was earlier prescribed by the doctor

She drove home and saw Larissa at the dinning table looking worried

what is it Larissa?, Chikita questioned her

my boyfriend will be coming to Brazil tomorrow and I'm kind of concerned if he will be coming tomorrow, he had cancelled on me so many times and I hope this time around he truly comes Back , Larissa said

He will come Larissa you worry too much, after all this is where he resides, when he's done with what he's doing over there he will definitely come, besides I can't wait to see him, Chikita said

I went to adams house to give him the news and he was so happy about it, that's not all, we both reconciled, she told Larissa

that's some great news, I'm so happy for you aunt, things are falling in places for you.

they both smiled at each other while Chikita went ahead to her room to have more rest as she needed them

The next morning Larissa woke up preparing herself for the arrival of her boyfriend, this time it seemed he was serious about coming, she woke up early to dress up and apply some makeup on

she Wore the jewelry chikita bought for her , as well as her beautiful corset gown which showed her little cleavages, she stood towards the mirror admiring her God given beauty

Okay you definitely ate this look Larissa, let's get ready to meet Lucas, she said to herself