
The secrets of the nightshade

Nolan, a 16-year-old boy, accidentally falls into a hidden world beneath his own after encountering a crack in the streets. With only gloves, a hat, a coat, and a mysterious card bearing his name, Nolan realizes he's affiliated with the Nightshade. As Nolan tries to understand his role in this strange world, he must uncover its mysteries while traversing its unfamiliar landscape. The story carries an air of mystery and suspense, following Nolan's journey of survival and discovery in a hidden dimension beneath the veneer of our everyday reality.

kail_kist · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


I found myself engulfed in darkness, unable to discern anything around me. The absence of light left me disoriented as I sensed my body descending through the void. The rush of wind against my skin was the only indication of motion in this abyss of blackness. Struggling to make sense of my surroundings, my attempts to peer into the inky darkness yielded nothing. 


Suddenly, a glimmer of hope emerged – a white light at the end of this obscure tunnel. I opened my eyes to find myself sprawled on the ground, surrounded by an unfamiliar landscape. Above, a pristine white moon adorned the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the surroundings. The ground beneath me was covered in lush grass, and towering trees loomed on all sides. 


Taking stock of my situation, I discovered that I was adorned in a coat, hat, and a pair of gloves. A quick survey revealed the absence of my red backpack, replaced by an unexpected item in my coat pocket – a card. Intrigued, I pulled it out, and to my astonishment, it bore my name – Nolen, with the added revelation of a last name, Nightshade. 


Confusion and bewilderment set in as questions flooded my mind. How had I ended up in this eerie woodland? Why was it night? The mysterious card, my peculiar attire, and the enigmatic setting left me with more questions than answers. 

I looked around, standing atop the small hill, and in the distance, a trail of smoke caught my attention. Determined to find a place for shelter, I carefully descended the grassy slope. The air was filled with an earthy scent, and the quiet rustle of leaves surrounded me. 


Reaching the base, I encountered a peculiar sight – a paved road, unlike the smooth asphalt of my world. The stones beneath my feet felt ancient, resonating with a timeless quality. As I walked along this mysterious road, a rhythmic clattering reached my ears. Soon, horse-drawn carriages emerged, their powerful steeds adorned with stark white manes. These were no ordinary horses; they seemed almost supernatural, their muscles rippling like seasoned warriors. 


Captivated by this fantastical scene, I pressed on, guided by the distant promise of shelter and an insatiable curiosity about the secrets concealed in this twilight realm. Each step revealed more wonders, making me question the nature of this enigmatic world I had stumbled upon. 

The carriage came to a halt before me, its driver fixing me with a stern gaze. His weathered face bore the marks of battles fought, a prominent scar cutting across his cheek. Clad in a worn white shirt and dirty gray pants, he exuded a rugged aura. Relief washed over me as he spoke in English, a familiar language in this unfamiliar place. 


"Are you lost, boy?" he gruffly inquired, scrutinizing me. I admitted, "Yeah, I am, sir." His weathered face showed no surprise as he continued, "Are you from the Nightshade?" A moment of hesitation hung in the air, but recalling the card's last name, I affirmed, "Yes." Unfazed, the man remarked, "No charge. You probably got lost during a mission." 


He descended from his seat, opening the carriage door for me. Despite my uncertainty, I stepped inside; it seemed the quickest means of travel available to me. The interior revealed a sense of simplicity, constructed from quality wood and featuring comfortable seating. As I settled in, the driver closed the carriage doors, sealing me within the confines of this mysterious transport. 

The carriage rolled smoothly along the paved road, the bulky horses pulling it with an otherworldly strength. The driver, with his grizzled appearance, resumed control from the front. As I glanced out the window, the scenery unfolded before me — towering trees lining the road, their shadows playing with the moonlight. 


The driver, still wearing a stern expression, spoke without diverting his eyes from the path ahead. "I've seen many Nightshades lost in these woods. Dangerous place, it is." His voice carried a weight of experience, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the chance encounter. 


The night air, filled with the earthy scent of grass and the distant crackling of unseen creatures, heightened the surreal nature of the situation. I dared not question the man further, afraid that any inquiry might expose me as an imposter.


As the carriage continued its journey, I pondered the contents of the card with my newfound name — Nolan Nightshade. The very mention of Nightshade seemed to carry significance in this world, but the details remained elusive. 


With each passing moment, the sense of mystery deepened. The driver remained silent, offering no additional information. It became evident that answers would not come easily, and the path ahead promised more challenges and revelations in this peculiar realm beneath the moonlit sky. 

I pondered while looking out the window, the rhythmic clatter of hooves accompanying my thoughts. Ten minutes had passed since I entered the carriage, surrounded by the constant movement of other carriages behind and ahead. The archway we approached was a spectacle in itself, adorned with ironwork that depicted delicate, intricate flowers. As we neared, the city's name, "Dawnsend," was proudly inscribed atop the arch. 


The rider, whose face bore the rugged marks of war, broke the silence with a gruff remark, "Oh, the city of hope." The archway opened up to reveal the bustling streets of Dawnsend, alive with activity. The intricate details of the flowers on the archway seemed to be mirrored in the various banners and signs adorning the city's buildings. 

 Entering the city, I found myself on bustling streets teeming with people. The uniformity of the crowd caught my attention—they all wore simple black coats, black hats, and gray pants. Nearly everyone was dressed in identical attire, except for a few destitute individuals huddled near the shops. Clad in coats crafted from colorful patches, they sought refuge but were promptly chased away by vigilant shopkeepers. 


The architecture of Dawnsend's buildings evoked a Victorian charm, constructed with a combination of wood and stone. Victorian-style structures lined the streets, and the city's atmosphere was a blend of daily life and the echoes of a bygone era. As I observed, the carriage approached a particular destination—the "Nightshade Agency." 


In moments, the carriage halted in front of the agency, and the man accompanying me uttered, "Time to get off." Before I could open the door, he swiftly dismounted, rushing to open it for me. "I almost forgot my manners," he mumbled, revealing an unexpected touch of courtesy. Stepping out of the carriage, I stood before the Nightshade Agency, feeling the imposing presence of the stone and wood structure. The street sign identified the location as Almond Street, and the agency's number, 23, hinted at a semblance of modernity in this mysterious world. As the man departed, he bid me an enigmatic farewell, "The night shines on you." Perplexed, I responded in kind, "The night shines on you."