
The Secrets of the Ballroom

I'm Liddiexi of The Horde. I've been running from my past for years. Only thing is, I can't remember anything about it. My world has been torn apart and fractured into 5 kingdoms. Ice, Fire, Dark Death, Lost Light, and The O.T.H.E.R.S metropolis... Only, one has been burned to ashe. My kingdom. Will you help me with this journey to figure out how and who destroyed Flamealicor?

Jadyn_010 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 1 - Fire Starter...

Logan Laughs loudly at the joke mum told us. I'm Liddianna Garcia. Princess of Flamealicor, I'm 12 years old. while my brother is 10.

" May I ask where all your food is missing, Liddie?" Mum asks me.

I stare blankly at her.

( was it Xaki? He's an invisible dragon at times... oh dear. mum won't be happy.)

I bite my lip and think of an excuse.

"... I ate it all, but... I've a stomach ache, may I be excused?" I ask.

Logan looks at me and scoffs. Mum observes me for a while and walks away with a yes wave.

I smile and leave the dinning room, leaving logan to eat by himself. I breathe in all the castle air.

( The Ballroom looks so pretty in the moonlight. )

I start walking into the ballroom. Nobody has danced in this ballroom for over 10 years. As I start to walk underneath the cool orange light, when I start to notice a hooded person with a black light ora.

I investigate it but stepping towards it. I slightly lift the hood of the figure, when all of a sudden he grabs my arm and whispered my name.

" Liddianna..."

I get shivers at his voice. He had red like mother, and almost black eyes like pa.

" Logan? " I ask and take my arm away.

He puts the hood back up and lights the torch against the wall. Everything turns black with the smell of death.


A giant chunk of the ceiling falls down.

" Liddianna! Where are you? Logan?" I hear mum yell.

I tell out mum, and the hooded figure stares blankly at me. I tell out again, and he sleeps me across the face. I frighteningly look out into the black smoke when I see a young man of about 17 come towards me after riding from the ground. I struggle away and he grabs my hand right before another piece of the ceiling falls stop of me. Next thing that happened was I looked into the forest to my left and attempted at running, but the young man puts a hand on my head and I fall to the ground. That's all I remember of that faithful day...